Beasts of Beyond
MY MOTHER SHE TOLD ME // Prank *Weekly Tasks 11/22* // DON'T BE A QUITTER - Printable Version

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MY MOTHER SHE TOLD ME // Prank *Weekly Tasks 11/22* // DON'T BE A QUITTER - CAESAR CIPHER. - 11-22-2018

//Small gore warning in the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs. A major gore warning in the 4th paragraph (it is put in a spoiler), as I get a bit more detailed.
TL;DR: Caesar came and attacked an NPC, cut them open, and left part of their intestines on the gate. The NPC also has a triangle brand on their forehead.

"Execute a prank on The Typhoon." Ninazu's words echoed in Caesar's mind as the demon prowled towards the territory he knew so well. "Make sure to show that we're better, hm?" The feline licked his lips at those words, the ever-growing feeling of bloodlust filling him as he continued to near The Typhoon's territory. The railroad was cold on his paws as he walked across it but it was oh, so worth it. Unfortunately being kicked out of the place meant that he had to use the railroad as a means to get across to the island, but that also meant he would find somebody very easily. But the again, it was just starting to become dawn, so... perhaps not. As luck would have it though, an NPC was on their way towards the gate, likely to check up on joiners. They opened up the gate and Caesar took his chance and leaped, causing the NPC to cry out in alarm.

The NPC recognized Caesar and opened their mouth to warn the clan, but the demon covered their mouth quickly with one of his paws. His long tail lashed about wildly and he felt the NPC writhe beneath him, his claws just now beginning to prick into their skin. Their eyes were wide with shock and fear, which Caesar found absolutely amazing. Oh, how I've missed this. The former Head Officer thought to himself before leaning forward quickly and gripping the NPC's throat between his jaws. His teeth easily ripped through the skin, blood slowly making its way into his mouth. The taste was sharp but welcomed and Caesar relished in the feeling of it, as well as the NPC trying their best to scream in pain and for help.

Caesar didn't let them live for much longer, however. The savannah quickly pulled back, tearing apart the skin with him as he harshly jerked his head. Bright red blood spouted from the NPC for a few seconds before it slowed down to a trickle as their life finally gave away. Caesar licked his lips, cleaning off some of the blood he had gotten on his muzzle, a satisfied hum escaping him as he released the NPC and let them lay limp on the railroad. The Dweller looked up, realizing that his time to return to The Pitt was near and decided to quickly get to work on his prank - because he wasn't done yet. Caesar quickly got the knife Roxanne had given him so many months ago, releasing it from the sheathe he had on his arm. He grabbed a hold of the NPC's body, using his knife to cut open their stomach.

slightly detailed gore:
And that was that. Of course, Caesar's paws were covered in the NPC's blood and he wasn't an idiot to lead The Typhoon to The Pitt's camp (not like they didn't know it anyway). Besides, it wasn't like he was hiding his scent anyway. The savannah hopped into the water, swimming towards the shore and headed back off towards his new home.