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thoughts on tanglewood? - Printable Version

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thoughts on tanglewood? - pallid-i - 11-21-2018

im asking bc im curious on what people think of it. i recently rejoined the group with a new character, but my characters tend to not stick around for too long there because responses are slow (which is forgivable in all honesty. people are busy with life). also, from my short time there and previous other short times being there, nothing really seems to happen? no events, no interesting interactions with other clans, etc.
i always try to jump back into the group every chance i get, but like i said, my characters tend to not stick around because of the lack of interesting things

Re: thoughts on tanglewood? - OMEGA - 11-21-2018

i friggin' love tanglewood.
the cast of characters there is diverse && i do find that there are quite a few events, with things mainly just slowing down because of irl fun times. rebuilding parts of the territory, reforming derelict things, hunting alligators, every positive event that they do end up having feels like it has direct impact on the group and that's pretty unique. i've had axle there since august and thus i may be speaking out of a place of bias (plus i end up posting every couple of days or so so i'm not directly affected by slower replies) but the chilled out ooc atmosphere and lack of seclusion makes me enjoy tanglewood quite a bit.
the only thing i would say is a clear disadvantage is the lack of engagement with other groups. some obvious tensions can be made with rosebloods in the clan but neutral groups pretty much overlooked atm. having stuff to do with the other groups now that it's closing in on christmas might help alleviate that 'stagnant' feeling or something ^^

Re: thoughts on tanglewood? - toboggan - 11-23-2018

gonna have to agree heavily with pyro on this one. (this may include bias too, lol)

i’ve also had leroy there since August, and i knew immediately that it was my home. even back when it was pretty energetic and lively, i felt that tanglewood was super chill. these days, it’s a rough patch, though i know it will recover soon enough.

i can’t think of two tanglers that are similar. it’s as if you took a bunch of unlikely misfits, all with different morals and purposes, and made a group out of them. and it works.

also, can i say that the ooc community is unique, and incredibly welcoming? it’s almost been four months, and i can still recount that my first few days were incredible.

things seem like they are slowing down, but back in September, i thought it was going to be tanglewood that was given the boot on account of how slow things were. now, with the huge influx of people like you joining, we’re making tanglewood much more active again, and i love it.

come christmastime, it’ll get quicker. i believe that’s so.

also, tanglewood’s purpose was to be that group which avoided other groups, so it kinda makes sense imo that they’re lacking normal interaction? i get where you’re coming from though; conflict can create muse, and muse means more activity.

Re: thoughts on tanglewood? - miss ririchiyo - 12-02-2018

dittoing pyro and tobo AGAIN

I've been there for a few months- Since Beck was leader, right before he disappeared. I've always enjoyed the slower pace of Tanglewood, as it allows me to keep my muse stable and not rush through a bunch of posts at once trying to keep up with it. I've played the same character for a few months now, and I still haven't grown bored or anything.

As Tobo and Pyro have said, this also might be bias because I've been there for so long and enjoy it. I think it'll speed up a bit more for christmas- I tend to make lists of events and stuff that are holiday or month based- I'm actually making a winter-themed one as we speak.

I agree with the fact that Tanglewood never really has a lot of out-of-clan drama. Even when Delilah was killed by someone who smelled like the Rosebloods, nothing really happened, but that's mainly because Tanglewood is more of a peaceful clan and prefers no violence. It's a clan for those who don't like to fight as much, really.