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ARABELLA | open, human/club au !! - Printable Version

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ARABELLA | open, human/club au !! - PIERCE - 11-19-2018

//this Sucks but human aus>>>>>>

Pierce hadn't always been the type to attend parties, especially not ones at clubs or bars or anything like that. However, one of his friends had just turned twenty-one, and had begged him to come with her and the rest of their small group of friends. Being able to legally do everything was pretty exciting at first, he guessed, and celebrating was fun too, but less so when your whole friend group left you and now you were sitting alone at a bar. The young blonde sipped a shirley temple that he was pretty sure he'd asked for it with vodka, but he couldn't decide whether the bartender had actually added it or not.

With a gentle sigh, Pierce, lowered the straw from his lips, running his hands through curly pink and blonde hair as he glanced over his shoulder in a feeble attempt to pick out his group of friends from the crowd. They were there somewhere - or they better be -, so he figured they'd come find him when they were ready to go. All there was to do now was wait and hope something exciting happened, he guessed.


Re: ARABELLA | open, human/club au !! - JERSEYBOY - 11-19-2018

Tommy DeVito was a regular at the club. Or the other club across town. Or anywhere where there was a party, really. He thrived on socialization and having fun ( and of course meaningless flirtation and a few cocktails ), so he normally found himself here every week or so. Today he had come with a buddy of his, but he had branched off somewhere else. So, Tommy had taken matters into his own hands and was currently trying to get the attention of a woman that was standing with her girlfriends by the counter. "Ey, I'll take a Jim Beam on th' rocks." Like cockiest of peacocks showing off its feathers, the Italian-American sported a signature grin. "How's about I buy you a drink, sweetheart?"

However, Tommy was met with a look of distaste and a turned back as the woman in a little black dress walked away from the bar with her little squad. Ah well, he couldn't win every time. She seemed like a real bitch, anyways. Tommy pursed his lips and swiveled back towards the bartender where he clarified, "Yeah, I'll take just that Jim Beam." Whatever, there were plenty of other people to chat with in this place.

He glanced to the side, where he saw a familiar blonde-haired individual. Did his eyes deceive him? Since when did Pierce Parker go clubbing? Sporting an amused grin, Tommy exclaimed to him, "Piercey! What the hell are you doin' here, huh? Tryin' ta' take someone home wid' you?" He gave a [sup]raise[/sup] of his bushy brows.

Re: ARABELLA | open, human/club au !! - agathe. - 11-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]Perhaps it would come as a vast surprise that Agathe actually enjoyed these types of venues, seeing them as an excuse to wear something relatively new amidst her wardrobe of black jeans and grey shirts. In particular, the red dress she had selected for this evening -  short and scarlet and absolutely unadorned by anything save a daring plunge in the neckline - certainly broke her routine of monotone colors, and after being paired with a lipstick in a similar shade, there was no denying the fact that she looked different. Even her platinum hair, usually braided indefinitely, was free from its binding, flowing over her shoulders and down her back as she idly surveyed the room, hands on hips.

She was not much of a drinker but preferred the act of consuming alcohol over making chitchat with a stranger. She might appreciate the atmosphere of these types of places - love it, even - but she was still antisocial to a fault. At least the bar seemed relatively unpopulated compared to the rest of the place. "I'll take a raspberry mojito," She instructed the bartender, golden eyes anywhere but his face as he accepted her card and returned a few moments later with her drink. She had just taken a sip when she heard Tommy's voice, chair swiveling so that she might watch them instead. "A club is hardly a place to take someone home from," She observed, voice clipped and short. One night stands had always perplexed her, but she'd leave it at that. "Half of these people are too drunk off of their asses anyways- all they want is some sleep."

Re: ARABELLA | open, human/club au !! - ATTICUS - 11-19-2018

▹▹▹▹It wasn't that Kit didn't like bars - he liked a good drink as much as the next guy- but he hated the people. It was one thing to manage a bunch of relatively sound, and well-meaning, but not very smart people in his day-to-day life; it was another entirely to be surrounded by a group of strangers, loud music, and a hefty amount of drunk people. While he too had come here with a friend, he had been swiftly abandoned at the first sight of a woman that was willing to dance, leaving him to sit at the bar quietly and sip a drink as he surveyed the room with mild interest. When voices next to him sprung up, he turned his gaze faintly to see the rather boisterous Italian man and a rather shy, but cute, looking blonde next to him that had caught his attention. Seemed like they were friends, huh?

The dark haired man was about to turn his attention back when a flash of a red dress caught his eye, his gaze unable to help but lift to the woman's pale face and the stark contrast of her hair with that color, both equally so intriguing and so terrifying in the same moments. His brow quirked faintly with some trace of familiarity, but he couldn't quite place it, but a smirk of amusement faintly tugged his lips at her words. He sighed for a moment, considering whether or not it was even worth trying to make small talk- he detested the sort and preferred to keep silent- but he figured, given he had ultimately been listening into the conversation, he now was obligated to say something. "I think it's more about the chase, huh? Feeling like you've earned a prize."


Re: ARABELLA | open, human/club au !! - PIERCE - 11-22-2018

The sound of a familiar voice calling his own name made Pierce jump slightly, hazel gaze flicking in the direction of the voice as he quickly matched it with its face- Tommy DeVito. Pierce didn't know the other man well; they were both very different people and thus hung out with different groups, but somehow, they had known each other for quite some time. When and how, he couldn't quite recall - probably connected through mutual friends of friends, or something -, but they'd been familiar with each other for a while now. And, though he'd never admit it aloud, the young man didn't usually forget a pretty face, and Tommy just so happened to fall under that category.

"Oh, hey, Tommy- uh, I wasn't planning on it tonight," he answered over the noise of the music and the sea of people around them. He tried leaving the answer open-ended like, "I wasn't planning on it but I'd take you home in literally two seconds if you asked," but it probably didn't come off that way. "It's, um, my friend's birthday, actually. What about you, looking for a new lady-friend, or something?" "Lady-friend" was a very nice way to refer to the girls that Tommy hung out with, and the way he usually treated them, but Pierce didn't want to sound mean, or anything. It was Agathe's voice that distracted him next, glancing in the pretty young woman's direction as a kind smile graced freckled features.

She was right, for sure, but Pierce supposed he could see the appeal in one-night stands. While he preferred to have some sort of connection, one of almost any kind, with the person he spent the night with before hand, he figured some liked the idea of no feelings or no strings attached. He wasn't too good with feelings, so maybe if he didn't get attached so easily, he would like them much more, too.

"I think it's more about the chase, huh? Feeling like you've earned a prize."

He looked over to Kit, making a face of mild distaste. "Well that's kind of gross, isn't it?" Did people really feel that way about, like, other people? That... wasn't very nice, but the blonde reminded himself that it wasn't really his place to judge, either. "I mean, like, a person can't really be a prize." A treasure? A gift? Sure. But a prize was further from a gift and closer to a trophy, something one showed off and bragged about and then left to collect dust in a little glass cabinet. But maybe he was looking too deeply into things.
