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My new best friends // joining - Printable Version

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My new best friends // joining - vellichor - 11-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — What an interesting idea aliens were. What would they be like if they existed? Not, not if, but when she met them? Well, she wasn't quite sure, but last week she had got an idea. What if they left some sort of residue? What if they were already here and she'd missed them? She wasn't quite sure how that would happen but the thought pestered her nonetheless. So, she made some glasses. Admittedly, they looked a little goofy, but she thought they would work. If they didn't, then it was plenty of fun making them and wearing them around anyway.

In any case, she'd been wandering around all day with the darn things on and she still hadn't seen a thing. Then she spotted something. A trail. Immediately, the blind feline shot after it, following whatever it was through all sorts of shrubbery before it just... stopped. She spun rapidly in a circle until she was dizzy, sure that she'd just missed something. She glanced behind her and that trail was gone as well. "Oh, come on!" The exasperated words came in a loud huff, surely scaring off whatever it'd been. But how could you scare off residue? It must have been something else and she just hadn't made the goggles properly. Maybe she hadn't quite...

There was a sound off in the bushes. She couldn't be sure of what it was but she turned and pushed the goggles so they'd be resting on her head rather than over her eyes. "Hello? Is someone here?" The woman didn't seem to realize she'd passed into Sunhaven's territory quite some time ago in her extra-terrestrial chase. She was too busy being upset about the loss of a possible discovery to worry about scents.

Re: My new best friends // joining - teef - 11-20-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


a small gray-blue femme looked out from the bushes, tipping her head off to one side as she observed althea, curious. moving so that her presence would be noted she cleared her throat, "are you lost, little love?" her voice was rough and throaty. sounded like she had spent hours crying or screaming herself hoarse.

she moved slowly as she exited the bushes, smelling of medicines and pain. fin would kill her if they knew that their mum was out and about. she had no way to know how old the other molly was, instead trusting their mother's instincts in either regard.

she chuckled gently, limping, "oh, fancy glasses, dear. what do you see in them?" there was a warm amusement in her voice, the hints and murmurs of the highlands buried in the depths of her tone. she had been on her way to wash off the latest round of herbs after they had started to fail and smell bad. there was an infection in them, making it doubly painful for her.

althea's scent and voice had caught her attention when it had strayed so deep into their territory.

Re: My new best friends // joining - REBECCA MACK - 11-20-2018

[align=center][Image: REWjIqe.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: -15px;"]Typically most would get upset or angry to see someone trespass so carelessly into their territory, but Bex was not one of those people. In fact, she was at the opposite side of the spectrum, so much that once she had wandered right over the border of the Ascendants before she had joined Sunhaven. The Ascendants weren't too fond of her for it, and boy did they sure turn out to be a bunch of losers. Bex couldn't believe that she had nearly become one of them, after witnessing all they had did to Bucky and her clanmates. She was so fortunate to have ended up in Sunhaven, which in her opinion were the ones in the right. Even though the conflict had occurred long ago, she still wouldn't dare trust the Ascendants. They couldn't even take a joke, whereas the majority of Sunhaven seemed to at least appreciate her humor.

"Yo," the collie approached soon after Finnloch had and called out to the trespasser, who appeared to be wearing some interesting looking goggles. It was quite an odd fashion decision in Bex's mind, but she wouldn't judge. Instead she wore her usual friendly smile as she stood in front of Althea, the wind causing the camera which hung from her neck to sway slightly. "You're in Sunhaven... I'm Bex," she stated, though deciding that she didn't want to sound so boring and serious, added to the words which she already spoke. "I think I might be able to spice up those glasses for you, if you want. Make them look pretty, you know?" She just couldn't help it. They weren't the most attractive pair of glasses that she had ever seen.

Re: My new best friends // joining - vellichor - 11-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Watching as a stranger emerged, an easy smile touched the feline's lips. "Oh, don't you worry, I'm never lost. I get around rather well," she answered before hearing the stranger's next question. Without hesitation, her reply came, "I'm looking for extra terrestrial residue so I can meet an alien. I don't think they're working, though, so I think I'm going to have to start over, but that's alright. These were quite a lot of fun to make anyway." Then someone else arrived and she couldn't help but be a little impressed. How many people lived here that two people had already approached her? Was she intruding? She hoped not. She'd done that before and most places didn't really like that. She never had any malicious intent, though, she just wasn't one to watch where she was going. At least it didn't seem like these people were angry with her. Or, if they were, they were incredibly skilled in hiding it.

"Oh, I see. Well, it's very nice to meet you, Bex. My name is Althea. It's great to meet you both," she greeted with a wide smile before considering the canine's second offer. Make them look prettier? "Oh, thank you! That's very kind, but I have to take them apart and try again. Once I get them working, though, I would love for you to decorate them. I'm not very good with crafts and the like," she answered before pausing and glancing between them. "So, would it be any trouble if I stay in this... Sunhaven for awhile? Not forever, probably, I'm too restless for that, but just until I get my goggles working again or until I don't feel like staying anymore, whichever happens first."

Re: My new best friends // joining - teef - 11-20-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


a chuckle came from the petite molly. "mind my manners, dear. I'm finnloch. aliens you say?" a flicker of interest showed in her gaze before she grinned, "of course you can stay within sunhaven. well, you're going to want to see one of the others with higher ranks than us, but bex and i welcome you with open arms. mind your step though, love, it's rather wet down here still."

(sorry its short, just woke up and my muse collapsed overnight)