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when you move, i'm moved | open, history lesson - Printable Version

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when you move, i'm moved | open, history lesson - agathe. - 11-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]The deer hadn't really stood a chance, not after Agathe's sights had been set on it anyways. Hunger demanded that she kill the wide-eyed creature, striking it down without pity or remorse only to drag its carcass back to the Observatory. Too often had she just indulged herself and not thought of her clanmates - especially the younger ones. Perhaps back at home, such behavior might have been mildly accepted but here, as the Astral Seraph to these people, the blue-blooded snow leopard was forced to make sacrifices she was not necessarily familiar with. But that was okay, she was doing her divine duty to these people and had been repaid in advance by a gift from her goddess. She was still wasn't used to the idea of infinity at her paws, but she was getting used to it.

She was getting used to it.

Dropping the deer in the grand circle, Agathe would idly look around. She wasn't particularly interested in drawing attention to herself (especially since it would be easier to simply leave it and retreat to her quarters) but figured that that was also the right thing to do. She might as well make it interesting then. "Have some food and stay a while if you're interested in a history lesson about my people, the witchlings of the Iron Mountains." Her offer was not delivered in that loud voice she reserved for meetings, nothing more than a casual statement for those nearby to pick up on. Now that she thought about it, this may be the most she's said to these people outside of meetings well, ever.

Re: when you move, i'm moved | open, history lesson - ATTICUS - 11-19-2018

▹▹▹▹Was Atticus to be amazed or amused that Agathe had not only brought food for the rest of the clan (when she was typically so inclined, it seemed, to steal his kills that he had lured in), or that she was going so far as to stop, chat, and talk about her past? It was these facts alone that had drawn the black jaguar closer at the offer, dismissing whatever task it was he was originally going to go off and do as he approached. He paused first for a moment, politely dipping his head to Agathe before he stepped over to take a small bit of meat off of the offered prey and step back, settling down neatly as he dug in, going so far as to lay fully and flick his tail idly, his golden eyed gaze otherwise up upon Agathe, expectantly waiting for her to begin.

//rushed sorry <3


Re: when you move, i'm moved | open, history lesson - melody - 11-19-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The youngster drifted over, trying not to seem too interested while her ears pricked. A little voice in her head blabbered questions, but the girl refused to ask them, an anchor in her stomach silencing those thoughts. She sat down, idling, ears twitching as if waiting for something more interesting to do.

Re: when you move, i'm moved | open, history lesson - agathe. - 11-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]A part of her was glad that she had been met with no trivial greetings or mundane words, the pair that had joined her doing nothing but respecting the silence that she so easily maintained. She offered them both simple nods, her expression remaining wholly neutral as she gathered her thoughts. She supposed that she had no need to be secretive, not anymore, not when she had forsaken every aspect of her old home. In a way, they were enemies now - that meant nothing had to be left out.

"My clan was known as the Ironbeaks, one of the three groups that lived in the Iron Mountains. I am a direct descendant of a coven of witches from a time long passed but the only reminder of my divine heritage is my blue blood," Agathe paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in. There were many aspects of her clan and its history that were as bloody as they were confusing and even overwhelming. Especially with the presence of a child among them, she knew she needed to take breaks every now and then. "Long before my birth and even the birth of my matron, the grandmother, there was a great war among the witches that resulted in their untimely demise. The founder of our clan was the last touch we had with that world and eventually, each and every one of my ancestors lost their magic. Despite all that, my bloodline in particular remained in charge. I'm a direct descendant of the first founder and thus, was named heir as soon as my eyes opened. The Ironbeaks do love their golden eyes, after all."

She made a sound that almost resembled a laugh, head shaking bitterly. "My people do not find sense in peace and so I was brought up to be a harbinger of destruction. That brings us to present time, I suppose. I deviated from my people, my duty, and now I'm here. It's as ironic as it is awful, isn't it? The scars on my side are a reminder of that." It wasn't much of a history lesson, but Agathe found that the more she spoke, the more those bitter feelings seemed to twist and grow inside of her. Monsters are made, not born, Her mind reminded her, and she looked away.

"Any questions?"

The words were barely audible.

Re: when you move, i'm moved | open, history lesson - radeken - 11-25-2018

[color=black]Yeah, some. What is a witch?” Radeken was there because an event centered around learning and a free meal was just too good to pass up, even for somebody as loathe to get out and do things as she was, nowadays. The wolf had taken a spot on the floor nearby, far enough from the rest to assume the most luxurious possible stretched out position, but still close enough to hear and to inquire. She righted herself, rolling onto her belly and shuffling forward in a manner that did nothing to mask her childlike curiosity. “[color=black]I mean, what makes one a witch? Is it that blood? They - those ancestors of yours - lost magic, you said, but where’d they get it from in the first place? And why Ironbeak? Are you hiding a set of wings somewhere? Oh - what were the other groups?” She shifted, almost as embarrassed that she did have this many questions, almost as if holding off on much, much more. Radeken looked at the rest silently, wondering where their wonder was at, and she held onto her silence in the hopes that the answers she’d receive were enlightening enough that she could figure everything else out on her own.