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Overwatch & rainbow six seige - tikki - 11-19-2018

I have both games
and I want people to play with

so drop your usernames for them
and I'll add you lol

I have overwatch for PC and PS4 ( but I don't have the PS4 until around the second week of December again )
and RS6 is for PC

Re: Overwatch & rainbow six seige - OMEGA - 11-19-2018

i've added a bunch of peeps already on ps4 for ow but my username's singingnarwhals
i have an account at 3600 && an account at 3100 for comp play but i'll play on either for casual play. just hmu c:

Re: Overwatch & rainbow six seige - tikki - 11-19-2018

eyyyy coolio

if you want to add me first, since I won't have the ps4 for a bit, my user is tikki707 lol ( I'm lower level on the ps4 since I don't always have internet and am usually on my computer though haha )

Re: Overwatch & rainbow six seige - toboggan - 11-20-2018

i can’t fricking shake my sr past 2500. i can’t. maybe it has something to do with the influx of crappy widows i’m teamed up with? idk.

imma place today, that’s all i know.

on PS4, i’m the one and only FatherGiggles. feel free to hit me up, but i’d request that topics surrounding bob don’t get brought up in messages?? it’s sorta my little secret, and who knows which of my instructive family members will see my dms.

lucio main btw, but i also like playing brig and moira. i do also play a mean mcree, and i’m in love with swole mom aka zarya.

Re: Overwatch & rainbow six seige - tikki - 11-20-2018

I'll see if I can add people on the playstation network through my computer lol

&& I main Reaper on ps4 at the moment, and thinking about maining Roadhog because of how some comp games are going on PC, I'm not sure lol

also, don't worry, I won't bring it up! Honestly, I usually forget exactly who is who unless I know them IRL, so although I will know that y'all are friends of mine, since we've never met in person I /might/ forget who, exactly, you are unless I find this thread again or if your username is close to the one on here

Re: Overwatch & rainbow six seige - Orion - 11-21-2018

i just got a ps4! black friday <3333 haven't figured out my mains on that OW yet though...
PS4: LegacyOfOrion
PC Overwatch: StarredSkies#1261

Re: Overwatch & rainbow six seige - toboggan - 11-21-2018

news flash, just finished my placements and i’m 2400 sr. i hate everything rn because that’s lower than what i finished last season, and i won more placements than lost so eeeeeeeek.

Re: Overwatch & rainbow six seige - rakue - 11-25-2018

my internet is Trash for now BUT i do chill in parties a lot on ps4, yall are always welcome to join but keep in mind offensive/inappropriate things are part of our regular conversations :') if you'd be more comfortable just chilling while muted that's ofc ok as well
i have overwatch on pc & ps4!! my psn is rakuebear (crinGe) and my battletag is Delphinium#11146
(11-20-2018, 07:46 AM)toboggan link Wrote: i’d request that topics surrounding bob don’t get brought up in messages??
dittoing this bc its really awkward for me to talk about bob like verbally sdfhlaks

i main supports on ps4, namely lucio and mercy!! i will admit to,,,, playing torbjorn
kind of a lot
more than i should
AS FOR PC i dont really have a main bc im bad at all of the characters equally :')
i'll add all of yall on ps4 in a moment since im about to play some red dead oops