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raining hell | PITTIAN RAID - Printable Version

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raining hell | PITTIAN RAID - Stryker - 11-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] The force was ready to go. These brute warriors had been filling themselves with information for days on end and training for this moment for a long time. After days of training, the Pittians were ready to head into battle with their heads held high and a ruffled appearance. Trained to strike and kill, these ferocious warriors were doing whatever it took to defeat their enemy. With a strong leader at their front, they were bound to do anything. Their cries of war could be heard from afar, alerting their arrival as they rushed into battle with a mischievous glare in their soulless eyes. In the distance they could see their target: the mountains. With the Sunhaven cornered due to their recent floods, they were vulnerable. Of course, The Pitt saw their chance.

The Pittians grew closer to the mountains edge, flocking together in a large group. Pointed faces stared intently. Soon enough, they reached the mountain’s getaway spot. The group began to encircle their temporary city, waiting for their signal from their general. Jagged claws readied themselves. Tensions were growing... Blackened eyes narrowed and muscles grew tight as they awaited their call that was soon to come. Their general was alert and awaiting his chance. Stryker, unlike the gathered, was relaxed and practically feeling high from all of this. Sunhaven was getting what they deserve.

After the Typhoon managed to raid them and burn the ancient city, Sunhaven decided to hop on the train. Their ‘lovely’ deputy Buckingham even dared to challenge him. Dismayed and feeling betrayed, the lion set out on a mission to get his revenge, no matter how ridiculous or petty it was. To him, a raid sufficed. They did not deserve the wrath of a full-on battle like The Typhoon or The Rosebloods for their crimes against him. Of course, if things were to proceed in the wrong direction, things would get worse for their bloody asses. That was common sense though. Finding a content plan, the ardent proceeded and now they were here, ready to attack in such a wonderful way.

It was go-time.

A wild call came from above. The group dove into battle. From above, they reigned with talons outstretched and beaks wide. Hundreds of seagulls reigned above the mountains, their shit protruding in all directions and landing all around the mountain. The children would scream in terror, the adults would run for their life, and the brave warriors who once wanted to defend their clan would beg for the mercy at the reigning hell of everloving seagull shit. For once, they would not ask ‘Is it raining cats and dogs?’, but instead screech that birds and feces were flying their way. Not only seagulls gathered, but other flying birds joined in on their demented mob mentality and begun to shoot their shot at the Sunhaven members. As some shot their liquid deficits, others in the flock attacked with wide claws and pointed beaks.

But how had this hell started? The everloving vicious ardent of the Pitt knew he had to gain his revenge and do it with a message. After stalking around with Sundae, he had found his idea. What remained on the flooded beaches were stranded seagulls on the rocks. They awaited a purpose. Stryker took this opportunity to use their vulnerable minds. Through mass mental manipulation, they fell right into his paws and began to follow his every command. Not only mentally did they comply, but physically. The lion found conscience in that... Getting them to listen was as simple as that. With a wicked lead, he led the group into Sunhaven (along with some of their avian friends and shapeshifting Pittians) and began to execute his plan. Thus the shit storm began.

//mobile! + blame axiom for this

Re: raining hell | PITTIAN RAID - ninazu - 11-22-2018

© lexasperated
Trapping an osprey long enough to possess hadn't been easy for the woman, but she wasn't about to miss this shit storm for the world. With her larger body, she stuck out against the little seagull army -- but, that seemed redundant when she'd likely be the only one of them spewing fire and lightning. That in addition to the shit, of course.

Flying in formation at Stryker's right, the golden-eyed avian looked below for her first target.

Re: raining hell | PITTIAN RAID - teef - 11-22-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


a small femme darted among the bird feces dropping down, her chest huffing as the russian blue limped through the onslaught. this isnt normal. it's almost like when the alligators attacked back home she growled in thought, ears back against the bird feces that clung to her fur, staining it white.

lifting her head, the femme cried out, "GIE TH' KIDS INDOORS!!" as she turned her eyes to the sky she felt her pelt bristle. there was a familiarity to this, a sense of violence kindling in the air like a wild-fire about to snap. hackles raising, the femme took off towards one of the few trees that would grow on the mountain, claws biting into the bitter and soggy wood.

even with a nearly healed broken leg and various injuries, finnloch would claw her way up the tree, giving her battle cry, leaping out of her perch at the oncoming birds, claws quickly grappling into the body of one mind-controlled seagull, using her lighter weight to fight with the gravity that pulled them both down towards the ground in a spiral.

Re: raining hell | PITTIAN RAID - Dimitri - 11-22-2018

  The familiar scent of the Pitt hit his nose and Dimitri shot up from his bed. ALready thier minds were reeling trying to discuss solutions. You should run like you did last time. No- that wasn't the right thing to do.
He was so scared, already. Sunhaven was already unsafe for them. He stood to leave. Don't forget the bag! Leave the bag! Oh god- what if it slowed him down and he wasn't able to get out of here? Where was Delta? Delta would know what to do.
They had to get out of here, they had to run, he saw an image of Atbash's broken body held from Stryker's paw in his mind. He didn't want that to happen to him. They couldn't take it-
Dimitri gasped, his eyes changing orange as Delta took control.
She looked outside and quickly decided to bury and hide their bag. If it went poorly, she would grab their things and run. The cat shifted, bones breaking and body growing as she turned into a scarred tiger, prowling out of their den and looking around.

They'd run if they had to, against her better judgement. Delta wasn't a coward.


Re: raining hell | PITTIAN RAID - guts - 11-23-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
The last time she had been in any sort of fight was back at the Ascendants raid, creeping along their halls and striking in the middle of the night, when they least expected their presence. It was a shame she was stuck fighting a little kid who was barely fit for her claws. She may have been a few things, but she wasn't the kind to hurt a kid--even she had standards. But everyone else was free-game, especially if they had the audacity to enter their own camp, especially when they were in a tough spot.

Her lips curl, a growl vibrating behind sharp teeth as she watches the on-coming flock of birds, confused and on edge. This definitely wasn't normal. Seagulls flying up to attack them on the mountain? There was something up. As flecks of shit hit her from above, she trailed after Finnloch's lead, hoping to find the shit-heads responsible for the literal storm of feces. "I fucking hate birds." she grumbled under her breath, scrambling up another tree to dive-bomb onto a seagull.

It's not hard to get it to the ground, the wolf springing from the branch and dragging the bird squawking onto the ground, the landing softened by the blanket of snow. In the struggle of feathers, she clamped her teeth onto the neck, swiftly killing the bird and wasting no time in climbing back up to repeat. "character's speech."

Re: raining hell | PITTIAN RAID - rhosmari - 11-23-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FEELING, LIKE I'M TOUCHING THE CEILING — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]It was truly strange that seagulls would come up to the mountains where the air was too thin and the wind was chilling to the bone. Such birds preferred to stay near the beach areas for food and safe haven and when something this large and this crazed blossomed in the air the leader could think of only one thing. This was an organized attack on her people. By whom she could already guess considering Sunhaven’s involvement with the Typhoon raid in which the burning of the Pitt’s territory happened. Something she very well thought they deserved for their crimes against their ally. But for them to use such cheap parlor tricks to attempt to attack her people she did not enjoy and when the screeching came of birds and the raining of shit flew she couldn’t help but laugh to herself inwardly at the whole ordeal. Was this all that the brute had to offer was shit flinging avians who attempted to dive bomb them. As she moved she made sure that her group mates were safe, coming close to Ymir. Any avians that flew in her general direction was sent harshly to the ground although Marina did not directly touch them. No, she was too angry and too pissed to look at the birds and her blood bending broke their wings and sent them to the ground to never fly again. Her eyes lifted up to the sky and birds began to fall in a larger volume, necks breaking and some just falling to smash against the ground before she howled, a growling sound that lifted up into the skies. ”Stryker! I know you are behind this! Fight me you coward! Your numbers are weak and so are you if you can not depend on your own group to fight for you!”

Re: raining hell | PITTIAN RAID - Stryker - 11-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] The birds continued to swarm the clan, as if they didn't notice their enemy's pitiful speech. Truly, there was no intent of a real raid. That was obvious. In the meantime, Stryker just flew around in circles and watched as his miniature army of shit airplanes wrecked Sunhaven quite hilariously.

Re: raining hell | PITTIAN RAID - rhosmari - 11-23-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FEELING, LIKE I'M TOUCHING THE CEILING — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]When there was no reply, no reflection to deny her claim then she took it as truth that he was weak and he was a coward. The mountains was just a place within their territory and rather it got pelted by shit or lot mattered little to her. The snow would come again and it would cover and melt to begin again and clean what this was away. To her this was only a state of a tantrum from the Pitt leader because of his home being burned and there being nothing he could do about it. She snorted before she looked to the others before calling out with nary a worry in her gaze. ”Everyone get indoors. This is nothing but a tantrum from a leader who couldn’t protect his own and thought he could escape punishment. Birds can’t shit forever as they will very soon exhaust themselves or kill themselves. This won’t matter in the end and if he wants tae be a child. Let him. We will show him a thing or two soon.” With that said she motioned to the thick stone structure homes as she moved toward her own though she made sure to wait, deflecting birds in mass as they attempted to continue their ‘attacks’. His numbers were dwindling even if it was a slow process.

Re: raining hell | PITTIAN RAID - guts - 11-24-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
She had taken down at least five of the annoying bastards before Marina called out to them, anger clear in her tone. Well then, that settled it. Lifting her fresh kill by the neck, she followed the order, pleased to get out of the shitstorm. "You got it, boss." she says to her, then turns. "And thanks for the free food, shitheads!" she calls out to whoever Stryker was. A douchebag, by the sound of it. With it said and done, she ducked into her makeshift hut, happy to gorge herself on her duck meal. "character's speech."