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dig up her bones but leave the soul & joining - Printable Version

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dig up her bones but leave the soul & joining - sybil. - 11-21-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Darkness was the first thing she remembered. Out of the darkness came a bone-chilling cold. Out of the cold came a deep ache, a strange longing for something she could not recall. Out of the deep ache came light. The light was gentle, and it beckoned to her sweetly. She heeded its call, and then, all at once, she was awake.

The acrid taste of fall passed her parted lips, and she moved, startled, from where she had been sleeping into a standing position. Something about this moment seemed unrealistic; it felt just like a dream. The panther inhaled, softly, and allowed her eyes to scan the area. What was this place? Better yet, what we she doing here?

A panicked feeling arose in her chest, and though she tried to beat it down as best she could, it won over her senses. Despite not knowing why, every fiber of her being told her this was wrong. This was a mistake. Why did her soul feel so hollow, like there was a gaping wound where her spirit was supposed to reside? A pained sound escaped her jaws, but the noise was hoarse from the disuse of her voice.

Countless names rested on the tip of her tongue, but try as she might, she could not put them into words. Frustration replaced the pain and a scowl creased her dark features. Sybil. That was the only name that morphed into something recognizable, but it was of no use - that was her own name. She already knew that. Hadn't she?

There were glimpses, visions, of smiles and herbs and books. Each time she reached for the promise of a memory, it evaporated in her grasp. She could not comprehend the reasons for this. She tried to remember what had lead her to this moment, but there was nothing. The only memory her heart held was of her awakening. "Resurrection, Sybil," the self-correction poured from her jaws like sludge; slowly, unpleasantly. Her accent shaded her speech, and it hinted at someplace either too far to return to or somewhere that never existed at all. Sybil wasn't sure which was worse.

Cloudy eyes shifted in the direction of the Ascendants' camp. Had she known there was life here? Was that why she had found herself practically on their doorstep? As a seer, she was supposed to have answers. She despised only having questions.

Resisting the urge to move on from this place, the panther held her ground, for something had mentally clicked for her. If the spirits needed her here, then here she would be. Their faint whisperings would be her only comfort now, and that was enough for her. The seer focused her attention on the Observatory in the distance and waited.

They would come, she was told.

Re: dig up her bones but leave the soul & joining - ATTICUS - 11-21-2018

/track for tomorrow <3 welcome!

Re: dig up her bones but leave the soul & joining - agathe. - 11-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]So rarely did the universe tug on her soul itself, whispering beckons into waiting ears that grew more and more incessant the longer she chose to ignore them. Had she not been a divine worshipper of the many faced goddess, she would not have succumbed to them so soon, and it was with a huff that the snow leopard finally stood, anxious paws leading her away from the Observatory and towards the place that had suddenly become so important. The last time this feeling had engulfed her, she had been preparing to execute one of her sisters, instead turning and digging sharp claws into the chest of her grandmother. Had the stars aligned and delivered her matron to her doorstep? Did the fates simply want to see a resolution to this battle? They were technically both matrons now anyways, and two matrons within any bloodline was strictly forbidden.

One of them had to fall.

But as she paused before Sybil, it occurred to her that she was a far cry from the fight she had been mentally preparing herself for. If anything, this girl was an almost welcome sight. Almost. Agathe was wise enough to recognize her disadvantage against her grandmother and if she did turn up searching for revenge, it would be the younger snow leopard who would meet her demise, not the other way around. At least she had been given another day. Another chance. She should thank her goddess for it later.

"What's your name and business here, stranger?" The cloaked leopardess' low inquiry came, a frown appearing upon ebony lips. There was something so perplexing about the panther before her, something that caused that tugging on her soul to morph into an unrelenting yank. Agathe would only shift uncomfortably, trying her best to maintain her stony-faced expression lest that curiosity and discomfort leak through. Maybe they knew each other? Deja-vu was far from a friend of Agathe's, but the possibility that she had raided or destroyed wherever this creature had come from's home was not necessarily an unimaginable feat. She had done far worse in the past- she could hardly put it past herself. But Sybil did not appear to be here to demand any sort of retribution so Agathe merely sat back and waited, fiddling with the corner of her cloak as she so often did when she was even vaguely nervous about something.

Re: dig up her bones but leave the soul & joining - tikki - 11-21-2018

As he had been when he had first joined, Paper was messing around with leaves, making sure that they properly crunched under his paws, and for those that didn't he built a pile, ready to take them one by one to throw into the water as rejects, but it seemed as though his pile would only reach just past his paws before he noticed someone at the border further away, and Agathe padding forward to greet the person. Following after her, the male would look over the joiner, saying nothing but offering a smile, waiting to see if they would actually join or not. Maybe it was just questions, there were some who would come to borders of clans simply to ask questions. By her scent, he doubted she was here from another clan, but he could always be wrong.


Re: dig up her bones but leave the soul & joining - sybil. - 11-21-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][thank you quill!!]

The faint scent of iron wreathed around her, and curiosity filled the void in her chest. She almost laughed at that in spite of herself. The emptiness inside of her could never truly be removed by intense emotions of any kind. Her already cloudy eyes seemed more like overcast skies than ever before. The temptation to turn from this place was overwhelming, but she could feel the strings of fate tying her to these grounds. As she watched Agathe crest the land directly in front of her, Sybil wondered why it felt as though their courses were intertwined. The wind stirred gently, and Sybil let a murmur escape her. It felt as if the planets had aligned for this moment though she could not comprehend for what reasons.

Once the full visage of Agathe was in view, Sybil studied her carefully. She could not deny the tugging she felt on her own spirit, and the inaudible voices of the phantoms that trailed in her wake rose in a hauntingly beautiful chorus. It seemed her friends on the other side, the goddesses above, and fate had lead her to this time and place. She wondered why. Why was her presence needed here? Perhaps those here had no seer and no way to commune with the dead. Perhaps there was no one here versed in the art of healing. Perhaps this was some elaborate scheme, some joke played upon her by trickster wraiths. Though these thoughts whirled through her head, she couldn't help but feel as if she was supposed to be apart of something bigger here.

The question thrown her way pulled her from her mind. The cloaked femme wanted to know her name and business? Sybil's lips drew downward in a minute frown - or perhaps a grimace. Her voice was used for prophetic speech and seances only, and even then, she spoke with the tongues of others.

Her issue was cast aside momentarily as Papercrown moved forward. He presented her a happy, youthful smile. Though she was only a few months his elder, she felt so much older. She felt ancient, as if she had been lost to time and discovered years and years later, somehow in pristine condition. She simply offered him a nod in reply.

"Stranger in a strange land," she offered, after several moments. Her voice was rough and slow from disuse. "Speak once, then no more." The words seemed to echo in from another time period, and her accent lilted through her speech. "Sybil Morag. Here to stay."

Re: dig up her bones but leave the soul & joining - tikki - 11-21-2018

Wawtching as the other decided to offer him a nod in response to his smile, he was taken slightly aback by the accent that came from the other, ears flicking once in response, an indication of interest as to where this other came from, and, of course, he was curious as to why she had traveled however far she had traveled in order to make it to the place where she was at now. The dialect was something that seemed far off, rather than something closer to where he had come from - or even around where they were now. Although there were many times others that traveled far, and had different dialect, this was one that had never quite reached Papercrown's ears, and it was interesting.

Words filled his ears and understanding came to him - albeit it took him a moment to realize what was being said between the accent and the words of which she spoke - and Paper would finally speak his own words rather than wait for words to come his way. "It's nice to meet you then, Sybil." he would offer at first before more words came from his own maw, "My name is Papercrown, and welcome to the Ascendants." She was here to stay, after all, which meant that she was not simply a visitor, but a joiner - and he was glad.