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SOLD SOON AFTER THE APPRAISAL // joiners - Printable Version

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SOLD SOON AFTER THE APPRAISAL // joiners - tristitia - 11-21-2018

The chimera cat had not been here, not that he had remembered. But apparently this is where All Might was. Typically, he would have never joined a group on a whim. No, these things needed to be researched, thought of. He could have been joining a group of terrible people who enjoyed torturing others. But, seeing as All Might was here, that would not be the case. Todoroki hoped so, at least. A sigh escaped him, as his odd eyes glanced -- looked, more specifically around for something. Anything. Anything besides a town and a whole lot of salty water.

Well, at least Izuku would be happy. Honestly, that's the most that would have mattered to him at this point. If he was happy, he would stay here. Speaking of which, where was that little man? His gaze swings around for the green cat. "Izuku? Izuku! Where are you?" Dang it! He had a tendency to wander around, and he would not be happy if he left Todoroki to join by himself.

// [member=183]izuku[/member] feel free to reply before he does!
the sparks send the fire down the wire

Re: SOLD SOON AFTER THE APPRAISAL // joiners - arcy - 11-21-2018

Joining Sunhaven was not Izuku's finest decision. He doesn't do well in the heat, at all -- beaches were no good for him. Plus, they reminded him of the Typhoon. .. They weren't as bad as he thought they'd be, but their scent reminds him of blood and rage nonetheless.
But, Izuku is a sentimentalist if nothing else. He has nowhere to go, now that Snowbound was in flames. He's sure Atbash would be happy to see him if he joined the Ascendants, but ...
This is a fresh start.
He's feeling lighter than he has ... in months. The ever-present crushing hollowness and loneliness just .. isn't as heavy, anymore. He allows himself a grin as he investigates. He forgot how much he missed his friends. The appearance of his classmates in Snowbound had been annoying, but .. he's happy to be with Todoroki again.
He thinks he likes it here, heat and water aside. Izuku ruffles his wings, staring out into the distance with bright eyes. He's not sure if he'll like it as much as he liked Snowbound, but ... well. It was nice here.
He jolts back to attention at Todoroki's shout. His ears prick as he whirls around, smiling as he trots back to the chimera.
"Sorry, Todoroki," He apologized, his grin widening sheepishly. He .. wasn't used to having other people to stick around. It was just sort of .. he and himself. What a sad sack he was. He snorts. "I'm right here," He confirms with little pause, lowering his head to gently butt Todoroki's shoulder in apology.
//retro to flooding sdfsf

Re: SOLD SOON AFTER THE APPRAISAL // joiners - AUGUST - 11-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width:490px; font-family:arial; font-size:9pt; text-align:justify"]A fresh start indeed. August had never been so independent in his life, having lived with only his mother. Now he had to learn to be apart of a community, and hunt his own food and do pretty much everything a normal wolf did... without mom. Well, for the time being, at least. She'd show up looking for him soon, he knew it.

The wolf pup wasn't too sure if he could be out of the main camp. He knew that his mother would warn against it, but right now, he was curious about everything. A duo of strangers was no exception. A gut feeling told him to be wary, and that he did, but he couldn't just turn around and leave them to wander in the territory... could he? Was it his job to confront them?

So, hesitantly, he would approach them. They had colorful and unnatural markings, which he could not help but notice. "Wh... Who are you?" He asked, referring to them both. The boy was a little tense; the strangers didn't appear to pose a threat, but then again, looks could've been deceiving. He knew that he could never be too cautious around people he didn't know.

Re: SOLD SOON AFTER THE APPRAISAL // joiners - Dimitri - 11-22-2018

  They’d left Snowbound, so this place was a fresh start for Dimitri too. They can here out of interest of the weather. It was supposed to be more pleasant here, warm, but of course they came right after a flood and everything was ruined.

It’s not your fault. Yeah. Dimitri just had to keep that in mind. He didn’t do anything wrong.

”Izuku? H- hey!”


Re: SOLD SOON AFTER THE APPRAISAL // joiners - rhosmari - 11-23-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FEELING, LIKE I'M TOUCHING THE CEILING — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]The Typhoon currently was a valuable ally even if it was still deemed a trial alliance and she had plans to visit them and to ask about that and if they were to become official. But for now the woman was trying to get her own group back on their paws. Hearing voices seemed to always herald the coming of the Helion and the large warhound made her way over to the area with a casualness to her steps. Cool green eyes with serpentine like pupils focused on the two individuals that had come upon the border and she was happy to see that they could get to the border. But everyday the water was causing an issue and that was what mattered in the end. The water had become a dangerous thing to every animal here. A small smile pulled along her muzzle as she dipped we head to the both of them although one seems to be familiar to Dimitri. Perhaps from Snowbound? ”Welcome tae Sunhaven. My name is Marina by the way.” Even during stressful situations she was attempting to hold a light air because that was what was expected of her.

Re: SOLD SOON AFTER THE APPRAISAL // joiners - arcy - 11-23-2018

Izuku knew the joining process well. He'd seen a lot of them. He'd been in Snowbound for a long time. So he's not surprised to see the strangers arriving, wide eyes turned on them. A wolf pup, first. Izuku tries for a bright grin towards Augustus, ignoring the pinch of anxiety. I can't do this I can't do this I can't --
Shut up.
poppyseed for insomnia and pain, comfey for broken bones, thyme for anxiety.
"Dimitri!!" Izuku's voice is clear with relief, accidentally passing over Augustus with his relief as he metaphorically floats over to the other, beaming. He wasn't particularly close to the feline, but Izuku cared for them all the same. (nearly as a friend, but Izuku hesitates to consider other people friends. What if he's just fooling himself?) "I'm so glad you're safe!!" He chirps, and lowers his head to headbutt him in the shoulder, too, before clearly thinking better of it. Awkwardly, Izuku steps back, a flicker of discomfort on his face from his almost-act, before he smiles at the feline and turns to acknowledge the others, stepping back to hover closer at Todoroki's side.
"N -- Nice to meet you! I'm Izuku," He says, and takes a second to remember Todoroki. His gaze flickers to his friend in consideration. "Th -- This is Todoroki. Uh, we're here to join," He's used to taking charge in situations like these, now. It's almost second nature. It's better than getting flustered in people's faces, at the least.

Re: SOLD SOON AFTER THE APPRAISAL // joiners - MirrorEdge - 11-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Nora was a bit late, that was clear, and usually, she wasn't around for joinings, maybe there for one or two since her own. But what drew her to this one was the commotion these two were causing, and at first, she assumed it was just due to the strange colors, one a bright green with wings, and the other looking as though somebody had taken two different colored cats and stitched them together. Did it bother her? A bit, she could safely say she was unnerved, but offered the two a smile, meant to be welcoming. "Hi there! Would you guys want something to eat?" Naturally, Nora had something on hand, the little bag of trail mix being lifted up, offered for the two to take if they chose to do so.

Before she had joined Sunhaven, she had always been a bit wary about offering food to people, let alone strangers. The woods she had grown up in, it was hard enough to get food for herself, let alone for others. Exposed her to the harsh reality much sooner than the kitten had wanted, even if now a small shred of her still held the innocence a child would have. Before, she probably would've defended her food, as with any of her possessions, but she was beginning to see that here it was okay to share, because there was always more, at least, for the time being.