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DOMINGO EN FUEGO / joining - Printable Version

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DOMINGO EN FUEGO / joining - Character Graveyard. - 11-22-2018

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The soft sound of rain could be heard hitting against the forest floor, dirt slowly turning to mud. Other than the noise the rain was making upon hitting the ground, the forest was filled with an eerie silence. It sent shivers running down Alluka's spine. The young female was lost and frightened. Being in an unknown territory, that wasn't very surprising, as she was only six months old. Her lithe, black pelt was caked, almost completely, in mud and dirt and her blue eyes had exhaustion in them.

After a couple of minutes of walking, the black-pelted female came to a halt and she lied down on the ground, frowning heavily. She began to slowly shut her eyes, darkness quickly flooding her vision. When her eyes shut completely, sleep crashed over Alluka, like a wave rolling up to sand.

Re: DOMINGO EN FUEGO / joining - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 11-22-2018

The calico had an extreme distaste for going around outdoors when rain fell freely from the sky like it did right now. Even if it was required for life? Water was one of the females most dangerous enemies, a kryptonite for her. Yet, she still had duties to preform through the days and these forced her outside of the safe dry halls of camp. Luckily she could become intangible at will! It was perfect for avoiding the rain even though it made her appear to be an actual ghost which only made the already somewhat creepy female even worse.

Odd eyes focused on something in the distance one of those eyes covered by her black hair tuft sight swiftly telling her the figure ahead was a young animal. Colored paws were swiftly followed by snowy white ones, the mist from the rain not parting as she made her 'ghostly' way through it to reach the kid. "Do you know where you are." it didn't sound like a question it was completely monotone flat and soft. Jiyu stood there, stoic and emotionless deciding it was no use accusing the kid of trespassing when they could be unaware in the first place. No matter how far gone the calico went? The one soft spot remaining on her did have to do with children.

Re: DOMINGO EN FUEGO / joining - Character Graveyard. - 11-22-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 150px; height: 150px; background-image: url(; background-size: 150; background-position: 150; border: 1px white solid;"]
Alluka wasn't a big fan of rain, but it was one of the resources needed in order to survive. The main why she didn't like it, was because of the mud it made when it came into contact with the dirt. Mud was disgusting and messy. Upon hearing the feminine voice of an older female, Alluka immediately began to stir awake. Blue eyes focused on Jiyu and a soft frown formed on her maw. Warily, she took a shaky step backward.

"I don't know where I am." Alluka softly admitted, glancing upward at the older feline. "Can you tell me where I am?" One favor, if Jiyu answered her question. Two favors more then Nanika would awake. "If you don't mind, can you also help me find my big brother?"

Re: DOMINGO EN FUEGO / joining - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 11-23-2018

The wariness, the frown, none of it even processed for the calico going entirely unnoted in her void gaze. Words were able to reach through much easier, utilizing her years of life to decode them best she could. "This is Roseblood Territory, I'm Jiyu." the calico closed the rest of the distance, this was clearly just some lost child who needed help, no threat expect to her if her heart melted even the slightest bit. "Lets get you out of the rain before you get sick, we'll talk more after." finding family was important, she'd certainly help the child if she could while she seemed entirely emotionless the calico had a hard time refusing children. However, the vizers first concern was the health of the small animal, which meant getting her back to the ruins first before she could catch ill in the rain, young creatures were so susceptible to colds she'd raise so many children both born and adopted, she knew very well how comprised their immune systems were in youth. "Once you're warmed up we can see if anyone knows anything about him." for once she actually wished she had her wings back, if she had them she could use them to protect the kid from the rain until they got to the ruins.

Re: DOMINGO EN FUEGO / joining - | THE VAGABOND | - 11-25-2018

Questions no one can answer -

Mixing water and sand was probably the worst thing ever. He hated the desert enough as it already was, and now he was having to deal with it sticky to every piece of his being. He wished that they could just go somewhere else, but he wouldn't know exactly where to turn either because he was a human and everyone around him was just another animal in his eyes. He was a murderer and he was a criminal. He wasn't a good guy, but that even meant that he had his own morals that he followed by. Such as that he didn't hurt children or even think about hurting the likes of a child. In fact, it was one of his softer spots when it came to dealing with animals in this world. However, it was incredibly difficult for him to be able to understand what was considered a child in this world and what was considered a full grown animal as well. The Hellhound couldn't tell half of the time, and that affected the way he interacted with others as well. The 6ft tall canine was walking through the sand trying to make his way to the forest so that he wouldn't have to deal with the dumbass sand anymore. In the distance though, he was able to see a couple specks against the darkened sand. He was used to others looking at him in an intimidating manner, and the fact that he was the second largest creature that existed in this place. He also wore a human skull mask over his face that was distorted and elongated to fit his new muzzle that he had instead of the normal face he had when he was a human.

Not much about his other features changed all that much, which he was glad about. He was the largest of his crew as well, and despite his size, he wasn't the greatest fighter that was out there either. Being a former human meant that he had to learn about the world around him. As he approached, he noticed that there was the calico that was there, he didn't bother to remember her name or anyone's name for that matter. Not like he would be able to thanks to the memory issues that he had been having lately. Vagabond also saw a small animal that was there. Wait, was that a kitten? In the middle of the rain? A frown was hidden behind the metal mask that he wore as he made his way over. His large body weight causing him to sink slightly in the sand. The kitten certainly did look confused and not know where she was, and he was only able to hear a couple of things that she said. She was looking for her brother. The thought made his heart sink. That was horrible, even from an animal standpoint. Vagabond would offer a reassuring grin from his jaws even if it was hidden by the mask that he wore. "Hey kiddo, you'll be able to rest here." Vagabond said calmly and tried to make himself look as less intimidating as possible. "I'll help you find your brother if you'd like?" Vagabond asked, as he wasn't completely a monster and had his own agenda. It would probably do his sanity some good to help someone out from time to time. "Let's get you inside and I can get ya something to eat." The former human stated toward the dark-hued feline.