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UNTIL RAIN ⬤ RB invitation - Printable Version

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UNTIL RAIN ⬤ RB invitation - arcy - 11-18-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Eddie wasn't overly fond of visiting Tanglewood. They were nice enough, judging by when he'd visited with Frightfur and Perry. Both of whom were ... basically missing. Which was a shame, they'd seemed nice.
.. This visit, however, wasn't as great as the last one. Sure, he'd been covered in mud, but the three of them had gotten there safely. No alligators or traps, as Eddie had heard the swamp group had. Thus far, he'd managed to get caught in a trap, and encountered at least one alligator.
Needless to say, it wasn't a good time. His bodymate didn't seem fond of Tanglewood, just on principle of them nearly getting hurt.
"It's not like it's their fault," Eddie says, rolling his eyes. They're in the border at this point, not too far, but maybe it is too far if they've run into traps.. THEY LIVE HERE. THEY PUT UP THE TRAPS. Venom says, in the tone of an angry child. Eddie rolls his eyes. The traps? Yes. The alligators weren't their fault, and it's not like anything happened.
Eddie, however, is too tired to deal with Venom's attitude right now. So, he sighs and ignores his Other.
"Hey, anybody home?" Eddie shouts, claws curled into a tree. He's not high off the ground -- enough he's not in the mud. He ... doesn't like heights. "I've got an invitation to deliver!" He wanted to get this over with, honestly.
(it was just a shame that he wasn't aware that any of his groupmates were bothering their allies. Like, killing bothering.
//my ability to write has Abandoned Me

Re: UNTIL RAIN ⬤ RB invitation - arrow - 11-19-2018

"For what?" Invitation? Arrow squinted when she heard the unfamiliar voice, squinted even more when she scented something vaguely familiar. Was that the Rosebloods? Y'know, the scent that came with an entire fucking corpse? She didn't like that. Deep down she felt maybe they didn't know anything about the situation, maybe it was just one wild card who just happened to be part of the Rosebloods. However, the other half of her warned her that this was some sick ambush and they were planning one hella murder party.

The chocolate feline scooted out from her hiding spot to get closer to the slightly elevated stranger, the same mud he was trying to avoid caking her thin legs.

Re: UNTIL RAIN ⬤ RB invitation - Grimm - 11-20-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Minimal was his own experience with the few groups that had come to find their own places within the expanse of this world, brought together various beings beneath a banner all their own, turmoil within spilling forth until external wars were conducted. No surprise was it he was amongst those who knew nothing of the recent murder, heard only the name of the former medic within the meeting where her demise had been made public, as such he bore no ill intent towards the other. In time there may be something, drawn forth for indeed was the one responsible a wild card, as were those who followed with him, a family their own drawn from various walks of life but criminals and murderers were they all, hypocrite would he be to think poorly of them for such things.

Tongue pressed against the back of his teeth and for a time he allowed the idea of allowing the other to handle things, unused to the way things were conducted within this place. His time here had been short, contained within only a few days though such was difficult to speak of, the clear lack of eyes and the way the light was rare to touch upon the ground making keeping actual track of the passage of time near impossible. Paw extended, drew Eimi closer though still some distance was there, slight the tilt to golden toned head. There was to be no words from him, teeth working into the tip of his tongue as he awaited the answer for the inquiry offered.

Re: UNTIL RAIN ⬤ RB invitation - HAMMOND - 11-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]/ two tom hardy faceclaims one thread, hell yeah dude

He knew that scent. It'd burned his nostrils countless times before, each new encounter with the 'ally' bringing nothing more than distrust and disdain. They'd ignored the Heeler for the most part, refusing to communicate as soon as he expressed his opinions, that avoidance policy of theirs had done nothing to quell his fears - and it'd been too late to stop the deaths of Delilah and Wisper. Another one of them threats entering his part-time home brought his ears to stand fully erect and his typically droopy tail to raise, alert. Pushing through the various vines and shrubbery, a scream could be heard at any moment if he wasn't careful. Axle knew they shouldn't have been weak enough to be caught by surprise in the first place... he knew it didn't concern him...

So why did he stand protectively in front of Arrow, teeth bared for the tiny mammal to see? Eddie wasn't dangerous to the traditionally orientated canine, with minimum thought put into powers and the like, the Australian canine hardly felt threatened by the Procyon's appearance. That smell brought out a Pavlovian paranoia within him regardless, and without saying a word to a stranger he made it clear that they'd have some explaining to do. Some time had passed before the Guardsman's cranium lowered, a soft warning growl emanating from the back of his throat. Unable to determine the difference between naivety and arrogance within the other at having the nerve to deliver an 'invitation', honey coloured eyes would lock firmly onto the Roseblooder. No sudden moves.

Re: UNTIL RAIN ⬤ RB invitation - arcy - 11-26-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
//hell yeah
+ im too tired to put together a longer post sorry sdfsdf
Well, weren't they suspicious. Eddie regards Axle warily, eyes narrowing. Once, he might've panicked a little, because honestly, a canine could probably tear Eddie apart, easy. As it is now, he's just .. tired and uncaring.
"What's up with you?" Eddie returns. He's not particularly careful to remain still at Axle's apparent threats, but it's not like Eddie was letting any of his paws off his perch. It was a short distance to the ground, but one nonetheless. Eddie sighs. "Look man, whatever. I'm here to invite you guys to the Potluck we're hosting. Whatever problems you have, bring them up with Sephiroth," Eddie is not, in fact, caught up with politics at all. He knows their allies by virtue of being an ambassador, so he's not quite sure what the hell could be with this guy. He shakes his head. Well, the other two seem .. fairly calm, if that says anything. Not demanding answers of him, besides the invitation.
//link here

Re: UNTIL RAIN ⬤ RB invitation - arrow - 11-27-2018

She was a bit surprised at Axle's reaction, caught off guard by the sudden protective behavior. She guessed it had something to do with all the events as of late, but still, Axle. Not that she didn't appreciate it either way, he was one scary guy, and it was better to be behind him than in range of those teeth.

"Potluck?" Her whiskers twitched. So it was a gathering, some food was involved. Perhaps accepting an invitation from the Rosebloods at this time was unwise, but if there was ever a chance to get more information about them, this was it. Arrow glanced at Axle for a split second, tip of her thin tail twitching a few times, the only discernible sign of her intrigue. "What do you two think?"