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your heart is ticking like a clock / potluck - Printable Version

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your heart is ticking like a clock / potluck - sephiroth - 11-21-2018

[Image: tumblr_p2mk7fd1GL1vrtvtlo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"](retro to territory destruction)

Needing to stay friendly with allies was something he needed to do, despite the fact he'd really rather not.  Anyways, it was a duty of being leader that needed to be fulfilled.  And hey, others could put work into this so it wasn't all on him.  Especially when he wasn't in the best state of mind, the Pharaoh figured that keeping to himself would be better.  But, duty called, so he hauled himself out of his quarters and got to work.

Lights and orange and red decorations had been strewn about the ruins, and the outside entrance had also been framed with streams of autumn colors.  They didn't really show in the jungle, there weren't exactly four seasons in the territory, so it was a decent change of pace.  There had been a table set up inside for everybody to bring their dishes and set them among the others for the guests and hosts alike to enjoy; there was already some seasonal staples like various cooked birds and pumpkin flavored pastries.  There would no doubt be extra activities for others to do shortly, minor things has been discussed and Sephiroth liked for there to be activity with their allies.

Speaking of the silver devil he was seated by the table, the prospect of allies arriving being the only thing to keep him from laying down in his tiredness, still not exactly having slept.  But Sephiroth forced himself to keep awake and focused on the task of seemingly looking presentable.  He would roll the muscles in his shoulders boredly, trusting the members he had assigned to send out invites to do their duty and soon the ruin would be filled with delectable food scents and chatter he could idly listen too and pick apart.  His mind was void of voices, he could do as he pleased.

Re: your heart is ticking like a clock / potluck - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 11-21-2018

At least Sep was putting in the efforts to make nice with allies even though the Calico doubted any reign would ever last long, the world was unstable and shattered one lion couldn't change that. Honestly, it was such a shame he was actually doing so good, but he still missed the most important thing she had seen across her life that would truly bring the stability she desired. That tiny final piece of the puzzle that was still absent? Was something she could not inform any animal of because she had only seen it, even across her long life she'd never come to understand why it worked or what to call that secret. Jiyu would enjoy these things while she could, the calico didn't feel but she could be content and that was what this was.

Wide paws stepped against the ground of the hall as she padded up next to him, circling once before she took her seat beside him. "It's looking good so far, hopefully the others will show up soon." the calico spoke her monotone voice nothing expect static as she gazed out at it all. If only these things could last, but it never did.

Re: your heart is ticking like a clock / potluck - teef - 11-22-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_onnkcbpKQg1viiyyio1_500.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a fox moved into the hall, carrying a basket of food. they lifted onto their hindquarters, using their air elemental to balance themselves. sitting down their basket they proceeded to pull out several dishes favored by those of their culture. among the plates they set down were both vegetarian and omnivorous delights. their favorites had to be the soup dumplings, the pork ribs made with plum preserves, and eggplant with garlic sauce.

flicking their ears, bai shi stepped back and away from the tables, the gold and platinum fox slipping off a distance, pulling out a few more things from their basket. they took out a beautiful blade sheathed in a very delicate-looking scabbard. it was an important cultural piece to them, directly tied to their past and former human body. it wasn't the full length of a blade, but rather a smaller blade, still effective. something a woman may have carried strapped to their thigh, hidden by traditional dress at the time.

carefully slipping the strap attached to the scabbard around their shoulder they bowed their head to sephiroth and jiyu, a replacement of the formal handshaking they would have approached with. speaking they murmured, "Ni hao, wo de ming zi shi bai shi. hello, my name is bai shi." they would translate politely.

Re: your heart is ticking like a clock / potluck - arcy - 11-26-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Despite his status as an ambassador, Eddie didn't particularly care for ally events. Which was a strange opinion -- this was the first one he'd been to. But, it was .. interaction that they needed. He heaves a sigh.
Cooking for this had been .. hell. And so had inviting Tanglewood. Both had involved plenty of arguing with his bodymate, but .. especially the cooking. Eddie had never been a cook -- Annie had always been the one to do so, though he tried to help. It .. hadn't turned out especially well. But, well, Eddie had tried. He holds a pot in his arms, nearly stumbling as he delivers it to the table. Ugh. Potlucks. Venom had wanted to make tatortots -- which had been hell to say no to. But, in the end, he'd just brought some stir fry. The raccoon huffs, and skulks away. He isn't in the mood to interact with his clanmates -- not that he ever really is, anti-social creature he is. Instead, Eddie focuses on the food. People would show up, and so would the events, too. For now, though, he's content in his little corner.
//sorry im tired sdfdsf