Beasts of Beyond
LET'S GO IN THE GARDEN / intro - Printable Version

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LET'S GO IN THE GARDEN / intro - spacexual - 11-19-2018

* Are you still there?
* ...
* Do you remember yet?
* No.
* Please keep speaking to me.

There's a beast. It invades their territory, stepping through the marsh with its large paws, long, sharp claws connected to them. It lifts its head, sniffing at the air and opening its mouth filled with ferocious teeth. It leads on a trail, silently, focused on its work. There's a beast and he is hungry.

How the Siberian tiger wound up within their territory would be a mystery to the members, and is irrelevant to him. He wandered in here, in search of food. He is aware of the scent marker, but he does not find himself caring enough to bother with it. The male knows he has experienced groups in the past, when he was different, and he can take enough from those memories to comprehend how to deal with the groups. If it was really necessary, he would force himself to join. It does not make a difference to him. He could leave whenever he wanted, but he can pick up from his memories that being a part of a group does mean free food. Speaking is not easy, but he will find a way. He performed it so easily before, after all.

But, this idea of aligning within whoever's territory he may be in right now is not at all at the top of his priorities. He came here for food, and he intends to get it. It is not easy to stalk his prey in these wetlands, but thankfully he can rely on his speed and size. His paws sink into the muddy ground quietly, gaze locked onto a rabbit in the distance, moving slowly, creeping near it. Its ears swivel in his direction, head held up alert, and this is when he takes the opportunity to lunge. His paws leap towards it, strong legs pushing him in the direction of the running prey.

However, when he lands, he finds that they are both within some sort of trap. The tiger snaps his jaws around the rabbit, attempting to pull them out, front paws tangled within the net. He lets out a snarl, thrashing around. His tail flicks back and forth rapidly, claws wiggling around as he tries to get out, only tangling himself further. He lets out a roar, struggling within the trap.

Re: LET'S GO IN THE GARDEN / intro - Grimm - 11-19-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Beast he may be, mind caught within the loop of instinct driving and hungry, working through the idle strings of thought, break of memory all that permitted a mind proven once intelligent, touching upon what works through other. He knows the taste of it, felt upon tongue the copper of blood as hunks of meat slide down his throat, burning the hunger in stomach that twisted and turned, unwanted the spoils of his actions. Yet within the structure of the mind contained in cranium touched with gold and white there is more then such, thought processed and arising in slow beats, memory entangled amongst it all.

Both are they beasts but upon different levels do they stand, not equal as of yet though such never may arise, forgotten in the exhale of breath, faint the wispy touch of mist glittering on whisker tips.

Heavy the press of paw, shift of weight allowing the moist earth to reach up the extended limb, speckling of it about the lean body. Minimal was his time here but already he had found himself accustomed, flick of rounded ears touching for brief second upon sound before next arose, rustle of things smaller then him moving, strange their shapes. And yet about face secured well is the thin fabric toned in shades of dark blue hiding from the world about him the empty expanse of sockets, darkness pooling where once eyes had been. Accustomed to the lack of it, grown better about traversing the land without aid of it, but still did he find the habit of it embedded in action.

Sharp was the twist of neck, turning the head and the ears perked, latching onto the sound of outrage, the roar of a creature of a size greater then his own. Eimi had heard of the traps, spoken to a few others of it for he had no wish to run into any, the state he was within offering only further danger from such, but it seemed another had wandered into one, the echoing roar filling his head, bringing forth a paralysing fear. Best was it to continue, find this other that had found themself caught up in a trap set by another, but so too was the idea to run, allow the next who heard it to deal with it.

“Hello?” Uneasy voice rose within the wake of the roar, unsteady the tread drawing the jaguar closer, the creaking of rope straining about the large body drawing his attention. Slowly he stepped closer though some distance was still left, unsure of how to go about assisting. “Help, s-someone is stuck...” Voice rose for the first few words before it petered out, clear the embarrassment lacing the last as silence took over once more. Slowly he approached, reaching out a paw in search of the other, thinking there might be something he may do though it was likely his efforts may only end with him becoming entangled as well.

Re: LET'S GO IN THE GARDEN / intro - spacexual - 11-20-2018

His violent thrashing continues, attempting to forcefully rip apart the net to no avail. There is that old saying, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again and it seems the large beast is taking it literally. Of course, one cannot expect results to change if they do not change the process in some manner, not that this will click in his mind. Just try again. Eventually the net must give out, surely. Snarls and growls release from him, frustration fueling his actions, sharp teeth bared. He must make this awful thing get off of him! He simply wanted to eat his rabbit in peace, but now he is trapped. He contemplates giving up, saving his energy. But, he only stops when he senses another approaching. He instantly tenses up, a low, warning rumble rising from his throat. His tail twitches back and forth and he attempts to position himself in a defensive manner. The withered, torn flower crown wrapped around his right front leg inches closer to his chest. His eyes stare at it, a fire behind the heart-shaped glow within his gaze. It speaks to him. This must be one of them.

His rumble becomes a bit louder. He does not wish to speak, but he wants them to hear his frustrations, he wants them to know not to mess with him. Danger is present. If they threaten him, he will be benefited from his strength and size, but he is tangled within the trap. It is not an ideal situation. The tiger's head slowly shifts over his catch in a protective way, not allowing anyone to take his prey away from him. It is clear, when looking closer and longer at the male, that he is skinny for a Siberian tiger. It is not to an unhealthy point, but it is noticeable.

The fact that the individual calls for help will indicate to him that they likely will not threaten him or his catch, but he does not relax. "Rrrrr-Roy," he struggles to state, grumble in his voice. If they are going to help, he will not threaten them but he will not lose his guard.

Re: LET'S GO IN THE GARDEN / intro - suvi. - 11-20-2018

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
kiira | tanglewood | chaser
Someone stealing our prey more like.  As prone, the child practically materialized beside Eimi, as if taking form from thin air.  In reality, she'd simply teleported -- on instinct rather than choice -- towards the sound of her tribemate's voice.  Snowy, unstably phasing paws landed softly on the moist ground, ears perked and swiveling towards Roy.  Unmatched hues flickered like a dancing flame on the trapped tiger.

A large, frightening beast, as far as appearances went.  Scrawny and frail, the vixen grows wary.  Can't hurt you if they can't touch you.  "Y-You shouldn't b-be hunting in so-someone else's t-territory," soft, stuttering words they were, but defense and confidence laced within.  Yet no resolve to follow through any sort of reprimand.  No desire to leave any creature trapped. "H-hold on."

She circles around the net, analyzing.  Maybe her teeth could cut it, maybe not.  If his claws couldn't... Gentle brows crease, frown pulling her lips down.  "S-stay s-still, m-maybe I c-can pull it o-off.Worth a shot. Why bother?  Slowly, the vulpine inches forward, leaning forward to grab the net with her teeth.  Gently, the child begun the process of separating net from tiger. 


Re: LET'S GO IN THE GARDEN / intro - arcy - 11-20-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]
There's something strange about the range of animals that Jim has encountered. Some were entirely gone, merely animals like any others. .. Others were like the Tanglewooders. Like humans. Jim isn't quite sure what to make of it, isn't quite sure what was different about them. Spock would probably be able to tell him, with sufficient data. .. Jim's chest tugs, pained. He misses his crew, like his heart was torn out. There was no use in getting attached, it all got taken away, but he did anyways.
"Roy, huh?" Jim says as he approaches. This one .. this one seems like a strange inbetween to the animals, and the Tanglewooders. A snarl, but still a name. The canine smiles, up to his kn -- ... up to his paws in mud. He looks casual as he regards the larger tiger, hopefully released by Kiira. "You told us your name. .. Do you have any reason to be here besides hunting?" It was worth asking. You didn't introduce yourself to the same people who's territory you invaded unless there's a point.


Re: LET'S GO IN THE GARDEN / intro - Grimm - 11-20-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Caught in throat, rumble of it raising within the spacing behind the teeth before it rose in a sudden wash of sound, curling and touching along his thoughts, filling his head until it was all there was. Stilling the paw he was reaching out retreated, darkly coloured ears flicking to press against the curve of his skull. Well does he know the frustration present in the sounds the other allows to arise, octave raising until it finds its climax, breaking until the rumble of it found structure of word.

“Roy,” slight the curl of smile, uneasy the edges of it, placating the expression. Gentle was the exhale the name rose upon, breaking apart within a sharp exhale though slight was the sound arising from his side, presence taking his attention away from the ensnared beast. Breaking and crackling, syllables repeated as voice found itself torn apart, yet within something more. Quiet the strength in each, touching upon the structure of words, biting within a way though the heat seemed for nought but show. “L-let me help.”

Shuffle of paws, leaning closer to gently press nose against the tiger, seeking out the rope binding him. If the jaguar was able to find it he moved to take it within his own teeth, paw lifting so the tips of curved claws may assist, gentle as he tugged and pulled. Brief the still of movement, swivel of ears towards the next to make his approach. Familiar the voice though fleeting had been their interaction, mere moments but enough. Pulling away, hopefully with Roy now free of the rope, Eimi reached for Kiira and made to gently move her away in case the tiger saw them as threats even with their work to free him, fearing she may be the one hurt if it came to such.

Re: LET'S GO IN THE GARDEN / intro - spacexual - 11-22-2018

More arrive, and he finds himself tensing further. There is a strength in numbers. Alarms blare within his mind and tell him to prepare to attack. But, he will not go after anyone yet. They have not acted in a threatening manner to him. The words spoken to him next were some sort of scold, that he could basically understand, but did not really care much for. He does not acknowledge it further than a glare, staring as the child approaches him. He lets out a small, warning rumble, but does not go louder or further than that. He watches her circle around, head remaining over his catch. He wishes for this to be over with already and he knows that this girl would be unlikely to act aggressive towards him, unless he did so first. She was much too small to stand a chance against him, even with the one other individual here and his trapped figure. If anyone would attack, it would be the jaguar.

He bares his teeth in a defensive manner as she gets even closer, but does not do more than that - he can see she is tugging at the net that has entangled him, even if she is getting a bit closer to his face. The jaguar reaching out and attempting aid in the endeavor would cause him to tense even further, letting out a powerful huff towards the two. Once free, he immediately grabs at his prey, picking up the prey quickly and protectively. His eyes flicker to another that arrives, pushing his body away from them.

His ears twitch once to the stranger's words, looking away. He is already tired of speaking, and he has only just stated his name. "Prrrrrey...mrrine," he grumbles, lifting his head high, biting deeper into his rabbit. What exactly he means by this is not incredibly clear, besides that he is claiming his catch. Whether he means more than this, though, would not be explained.