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american boy + open, contemplation - Printable Version

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american boy + open, contemplation - Guru - 04-20-2018

The light dimmed on the island as Guru laid on the beach with her head craned and one paw on her now missing ear. Her actions towards Jacob, along with hurting the child known as London, had caused such a loss, which now she was starting to regret. Why, oh why did she choose to do it? Oh lord... It just had to be the satisfaction.  The rush! The power! It was glorious. Yet, the others did not seem to think the same.

Guru thought this was a clan of pirates who never gave up, who reigned hell... But no! This clan was full of scum like Pincher who reminded her of someone who could not give a vow towards atrocity. To think they did not support her. Obviously, she had to be above them, right? If they didn't understand, then she might just have to introduce her own horrific methods in front of the Typhoon itself. Guru would make them understand her enjoyment. Though, would they ever come to understand her? As she thought, a growl arose in the back of the caracal's throat. 'They will come around,' came her thoughts.

But no, they would never understand.

She was a vile,




Yet, she did not seem to understand this. This world was her world. The things around her are her playthings, even her lover that she obliterated. All she needed was to push them in the right direction and they'd dance her jig. It was pitiful, really. If there were to be any like-minded individuals out there, then they would be in a hell of a competition for the world as you know it.

Still, she was on the down low. There wasn't much to do now after she got her first strike from Pincher. Guru was no monster, but rather someone who indulged in pleasure and for now, she just had to stray until she was in the clear. Then she would go back. Positivity all around, right? When the thought crossed her mind, she visibly scowled and dropped her head slightly towards the ground in disappoint. "Fuck this, sweets," she muttered under her breath. "We'll be back on a roll in no time."

As she finished speaking, her paw lowered from her ear and towards the chopped-off one that laid in front of her. "Now," she cooed silently. "What am I gonna do with you?" Her other paw scratched her forehead in the meantime. This moment had to be commemorated somehow. Necklace? A new hat? Stitch it back on? The ideas were endless.

//this just happened. shrug.

Re: american boy + open, contemplation - georgie - 04-22-2018

Georgie hadn't quite put herself back together after...after whatever it was that had resulted in how she was now. She walked rarely now, simply teleporting sporadically until she was at her desired location. When she did walk, it was as though something was yanking on her limbs from the outside. Her breathing had never settled back into a steady, natural rhythm. It was all just heavy, relentless panting.

There was also the matter of her wanting to scratch her skin and meat free of her own bones from the inside (such was her restlessness), but that wasn't something she displayed openly. Nor would it be beneficial. I need this body.

"[color=#d4af37]Guuuuruu." She pursed her lips and dragged out the 'ooo' in a silly sort of way, voice wobbling as it left her. Like a child's imitation of a ghost. Georgie tongued the inside of one cheek, appearing closer. And then closer. "[color=#d4af37]You don't seem very happy miss Guru." Georgie commented with an exaggerated pout, spilling onto the ground with her dappled legs splayed out like a dead spider. Her stubby little tail twitched. "[color=#d4af37]I wonder why that is...and I think it's a god damn shame." She nodded her head sagely to punctuate that declaration, eyes sliding shut for just a moment. "[color=#d4af37]I could getcha happy, miss Guuuuru." Georgie eyed the ear on the ground, then the place on Guru's head where it should've been with little interest. "[color=#d4af37]It'd be fun." She slid one of her own paws into her mouth and nibbled thoughtfully.

Re: american boy + open, contemplation - coldblue - 04-22-2018

no stranger to the danger
it is safe to say that coldblue is completely oblivious to the drama regarding his mother. all he knows is that one day she left with two ears and came back with one. ever since then, she has been behaving quite strangely. mother likes what she likes, and unabashedly so. but now she seems to have...regret? the young male is not very familiar with the more complex emotions yet, but he is perceptive enough to pick up on the small alterations in guru's behavior. she isn't the greatest mother, but blue has not met very many mothers in his short life; thus he still regards her in the naive image of motherly perfection that most children do until they grow up and realize that things were not as perfect as they once thought. in his eyes, guru can do no wrong. and blue is very concerned for his beloved mother.

small paws make very little sound as they move across the sandy terrain, abnormally crystalline blue eyes shining with some unreadable emotion as blue searches for guru. he follows her scent, using this as an opportunity to practice his tracking skills. the boy really is concerned for his mother, but he is also extremely bored with staying with goldie all day and is using this as an excuse to get out of the house. rarely does he do anything that does not benefit him in some way, shape, or form. it's just not worth it to be selfless. blue has needs too.

eventually he finds mother resting on the beach in the company of a strange serval he has never met. coldblue trots right past georgie, barely even glancing at the girl as the child approaches guru. "what happened to your ear, mum?" asks the boy in a beautiful, albeit soft voice akin to gently falling snow. he brushes his cheek against her side in an affectionate although nonverbal greeting. he stares at the dismembered ear with interest for a moment or two before glancing at guru expectantly. suddenly, he seems to remember georgie's presence, and he regards the creature with a slightly narrowed eyes. "who are you?" the tone is almost accusing, as if he does not appreciate the stranger's proximity to his mother. blue really does not like strangers.

Re: american boy + open, contemplation - vellichor - 04-25-2018

Maisie wasn't sure what to think of this place quiet yet. She supposed it was significant that her spirit hadn't been whisked away yet and she knew there must be a reason that it'd remained here. Usually if she landed on a shore and didn't see Mary after the first few nights of waiting, she was gone. Yet it'd been nearly a week and here she was. Sometimes she wasn't sure if she triggered her departures or if someone else, something much bigger than her little spirit, did the work for her. Most of the time it felt like she was dropped anywhere at random, stayed for a few days, and then was forced away fro whatever reason. So why was there a break in that pattern? What purpose did she have to stay if Mary wasn't here? Maybe she was here, maybe Maisie just hadn't found her yet. It was hard to know but what she did know was that she didn't know how to leave. So, with that on her mind, she decided to wander around and get some bearings of this new place. She'd never been anywhere quite like it before and this new animal form intrigued her. She wasn't sure if she'd been an animal for. She didn't think so but maybe she had. Sometimes she didn't stay in one form for too long, sometimes she stayed in the same one for years. There wasn't much sense to her afterlife but she'd grown used to it by now.

She'd just been wandering about when she came across an unfamiliar woman with her ear on the ground. The spirit's eyes widened and she hurried towards the group in a cloud of mist, as usual. "Oh dear! What's happened to your ear?" She was new here, too new to know about the situation between Snowbound and the Typhoon or to know all that'd occurred between Pincher and Guru. "Oh! I'm sorry, it isn't polite of me to ask about such things without even proper introductions. My name is Maisie Perdita, it's a pleasure to meet you. I just arrived recently," she explained in a flustered manner, a light smile on her maw, although the glint of concern never left her light eyes.

and cruel was the ship that bore my love from me━