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we're going up to british columbia -- intro - Printable Version

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we're going up to british columbia -- intro - Caledonia - 11-20-2018

✯ — summer paradise with you!
Caledonia had left her home before, a few times. Once, to go to Vancouver Island, which was beautiful, once to go to Washington State, which was, once again, beautiful, and then a third time to go to Toronto, which was a god-awful city. Now she was in a new place for the fourth time, but this time, she wasn't sure that she was going to come back.

don't panic.

just breathe... it will be fine.

holy hell, this is not fine! i want to go home! vancouver!

don't panic.

There were mountains here. Mountains are good. Mountains are pretty. Caledonia's home of Vancouver, British Columbia, was surrounded by mountains.

There was a beach. Beaches are good too. Caledonia lived close to the beach, in Vancouver.

Maybe this new place won't be so bad. It looks like home, sort of.

But not quite.

don't panic--

it's going to be fine.

she breathed in the mountain air.


This wasn't Vancouver. It never will be. Vancouver was beautiful. Vancouver was great, Vancouver was amazing, it was wonderful, it was perfect--

but it's a world away.

There's no point in worrying about things you can't change.

She couldn't go back. At least, not now. So, try to enjoy this place, maybe? It might not be so far away. It has mountains, it's by the ocean, maybe still in the same province? Maybe up north, in Alaska? Maybe Washington State, again?

Or it could be something completely different.

But that was okay! It's going to be fine, fine!

The caracal detected the scent of other animals. She would go talk to them, yes. Cali climbed up the mountain with ease, having climbed the mountain trails near her hometown before. It wasn't even all that different. Hopefully, these people would accept her into their society. Maybe, just maybe, she could make this place her home. Make new friendships, leave the past behind.

But Vancouver's still the most beautiful city in all of Canada! It will always be my home, no matter what.

✯ — female. sunhaven. young adult. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: we're going up to british columbia -- intro - STEVE - 11-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Leaving the past where it was proved difficult to do when it was the reason for the present. Steve was here because he had a poor record with standing by while bullies had their way, because his mother had shown him how to be a person who cared- and he was here because she'd died. It wasn't easy to just let that lie without ever thinking about it, and beyond that, he didn't want to forget any of the mistakes he'd made, however embarrassing or terrible, because if he did, who could say he wouldn't repeat them? He didn't have to live in the past -like an older woman he knew as a kid who sometimes thought he was her lost son- but he should be mindful of it. Steve couldn't ditch it all like luggage at a rest stop, seeing as he was attached to it on so many levels. He could understand the desire to, he just wouldn't want to personally.

Even less so with the places and people he remembered fondly, no matter how bittersweet. He liked to think he was pretty good at swallowing pills by now.

If he were to leave something behind, it'd be his low tolerance for the cold. Evacuating here had been necessary with the extreme flooding, but it put a strain on his lungs, and he didn't often leave shelter. It was hard to stay warm up here, though even so, it didn't keep him from going out at all, even if he hated the snow. He'd just be a useless lump, and he hated the idea of someone else having to pull his weight.

The small feline carefully walked the perimeter of the area, and his bright eyes went into a squint when he saw a strange figure coming up the mountain. They hadn't forgotten someone in the village below, had they? She didn't have the Sunhaven smell on her. "Something I can do for you, miss? The mountain's a little crowded, but there's still room if you need a place to stay."

Re: we're going up to british columbia -- intro - Caledonia - 11-20-2018

✯ — summer paradise with you!
cali felt comforted by the cat's presence. she didn't like being alone. she had come from a large city, so she was always surrounded by people. to be alone was strange, it didn't feel right.

"Hi!" she chirped. "my name's caledonia, i'm from vancouver. if i could stay with you guys, that would be great! thank you."

the caracal hesitated before speaking again.

"i'm kind of... lost."

a rather embarrassing thing to say, but to not say it would be to lie.
✯ — caracal. sunhaven. young adult. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: we're going up to british columbia -- intro - AUGUST - 11-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:490px; font-family:arial; font-size:9pt; text-align:justify"]Home. August did not know what it was like to live in a city populated with humans. He couldn't say that he had ever even met one. His home had been a small cave at the base of the mountains. He could picture it now if he really desired to do so — a grassy clearing at his doorstep, green trees sprawling about the vicinity, loads of passersby and woodland critters that he had observed day-by-day. It had been a nice little home indeed, but it had been too good to last.

This was his home now — a group called Sunhaven that resided in these mountains. Lucky for him, his thick pelt could help him brave the harsh winter temperatures. The snow turned out to be pretty cool ( when you weren't landing face-down in the stuff ). The people here were nice as well, and though his mother wasn't here like he had been expecting, perhaps she'd come looking for him soon.

The wolf pup came up beside Steve. If there had been a rule that prohibited children from roaming the territory, then August obviously hadn't received the memo. He had just happened to overhear the conversation and had come to check it out. Staring up at the caracal, he cocked his head and asked, "What's Vancouver?" August had no knowledge of the human civilizations. "I'm sure you can stay here! I was lost too, but..." A quick glance was cast towards Steve. "They gave me somewhere to stay. Everyone here is pretty nice." He offered a small smile.

Re: we're going up to british columbia -- intro - Caledonia - 11-20-2018

✯ — summer paradise with you!
a child. children are always nice to see. sometimes, caledonia missed the innocence and purity of childhood.

it was all fine, until--

"what's vancouver?"


"Vancouver is my home! It's the most beautiful city in the whole world, there's palm trees, beaches, mountains, and the city itself is so awesome! It rains, it rains a lot, but that's okay, because it's still really amazing and beautiful! And when it's sunny, the sunlight reflects off of the water and it's so, so pretty! it's also right on the coast so you can see the pacific ocean! Vancouver is so beautiful and amazing and the best city ever!"

was it obvious that caledonia loved her city? yes it was. simply saying "vancouver is a nice place" or "vancouver is my home" wasn't enough. vancouver was the best, it was perfect! and people had to know!


Caledonia you just made yourself look like a little bitch, how embarrassing!

but vancouver is just so awesome!

seriously. chill, cali.

"sorry, did i get carried away? i'm sorry."

✯ — caracal. sunhaven. young adult. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: we're going up to british columbia -- intro - guts - 11-21-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Ymir had been around humans before, but not recently--not in the same way as Caledonia. She had been one of them, a witness to their selfishness, their cruelty. Maybe that meant she was those things, too. Nevertheless, she could say all sorts of things about them, the ones that walked on two legs. Even though she had been among them for a long time, she still couldn't say she understood the things they did. Funnily enough, she didn't miss being a human. She actually enjoyed her current body a lot more, though she did miss her thumbs sometimes.

The wolf found her way over, unsure herself whether August should be there or not. It was kind of dangerous out on the mountain, but as long as someone else was there with him. Bright eyes drifting over towards Caledonia, she'd study the other female for a moment, a smug smile on her lips. Usually she wasn't a fan of people who blabbered on, but this one time, it was almost endearing. Maybe it was just because it was a girl.

"You're welcome to stay if you want to, sweetcheeks. It might not be as nice as Vancouver, but it'll get you by, yeah?" she wasn't exactly sure what this Vancouver place was, either, but she seemed pretty ecstatic about it and she didn't want to burst her bubble by confessing to not knowing what the hell she was talking about. Instead she'd just play along. "character's speech."

Re: we're going up to british columbia -- intro - rhosmari - 11-23-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FEELING, LIKE I'M TOUCHING THE CEILING — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Well that was true wasn’t it. Or at least she hopped that those that had lost their homes could see Sunhaven was not a replacement but a place they could live and call their own. She made it a point to try and focus on those that needed a home to come to because at the end of the day Sunhaven wasn’t a conflict seeking clan but she would not allow for others to step all over them when the time came for them to fight. Such as what happened with the Ascendants and their constant lack of respect for their once ally and how they treated them when important matters of accused murder was brought up. Still she hoped that perhaps one day they could put these things behind them but who knew how long that would be before she trusted the so call star learning group. Her thick paws carried her over to the area in which the conversation was taking place. Already having picked up the conversation she greeted them with a smile before sitting down and allowing her gaze to roam over those that had gathered to greet the newcomer. ”Ymir is righ’ about that ya know. Ya can make yaeself a home here in Sunhaven if ya want it. I’m Marina by the way and the leader here.”