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Wait For The Buzz;; 'reading' attempt, Growth. - Printable Version

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Wait For The Buzz;; 'reading' attempt, Growth. - Masie - 11-19-2018

Small claws glinted in the low light of the early morning, that same melody dancing against the fangs of her slightly opened mouth and the talons. Ever since the night before? Masie had been closer to the main camp than her own family's nest, too preoccupied with something to go home for once. As of the time she heard Goldie's announcement and saw the books/notes placed out, the raptor had not moved save for a few feet back and forth. Everything that had been piled up was so strange and foreign, enchanting for someone curious as the child! Yet, the raptor had never been taught to read or write, even if it made sense due to the limited mobility of her hands, it was frustrating when she encountered something like this and had no clue what it was. Hours ticked by, her sensitive eyes helping her keep trying through the night, tossing book after book to the side after an hour of searching finding nothing she could understand. Briefly, it crossed her mind that maybe the response was to cry out and trash the pile like her sisters may if they got this frustrated at the objects, but her curiosity prevented this. if she destroyed something? She couldn't investigate it.

With a thud another book landed in the pile she had discarded after deeming they were nothing due to being unable to understand them. As she moved for the next one, an almost invisible line was drawn in the dirt by the fluff slowly extending from her arms, tail dragging against the ground wiping it away. Rather than growing in size quickly like most of the raptors seemed to have? Her body seemed to be growing in length and plumage first. Unusual to say the least, she didn't grow like her sister's had, and her growth was also different from what had been witnessed of the other raptors around. Anyway, she used her small front limbs to tick and drag another book back to where she had been sitting with the last one, starting to nuzzle through the thing messily.

Re: Wait For The Buzz;; 'reading' attempt, Growth. - OWEN. - 11-19-2018

MALE | 27 M/O
- striker

When his girls were younger, he used to read them books while they slept in his lap as a human. He knew they couldn't understand the words he read aloud, but it was still something comforting he felt because at that age, they were cuddly little things, all curled up in his lap and affectionate with not just their Alpha, but also their Father. Maybe it was better if he didn't mourn over the past- his children were still here, after all.

The sound of his daughter rustling things around caught the german shepherd's attention, and he had immediately went to investigate, seating himself across from the shuffling raptor. "What'd you find, Masie?" Owen asked softly, still mentally suffering from the rejection he had dealt with days ago. It didn't matter if he shouldn't be mourning it this much; he had some pretty strong feelings for Luci, moving on and staying friends with the male was hard. Normally he was quick to move on, but not now.

He kept his mood neutral as he watched his daughter fiddle with books, and he pushed a bit towards her, pointing at a word with his paw. "Fairy Tales." He repeated the word, glancing up at his daughter for her to try and understand it- she was good at remembering English sometimes, maybe it'd come naturally to her?

Re: Wait For The Buzz;; 'reading' attempt, Growth. - Masie - 11-19-2018

Something had been different about her Father for several days, but young as she was the female could not find any understanding over what was going on with him. Eventually, the raptor allowed it to slip from her mind, additional curiosities pushing it to the back burner on the off chance more clues would come up to help her later on. Sadly, Owen left nothing extra forthcoming for her to deduce what was happening, if she was not sensitive than maybe she may have not even realized it. Did she even have any place to ask him what was going on? Better yet, did she even have the right speech to ask him! After-all, he had misunderstood what she wanted to know when her brothers were introduced to everyone else. Quickly she out grew what he'd taught so far, and even more swiftly she stretched out towards the burning desire to learn things that never fell into the realm of the knowledge of 'ferals' as the raptors were often called. Yet, she didn't even realize it was different, she didn't realize that she was different.

Father wanted to know what she had found, and she leaned back to make sure he could get the best view of them possible. Would he be able to teach her all the things she wanted to know about the things she had been going through for hours? Of course, sitting there she realized that the bigger question would be if she could convey what exactly it was that she wanted him to teach her. While she had fallen behind the growth of the others in size, in ability to kill prey? Masie had already nearly exceeded the ability of her siblings, her pack's tongue in intelligence of the kind valued by modern animals. Only every single bit of intelligence crammed into the tiny raptor was trapped there, limited vocab and vocal cords that just couldn't copy the modern language.

There was so much room for error here, but when he spoke she nodded. He got it this time right? Owen had always understood her in the past until that one time, and she couldn't help but worry it would happen again. "Left Here." looking up at him she chittered, tucking her arms to the front sides of her chest. "Plant" her head looked at the discarded pile, still looking for their relation to plant animals. "Mean." she nudged it again, repeating this as once more every single piece was all words she couldn't read.

Re: Wait For The Buzz;; 'reading' attempt, Growth. - Masie - 11-22-2018


Re: Wait For The Buzz;; 'reading' attempt, Growth. - OWEN. - 11-22-2018

//Will respond to this when I have free time ack I'm sorry!

Re: Wait For The Buzz;; 'reading' attempt, Growth. - dead chars - 11-22-2018

Books were something foreign to Val. He had never really felt the need to learn how to read- it was all fine and good, he just didn't care. Besides, if there was always someone else to read stuff to him, he could just hang out and ride off their coattails. The white pup had better things to do with his time, like... eat bugs. Or something.

Intelligence was simply not something he actively... grew, for lack of a better term. He was fine at the level of smart that he was. He knew two plus two was four, and he knew that certain berries killed you so you shouldn't eat them. That was about as much as he needed. Reading was for suckers.

Of course, Masie was the exception. He wasn't quite sure that she could read at all- she was smart, but there was the whole lack of English thing going on -but he loved his sister whether she was reading or not. In fact, he was rather excited. The creamy pup bounded in after Owen, bored of his outdoor adventures. He hadn't seen his father in a little while, which was strange. Owen usually seemed to hover over his brother and himself nonstop, until then. But that was fine.

Pink eyes darted from the words on the page (ew) to his sister (not ew) to the rest of his surroundings.

"Reading's lame, but I guess if Masie's reading it's okay," he mumbled absently, nosing through the books that had piled up in the corner. The white pup figured that if anything, maybe a picture book would give him a bit of entertainment. But reading was still really lame.


Re: Wait For The Buzz;; 'reading' attempt, Growth. - no more - 11-23-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Press of weight within the divot between shoulder blades, shift of leather across the short fur dusted within tones of cinnamon, familiar a sensation. They had grown accustomed to it, felt it move with the stretch of limb only to settle once more into its place along the curve of spine, work into the space between shoulders, lifting as each did. It mattered not the dull state of the small bladed weapon, the flecks of rust the sheath hide from prying eyes, it was the mere fact it was there and was something to call their own that bore importance.

There had been little within way of warning in which they may hold even a moment to prepare, though in a way the sounds of him, echoing the choked cries breaking through the teeth held together in a tight clench may have spoken of such, difficult to speak of how finding him in such a way had impacted the idle trail of thought. Well did they remember the words heavy upon their tongue, promise made within light breath, speaking of finding what had caused such pain and protecting him for it. Touch of small paws upon the sand lifted about them the minuscule grains, disturbed as their rocked their weight forward, stretching limbs out before next was made. Burn worked through the fibre of muscle, stretching and pulling beneath skin still healing from the touch of heat, the draw of pale toned features one speaking of exhaustion and pain.

“Masie,” gentle exhale, breath caught upon tongue and lifting with the draw of lips, twitch of tail left but a bob. Time had seen the youth grow better with understanding the words of the other, tongue strange to a great many but the babble held within structure, words their mind clutched at, drew into syllables. “CC help.” Drawn closer the slight weight of the small cat fell by the raptor, settling close by her, moving to lean gently into her side. Familiar was it, this action of forming contact between so different creatures, small paw stretching out to touch upon a book.

“This one?” Question rose with an easy air though minimal was their own knowledge on how to read. Easier did it come to them for they had grown up forced to teach themself, honing minimal skills until they were beyond what they should be, an oddity in a child that had proven feisty, more bite then ever they were bark.