Beasts of Beyond
☼ NONE THE WISER — HAWK ATTACK - Printable Version

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☼ NONE THE WISER — HAWK ATTACK - guts - 11-18-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Ymir hated birds. Well, not all birds, just the ones that circled overhead eyeing what little food they had. Their dark forms against the blue sky were almost mocking. So she watched those fuckers right back, waiting for them to strike. She may have been paranoid, but she sure as hell wasn't gonna let them get to their food. They needed that shit more than these greedy bastards did!

Finally, she decided the best course of action. While traversing the path that led back to the village, she caught something out of the corner of her eye, lifting her head to see a bundle of sticks and other materials nestled between the branches of a tree. She wasn't even sure if the nest belonged to those hawk pests--all she knew was that she'd make dinner out of whatever eggs were up there. Glancing around, she considered going back to get help with this endeavor, but inevitably decided against it. It was selfish, but she was hungry, and she didn't feel like sharing her meal this time.

Climbing was awkward, as she didn't have the body or the claws for it, but she managed by hoisting herself up onto the lowest branch and jumping onto the next. It didn't take long to get there, though it did feel like an eternity in her mind. It would just make the treat even tastier. Finally reaching the branch it was perched on, the female drew closer and peered down at the speckled eggs, her tongue drawing across her lips at the sight. Now, how would she get them down safely?

Maybe this wasn't her best idea. Still, she'd be damned if she gave up now. Carefully, the female would take the nest between her teeth, thankful when it doesn't crumble apart. Slowly--and nearly losing her footing in the process--she retraces her steps, only making it to one other branch before a shrill cry breaks out. They were close and, by the sounds of it, knew something was up. Panic bubbles up in her chest, her steps down more hurried while she also tries to balance the nest and keep the eggs from falling.

Suddenly her paws meet only air and she's falling, her teeth still clinging on though the unborn birds were long gone, flung out of the nest in her surprise. Her jaw slams hard on the branch when she catches herself, holding on for dear life. She wasn't high enough that falling would kill her but it would definitely break something, and that was the last thing she or the group needed. A rustle in the leaves above her was enough to tell her that the hawks had arrived and realized what had happened.

"Ow! Fuck you, bird bastards!" Ymir yelps as one of them swoops down and catches her on the head, beak digging into her skin. The scratch stings, but she doesn't have much time to dwell on it before another one dives at her, the pair of them using her like a pinata. She kind of deserved it, but she definitely wasn't going to admit it, especially not when they were carving into her while she dangled from the branch. "Fuck off!" she demands, trying to pull herself up and ignoring the hawks' calls that rang in her ears. "character's speech."

//basically ymir is a Dummie and tries to get some eggs but the hawks catch her and now shes dangling from a branch as they peck at her oops

Re: ☼ NONE THE WISER — HAWK ATTACK - buckingham barnes - 11-19-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Bucky hadn't been planning to head towards the base of the mountain, until his ears pricked up at Ymir's yelling. If Bucky didn't have enhanced senses, he'd still be able to pick up on the female's loud, sudden yelps. Her voice ranged out through the mountain, and his gaze locked on the direction it came from. It sounded like she was further down the mountain, what was she getting herself into? Bucky didn't bother to think more on it, quickly racing out of the temporary camp, leaping through the snow as quickly as he could.

When he finally arrived at the scene, he quickly skidded to a stop. His eyes locked on Ymir, who was dangling from a tree branch, as hawks viciously attacked her. In the distance, Bucky could see a nest upside down in the snow, with cracked eggs. Those must be the hawks eggs, and Ymir must have been going for them- he wasn't sure what lead to her dangling, hanging on as much as she could, but that must be why the hawks were attacking her. Without another thought, the maine coon began to make a pile of snow beneath Ymir- he pulled as much snow as he could, hoping if she does fall, a soft pile of snow can be break her fall. Or at least, prevent worse injury. Once the pile was done, the male quickly climbed up the tree, claws digging into the bark as he brought himself up to the branch.

Ears pinning to his skull, the maine coon swiped at one of the hawks with his metal claws. The hawk turned onto him, it's talons stretching out to strike him. As it came closer, Buckigham clawed at it again, unable to prevent the talons from digging into his shoulder. He let out a hiss of pain, but took the opportunity of the hawk being close to his body to reach forward and bite it in the neck with his jaw. Quickly the hawk went limp under Bucky's grasp, and the maine coon tossed it off the branch, his muzzle stained with blood. The other hawk was still persuing Ymir, and the former assassin inched closer to the wolf. "Ymir!" He called out, before he attempted to help pull her back onto the branch, his claws digging into the wood.