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approaching total completion // battle training - Printable Version

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approaching total completion // battle training - teef - 11-22-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_onnkcbpKQg1viiyyio1_500.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai shi sat nimbly, their eyes casting around, waiting patiently for those that would wish to come. they were holding a training day, aiming to help the others improve their battle readiness. they had heard of an attack on sunhaven, one that they had missed which pushed buttons in their heart.

they were going to teach all that participated, how to fight with the objects around them, begin training them with use of only a few senses, and teach them how to use their own body to their advantage. bai shi was well trained themselves but they always liked helping the less experienced as well as other experienced fighters.

letting out a breath, bai shi would stand before calling out, "LET THE TRAINING BEGIN!" after this shout to garner attention they would leap down from their stone perch when others began to appear. "ELEMENTAL USING ROSEBLOODS TO ME!" they would get the elementals to band together in training and support each other. they estimated that this would take the longest amount of time with teaching their 'students' how to fight with only a few of their senses coming in second longest.

Re: approaching total completion // battle training - rainier - 11-23-2018

[color=#6babb3]Bai Shhhhi-Shithead. B-Buh, Baist-stard. B-B-Baitch.” Amparo rattled off lazily, drawing near moments after she heard their call. Training, huh? This oughta be good. She was, admittedly, curious to see the skillsets of her new meatshields colleagues, and she could use some way to blow off steam, herself.

She didn’t budge following Bai Shi’s call to the elementals of the group. “[color=#6babb3]An-An-And uhh, ho-ow abo-bo-bout the re-, the rest of, of us?” Amparo pressed impatiently, scratching behind one soft, pierced ear with her hind foot. “[color=#6babb3]Tut-tut, prefere-fere-ferential tre-treatment.” She hadn’t gotten her whole daily dose of entertainment in three seconds upon arriving so of course she was going to try and pick a fight to keep herself occupied.

Re: approaching total completion // battle training - teef - 11-23-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_onnkcbpKQg1viiyyio1_500.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


the fox's whiskers twitched in plain amusement, "that, is something that I am going to discuss in a moment, bén dán." they responded, using their new favorite cuss to refer to the feline in question. flicking their tail they cleared their throat, "pick up something that may be of use in battle. currently, we will be engaging in mock battle!" they raised their voice, picking up a sturdy stick themselves. "partner up! this is only going to work with one other person!" they called, humored by the npcs scrambling to their friends and families.

Re: approaching total completion // battle training - GOLDENBOY. - 11-25-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"] Battle training. Ouch. The last time Goldenboy had gone through anything of the sort was a couple days before - well. He'd just leave it at "before". It had not been physical training though, but rather practicing his aim with a pistol and throwing dud grenades. The idea of contact in a physical fight made him uncomfortable - no, he didn't want anyone touching him, least of all in a fighting sense. Self-defense was something he was eventually going to have to re-learn, but for now, Goldenboy would sit on the sidelines and simply watch. Which was nothing to sneeze at in itself, as Goldenboy would be able to easily pick up on certain techniques simply by observing them. Actually imitating them would be another thing, but for now the caracal was fine studying the material rather than taking the test or some other metaphor about not participating. If Rimmy made an appearance Goldenboy might be tempted, as there was no way in Hell he would stand a chance against Vagabond and he still trusted Rimmy more than he did himself, but in the meantime the caracal sat off the side and flashed a grin at the other two present.

Re: approaching total completion // battle training - | THE VAGABOND | - 11-25-2018

Questions no one can answer -

In truth, he was an awful fighter if he didn't have his throwing knives with him. Right now they were the only useful weapons that he could use because taking off his mask wasn't exactly an option either. The Hellhound had no reason to use the likes of his teeth, he wasn't some damned animal after all. There was still a little semblance of hope that Vagabond had that they would all return to being human, but the more and more the days continued the less likely it seemed that it would happen and that they were actually stuck. If that was true, Vagabond wasn't sure how he was going to react either. One thing was for certain, he needed to get stronger and needed to make it so that he got injured a lot less. He seemed to constantly get injured after a job, and that just made it difficult for him out of consideration that he was struggling to heal some of the wounds that he had. None of them were infected, and he was lucky for that, but being sore all of the time was certainly a pain in the ass. Vagabond was considered to be more of the ruthless part of the crew, but there were plenty of amazing fighters and amazing specialists that were in the group as well. He wasn't just the only good fighter, as both Rimmy and Mogar were pretty damn good. He had seen Goldenboy get near a fight, but the guy had basically preferred his electronics over the likes of a gun sometimes. God, what Vagabond would give to be able to have a gun right now and make his life so much easier. A gun would do all the work for him.

One could probably consider Vagabond to be an idiot that he didn't know what his powers were called or that they were even abilities in the first place. He could conjure things sometimes, and then he could throw his knives using the air. Luckily when he had approached, his approach muffled thanks to his air elementals muffling the sound his paws made in the sand, making him somewhat stealthy, he only heard Bai Shi calling out for battle training. In Vagabond's eyes, the kid was just a kid and nothing else. Sure, the guy talked like he was an adult, but he had met children like that before when they were forced to grow up way too quickly. He flicked one of his ears as he would stop in Goldenboy's blind spot. Vagabond would wait there for a couple seconds and move one of his legs as he attempted to give Goldenboy a small scare as he seemingly appeared out of nowhere for the caracal. If that worked, the Hellhound would chuckle a little bit as he would stride forward. He had no intention of joining the 'training' or whatever it was called as he did his training alone most of the time. Unless someone tried to spar him, which Rimmy had done at one point when they were human. "Aren't you a little bit young to be thinking about fighting?" Vagabond questioned with a small tilt of his head. His question was genuine, as he didn't like the idea of watching a child fight when there were plenty of adults around.

Re: approaching total completion // battle training - teef - 11-26-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_onnkcbpKQg1viiyyio1_500.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


an amused smirk would rise on their lips at the question that vagabond directed to them. they would shake their head simply, "I am not as young as this body shows me to be. this body is a recent addition to my forms. it is simply easiest to appear like this to everyone. so no, to answer your words, I am not to young but I doubt that will change your mind." they chuckled softly as they shrugged their jian off and put it to the side.

they were getting antsy, wanting to be doing something with their time. annoyance rippled through them -- only one sparring partner. oh well. maybe when they held training again later on, there would be a better response. they turned their head to amparo, "ready?" they asked, ears flipping up as they asked.

their eyes turned to the empty field that they had discovered, protected by the foliage above from the harshness of the sun. they would proceed to play with the bough that they had picked up, before rising on their back legs, aiming at the trunk of a tree not far away. they used their air elemental to bring the bough to balance, suddenly thrusting the bough after they released their grip. the bough would pierce into the trunk of the other tree a decent way in, the bark splintering and flying everywhere. when a piece would clip their shoulder, it bounced off with a clang, the shine of pure gold gleaming through their fur. they grunted, walking over to retrieve the bough and throw again, needing to exert some of the violent energy buried in their core.

(disclaimer -- their actual attacks against an enemy wouldnt be this powerful. it is mainly them using their own strength and will with their element to throw the bough)

Re: approaching total completion // battle training - rainier - 11-27-2018

"[color=#6bbab3]Wha-What is th-, is that?" She demanded suddenly. Bén dán. That was, what, the third time Bai Shi had said it? Initially, Amparo had been gracious enough to assume it was nothing, but three times isn't nothing, and she didn't like it. Still, at Bai Shi's next instruction, the little cat meandered about until she found a stick she could hold (which sat closer to the 'twig' end of the spectrum, in all honesty). I don't see how this shit'll help me. Yeah, yeah, whatever, found objects being of use in combat and all, but she preferred to use what she was born with. Still, she held the stick tightly and swallowed down her growing embarrassment over it.

Ready? Huh? Was she? No! This is stupid and I hate it already and I hate you! But that'd be especially hard to voice around her stick so she settled with giving the fox a stern, angry glare that melted away in shock when they demonstrated their elemental ability on that tree. Amparo spat her stick out. "[color=#3babb6]Wh-Wha-What the hell!" She pressed her body flat and scooted backwards. "[color=#6babb3]Cou-ould you," This was a game changer, and now Amparo's mental perception of Bai Shi was updated (particularly their threat level). "[color=#6babb3]Try to, to, to b-be any lo-louder?" She finished dryly, downplaying her alarm as sarcasm.

Re: approaching total completion // battle training - teef - 11-27-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a pleased smile graced their face before it quickly faded, "oh that? mmm. just a ... compliment for one of your stature." compared to one of my eggs in size, at least, they would add on mentally with a snort. the words could roughly be translated into 'stupid egg', an insult by all rights if one had well, a sense of chinese humor.

bai shi kicked their lips at her words, "try? oh no, not a matter of trying. just a fact of being at my natural volume." their voice may take on an underlay of a growl. with all that was happening especially in regards to their father joining, they were feeling increasingly agitated and furtively violent. they had no way to take it out other than doing this and proceeding to go on raids on the enemy.

Re: approaching total completion // battle training - teef - 11-30-2018

[align=center][Image: bd673b20-59a5-0133-9e4e-0af7184f89fb.gif]


" i am the god-damn king !! "


the white hellhound would quietly approach, watching his eldest practice their weaponry with the others around. he chuckled slightly, the male sitting down near the other duo, his eyes on the two smaller folk about to start sparring.

short post //