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discovery [★] COOL FRIENDS - Printable Version

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discovery [★] COOL FRIENDS - suvi. - 11-20-2018

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
kiira | tanglewood | chaser
Soft, snowy paws flickering in existence in dim, flickering, lantern light; a common occurrence now.  Gleaming unmatched hues dancing in the relative dark.  Little sunlight pierced through the windows, as the stars took precedence over the darkening sky.  A time to lay down perhaps, but sleep eluded the little vixen within the library walls.  Claustrophobia fought fiercely against the wild, burning curiosity of the young mind, gone too long without enough pages to fuel her.

Close to the shelves the child of the arctic paced, searching for something to call her name.  Tan leather, old spine.  The heavy scent of old books.  Kiira smiled.  That one.  Yet a little too high her quarry sat.  Even on her hind legs, the fox failed to reach, frightened if she put too much thought into it, she might accidentally find herself mid-air.  Phasing ears twitched back, disappointed.

"Dimu sagistara." Unknown language.  Familiar words, though uncertainty in where the memory had lied before.  Wherever it had, the spell worked.  The child let out a sharp exhale, eyes widening in surprise when the book seemed to move on it's own.

To her, she commanded it, watching in fascination as it levitated before her.  Enthralled, she flipped open the first page, content to just leave the book floating in front of her, easy to read.  The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe.  Familiar.

Re: discovery [★] COOL FRIENDS - arcy - 11-20-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]
Jim, against popular belief, actually liked spending some time at libraries. He'd liked Shakespeare, when he was younger. It was ... really a bit of a relief, that there were the same books here as there was home. Not modern books, but ... Classics, at least. It helped quell some of his homesickness.
He'd been up late, tonight. Mild insomnia problems, courtesy of nightmares. If it got too bad, Bones would usually sneak-hypo him, but Bones wasn't exactly here. So, yeah, Jim had some problems.
"Woah," He wasn't too surprised to see Kiira in the library at the same time -- he'd glimpsed her once or twice when he'd been in here. The floating book was new. Was this normal? He wasn't sure. Wasn't really willing to ask, though she did look somewhat surprised. "Convenient," He settles on with a grin as he circles around to look at the book itself. "Edgar Allen Poe? Good choice," He compliments as an after-thought, nodding appreciatively. He hadn't noticed that in the library before.


Re: discovery [★] COOL FRIENDS - aya - 11-20-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]The tortoiseshell had not quite been herself since returning from... Somewhere. The cat sort of stumbled over, squinting at the book as the letters tied themselves together. "Goth... legend." Was all Aya could bring herself to say, stumbling over her words as if she was drunk. In actuality she was probably injured in the brain, but she figured if she ignored it it would fix itself. Her gaze shifted upward as she leered at Jim, trying to make her eyes see actual things instead of a Picasso painting, before finally muttering, "'M Aya. You're hot." Her actual brain function and speech centre was working just fine, but couldn't she have a little fun?

tags | updated 19/11:

Re: discovery [★] COOL FRIENDS - Grimm - 11-20-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]There had been a time he had found within himself the flickering heat of wonder and passion derived from a want to learn more of the world about him, the soft crinkle of pages, dusty the smell of them, old companion. He had greatly enjoyed the various tomes contained within the small library, though such seemed all too grand a name for the mere handful of books, worn as he read them again and again, uncaring he had memorised their content until they seemed scrawled across the surface of his heart. One of but few regrets touching upon the idle strand of thought, curling within him and toning the outward touch of frown, light as it settled along bitten lips.

Dusty was it all, settling about him in a heavy layering, quiet the rush of breath through teeth stirring the motes that danced before him. Free of the covering empty were the sockets bore into the golden toned features, about it heavy the raised tissue, scars he had grown accustomed to though prove a sight to behold. Roll of head, weight shifting as limbs stretched out, grazing along the spines of a few books the pale toned toes rounding out alabaster paws. Pleasant was it though Eimi lacked the necessary sense to permit him the chance to read once more, the feel of cracked, aged leather brushing against his fur, the mild dew and dusty combined into a smell familiar, home in a way, taken with it all.

“Huh...” Puff of breath passing parted teeth, scrape of claws as hurried were his movements to straight himself. Over time the other senses left to him had grown acute to make up for the lack of one, yet there had been nothing, the vulpine unnoticed until voice rose. Unfamiliar the words escaping her, strange the structure until it broke apart, the exhale speaking of something he may only guess at. Shuffling steps, drag of heavy paws along the ground, pink nose twitching as it poked out from behind the shelves, hiding from the others present the sorry state of his face. “I uh... h-hello... what are you reading?”

Re: discovery [★] COOL FRIENDS - suvi. - 11-21-2018

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
kiira | tanglewood | chaser
Acostumed as she was to other frequent library visitors, the chaser nearly did jump.  Her eyes danced away, from old pages and ink to Jim, ears flicking back sheepishly.  Shuffling paws -- even as they shimmered and lost corporal form -- in uncertain embarrassment.  The spell, she stores back into her mind, ready to revisit another time.  "D-definately h-helps," she agreed readily.  Always nice to have a backup for those times she found herself too short.

"I-I think... I-I've rea-read it be-before." No confidence, all weary assumption.  Every word seems familiar, as if she'd taken them in before and kept them close.  Futile traces of a life past.  I don't remember.  I want to remember.

Head on a swivel, clauserphobic catches of breath.  Kiira blinks at the feline, teeth catching absently on the inside of her cheek.  Poe... Gothic... Affirmation rang in her mind.  Old knowledge resurfacing in the crevices of her mind.

Her nervous attention loses track of the tortoishell.  Eimi.  A shy smile pulls her lips away from the thought heavy frown.  Friendly ease in answering as she regarded the floating litature.  "Th-The Complete Wo-works of Edgar Al-Allen P-Poe." Hesitant paw -- for once remaining stable in shape, despite her wary eyes -- flipped through pages.  "T-This one... I-I know thi-this one.  The Ra-Raven." There's a giddiness to finding something lost.  Something memorable from before.  Important.  Like a connection to where she came from, what she couldn't recall.

[ Mobile ]

Re: discovery [★] COOL FRIENDS - Anubis. - 11-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]"Poe's good." The words feel heavy out of his mouth. The young god flicked his ear as he popped his head over towards the little group, dark eyes flickering.  To hear The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe uttered by Kiira unnerved him.  The love of books -- of knowledge -- reminded him eerily of another.  The wolf chewed the inside of his cheek before slowly padding closer.

He felt more intrigued about the fact the book was floating in mid-air.  Does she have the Force?  His eyes brightened at the joke, but he knew not where a certain young Jedi was to share it.  A pity, since the marten would probably find this interesting as well, but... Well, he knew better.  Magic, more like.

"That was a spell, yeah?" Anubis sits back on his hunches, brows creased. "I only know the Egyptian magicks, but whatever it is, it's certainly convenient.  That's cool."