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I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - Printable Version

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I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - OWEN. - 11-18-2018

"Come on, you two. You'll fall over something if you don't pay attention." Owen's bark was stiff, anxiety lacing through his bones as he waited for Seamus to follow behind him. If he even came with him, that is. It was a bit awkward, but it was settled that they would both take care of the kids despite the circumstances being.. Unusual? They were friends, who also had kids together. Whatever.

The black and brown shepherd had taken it upon himself to introduce his two kids to the gangle of pirates that he lived with- it was easier this way, less following the kids around. Sitting down as he passed through the gates with a nod to a guard, his tail gestured for his kids to scoot forward. "Hey, uh- Guys, I'd like you to come meet my kids. Go ahead and introduce yourselves, you two." Owen spoke up, a gentle smile on his face.

"Delta, Masie, Blue!" The broadcast call was loud- he knew they were near, they were there for the birthing of their younger siblings, after all. He was sure the pups would understand the clicking and chirps of the raptors language, but he wouldn't rush teaching them.

//Please wait for the two of the kids to introduce themselves!

[member=196]| BLUE |[/member]


Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - Sympathy - 11-18-2018

Following was supposed to be easy but for a child that was easily enamored with all the surroundings that the Typhoon was offering, it was a bit of an on and off battle of keeping Leonidas focused enough to not wander off to stare at a pretty looking bug or get lost somewhere in the undergrowth. But he managed and was close behind his father. His dark fur was kinked and his little tail was held high as he skittered forward to gawk at the looming gate. "Dad! DAD! Look Look at the cool!" he babbled excitedly, uttering out the bare minimum as he jabbed a paw towards the gates. And as quickly as it came, it moved on to the next obstacle; People. These were new people. But he was confident, albeit the annoying wave of shyness that pooled in his belly. Pressing himself against Owen's leg, he'd flick a folded ear at his father's instruction; and with a bit of a pause, the winged pup would go on to introduce himself. "I'm-- um-- Leonidas."

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #be9b7f; font-size: 24px;"]— LEONIDAS Ó FAOLÁIN

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - dead chars - 11-19-2018

Val was not too interested in his surroundings at all- in fact, he was so excited to meet people, he kept rushing ahead of Owen in hopes of getting there faster. But once he realized he wouldn't be able to find his own way to the Typhoon, he would pause and fall back, only to repeat the process a few minutes later. Learning was hard. His pop's warning fell on deaf ears, though. He had tripped and stumbled more times than he could count. What would being careful do for him?

However, as the gates came into view and the guard grew more visible, Valentine seemed to shrink behind his brother. The white pup was still excited, of course, to meet everyone- or at least, that's what he was telling himself. He was a big boy! He could handle it. Nothing to be nervous about.

He blinked rosy eyes and leaned closer to Leo and his dad.
"Who're they?" His question was whispered, and he turned his gaze from his brother up to Owen for a moment, then back, then to the crowd surrounding them. They looked a bit... fierce. Like they had a taste for blood. Small, white, puppy blood, specifically. Val swallowed hard. He trusted his dads, but this felt like a trap somehow. But maybe it wasn't? His ear twitched as Leo introduced himself, and he figured that if his brother had, he'd have to work up the courage to greet the mob, too.
"I'm Valentine. Val fer short. Uh... don't wear it out."
Hopefully the last bit would get him a few cool points.


Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - SÉAMUS - 11-19-2018

Here we go. The faerie felt... Awkward? He kept sending sideways glances towards Owen as he kept just a few steps behind the children, trying to keep them in check.  Leo specifically, who seemed to wander at every opportunity.  He wasn't exactly mother material, especially at first glance, and well, he hadn't exactly spread the news around save to Owen when he'd gotten pregnant and had kept his distance in that form.  Given everything with Keona... He'd thought it best not to bring it up to his brothers but, well, now was the time.  Odds were said bothers wouldn't be entirely thrilled about surprise nephews.  But they've always been better with kids than me...

True amusement danced in his eyes, with a glint of the rare fondness that seeped in around his children.  They won't bite, he thinks, but he keeps his mouth shut.  They needed to be comfortable around their crewmates.  Comfortable.

// Mobile
[member=265]Keona.[/member] [member=267]Kian.[/member] [member=1217]raziel[/member]
"word of mouth there's a snake in the garden" —-- Séamus Ó Faolán

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - FELIKS - 11-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Ever blind (or uncaring) to the personal affairs of his clanmates, Feliks hadn't really realised that something had gone down between Seamus and Owen. As the Shepherd dog wandered into camp, ghosted by both a familiar face and young strangers, his invisible brows perked with amusement. Surely they weren't a couple, though the cynic in him had made him immune to most advances of others, the Privateer would've liked to think that he was good at reading romantic signs. There seemed to be none between them, with all of the focus being on the brood that they brought into the world. As the gryphon stood up, he tried not to think about overanalysing the situation, smirking lightly.

"Colour me surprised. A guy married to his raptors manages to have kids before I do, hope cheating on them won't be a regular occurrence," he teased, clicking his beak. Of course he'd sired offspring before, but never in lands like these ones. Truthfully he was just being careful now, not keen on finding more responsibilities in a world that didn't need him. Feliks looked down towards the brood, golden cranium dipping itself in greetings. For a moment he seemed awkward, unsure of what to say, but the cocky look he gave masqueraded that the moment anyone could pick up on it. "Feliks. Local encyclopedia, need anything when you're older, just let me know,". At this current stage in time, they got all they could ever want from their parents.

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - Masie - 11-19-2018

She was once the smallest and youngest of the family, that had changed not too long ago when that creature had birthed puppies who bore a resemblance to Owen's canine form. Clever as she could be sometimes, they had luckily not needed to explain to the young one in the middle of everything what was going on, she had big sisters her little brothers just looked different for some reason. Later on, she'd have a more solid grip on the detailed truth, but for now she understood what was important, they were pack, they were siblings. Thus when Owen and Seamus began to make the puppies move, she had not needed any prompting to follow after them, to the side a few feet away. She would have felt safer with them Up but that didn't seem to be what Father was going for here, for some foreign reason taking the least safe option of moving them on their own foot power.

Once everyone was still, she approached diaganolly, walking up so she stood right behind her brother's, taking more care to stand straight with her neck extended upwards than normal. The stance? Was the best way to see anything that could become threat to her brothers. Feliks started talking, and something in the tone around the word raptor had her exhale long and tilt her head to the side with a short 'chit' instead of a full chitter. Whatever he had said, she knew it was ridicilious to some degree, it was almost her version of an eye roll.

"What does Feliks mean?" lately she was developing an incredible vocabulary in the raptor tongue, seeming to get the context of the normal animal tongue more and more. Yet, this time she looked towards Father for help, she knew the basic context, the tone, but quickly it was becoming not enough for her. Quickly, the time was approaching where Masie would desire to learn about the noises around her more in depth than context, when she'd want someone to actually teach her those sounds even if she'd found herself incapable of mimicing them. She didn't have to copy something to understand it, and she wanted to understand everything more with each day that passed.

While waiting for the 'translation' she refocused on her brothers, nudging each one breifly and chittering happily, mostly nonsense. "Leo, Val, Follow." for the moment Owen had stopped moving, it meant the area was safe for the puppies, and there was so much for them to see around here. With them hanging back slightly? The smallest big sister took it upon herself to try to encourage them to step away from the shadow of their parents, chittering for them to follow her as she crossed the open distance between them and Feliks. Golden optics looked back, craning her head to see if they had followed her.

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - OWEN. - 11-19-2018

MALE | 27 M/O
- striker

Owen shifted in his skin uncomfortably, glancing back at Seamus as if begging him to save him from the embarrassment that Feliks was making him feel. Turning back to the griffon creature, he opened his jaws to speak. "My raptors are my children.. Please don't talk about them like we're in a romantic.. Relationship.. That's uncomfortable. The relationship I have with them is parental, pack mentality." He explained, adjusting himself once more before Masie had spoken up, his ear twitching as he babbled back.

"Feliks is his name. Just like yours is Masie, this creatures name is Feliks." He replied in the same babbled raptor tongue, his tail twitching, impressed with her growing vocabulary. When Masie began to nudge her younger brothers to go adventure, Owen felt anxiety bubble up inside of him. "Stay close, you three." He babbled to the three of his children, the parental protectiveness taking over. "Protect them, Masie."

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - Kian. - 11-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]KIAN Ó FAOLÁIN — sing me a symphony, one for the lost and in-between
This was... Unexpected.  The fae had to take a few seconds to wrap his mind around the concept, even then he still barely managed to understand.  He was an uncle.  His brother was the... Mother, and said twin had not felt like telling him... With the way we've been the past few moons? I don't blame him.  He shifted a little, brows creasing briefly before he decided to approach.  The children ought to know who their family was.

Leonidas and Valentine.  "Dia dhuit, leanaí," he offered a small smile.  No matter what Seamus was still his twin brother, and... Even if he hated him sometimes, he'd never want to be an absentee uncle. "I'm your uncle, Kian Ó Faolán." He glanced at Owen, curiously, wondering how and when this had all taken place.  He felt a hundred percent certain the two were not romantically involved.  But he hadn't been the one married to Haliaka either and he was one of the fathers to their daughter, Keona, so he decided nothing was impossible when it came to his brother. 

Still, he'd bet his money that this was an accident, but... Well, he could see both parents cared about the children -- although he'd never truly consider Seamus true parental material -- and that's what mattered in the end.

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - Luciferr - 11-19-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
more victims to be spoiled by the local dad/grandad/mom- this was getting tedious - local absolute parent™

as it was Lucifer merely huffed quietly with some twinkling of amusement in those mismatched eyes - this scene reminded him of the old days lightly, back when he'd come back with children that had been unexpected but cherished all the same, even if time had stolen them away in those old desert days.

he inclines his head watching the banter before he shifts to his feet and the frankly looming shadow leans over the group with a quirked brow on the half of his face that can express more than a snarling grin - but he hums quietly before speaking "Lucifer Grimm, lovely to meet the two of you" seems owens family - and the 'faolin now that he thinks on that have grown.

this just means a lot more smols that he has to watch out for - or put up with using him as an animated jungle gym - not that he minds, mind you.

/RETRO HIS CURRENT ARC / retro RB/red text breakdown

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - SÉAMUS - 11-19-2018

Séamus downright scowled at Feliks, brow quirking up as he considered the teasing words thrown Owen's way.  Even an idiot could tell Owen had raised the raptors.  The implications there were disqusting to be simply put.  "Don't be a complete moron," he retorted, flicking his ear, nodding as the raptor alpha explained - a lot less bluntly.

His eyes soon dart towards Maisie, conscious of the young raptor's eagerness to encourage the pups to move about.  He shuffled his weight from paw to paw, lump in his throat before his twin's voice called him out of any overprotective thoughts.  He isn't sure why, but he'd actually hoped Keona'd be beside his brother but there was no sign of her in his shadow. "Cá bhfuil Sibi?" She ought to see her younger half-siblings... If she's not still mad. The two of them had had their talk though, and Séamus felt fairly sure the bridges had been repaired.

He takes a moment to regard his brother with his full attention, a little wary.  The other fae did not look upset, just curious and friendly.  So he already liked the kids at least.

To, Lucifer, he inclines his head politely.  Hopefully the children weren't too frightened of the massive dragon.  From what the pirate had seen, once children grew used to him, they quite liked the dragon.
"word of mouth there's a snake in the garden" —-- Séamus Ó Faolán