Beasts of Beyond
I'M NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT / return - Printable Version

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I'M NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT / return - Character Graveyard. - 11-18-2018

Scars covered his body and he was in pain. He had mastered using his earth elementals and he had gotten used to his dragon body. The last few weeks had been rough, spending time away from the Typhoon was honestly hard. But, he had managed to keep himself away. The male was taller, more muscular and he was stronger, though there was a giant hole in one of his wings from a fight he'd gotten himself hurt in.

Large wings slowly spread outward, as Kirishima's yellow gaze landed on the tropical forest. He stepped forward and off a cliff that he'd been perched atop of. Easily, the male soared through the skies and he suddenly began to spiral out of control. He slammed against multiple trees, before crashing into the earth, painfully. "Fuck!" He shouted angrily and he rested his head on the ground, an annoyed huff leaving his nostrils. Today was just going shitty.

Re: I'M NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT / return - rhosmari - 11-18-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]I'D SAY I TOLD YOU SO BUT YOU JUST GONNA CRY — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]The teen had been minding his business really, attempting to get some sleep in and where didn't much matter to him. Instead he was more focused on the z's that he needed considering he hadn't slept for a good four or five days. Sure, he didn't seem to be phased by the fact that he was lacking in a good amount of rest but that was probably because he was becoming manic. The thought had crossed his mind but he didn't much care that lack of sleep was turning into crazy ass energy. Huffing he wiggled in the whole had dug, about to rest his head out of the dip in the earth when he heard a curse go out into the air. Jerking his head up the young creature looked around quickly before the rustle of leaves and impacts were heard. He managed to catch sight of something, or rather someone hitting some trees before crash landing near the area in which he was about to take a nap in. The male couldn't help but bust out laughing, ribs and chest heaving for breath as he forced himself to stand up despite the pain in his metal appendage that shot up his shoulder as was the usual. Carefully he picked his way over to the crashed individual, a bright grin on his muzzle before the canine tilted his head a little bit. "What the hell even was that?" His voice was very much amused all things considered.

But then he reigned himself in somewhat before he looked over the guy and his wings. The fuck he had wings for and couldn't fly properly with them? That was his thought process until he saw the giant hole in one of them. "Someone fucked you over royally." Sucking up what he wanted to say and to pick on the guy the younger male stepped back, wincing when his metal leg scrapped against bone and he sat down slowly before deciding to at least ask him if he was okay. It would be okay if he didn't ask him if everything was fine and so he gave a half roll of his eyes before frowning a bit and lifting up a paw as if he was about to actually help him but his paw never got that far. Nope, instead it just hung there limply as if he had forgotten about it. "Hey, um, you alright or something? Need to see the doc?"

Re: I'M NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT / return - OWEN. - 11-18-2018

"Ah- This isn't the first time this has happened with this dude." Owen rumbled as he walked over, the indominus rex leaning his head down to try and attempt to nudge the red dragon up onto his feet once more, sniffing at his body to make sure he didn't twist anything. "Where'd you disappear to, Kirishima? Trick or treating? Find yourself a man?" Owen began to guess playfully, his shit-eating grin on his face as he sat back on his haunches, his tail tapping against the ground gently.


Re: I'M NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT / return - Luciferr - 11-19-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"My apprentice returns at long last it seems" or was he an ex-apprentice now? though he'd assigned himself under his guidance, the other - then newly turned - dragon had vanished for awhile to seek some specialised training for his elementals which Lucifer couldn't fault him for.

still scarred as he was, Lucifer was glad to see him back - this quasi-apprentice-son, because Lucifer was ever one to inadvertently adopt various people, as was the norm "Welcome home Kiri" he noted what Chardonnay had seen and Owen reconfirmed - but then his once - still? - apprentice had been the rough and tumble type in terms of scrapes and scars.

///ey wb! + retro to luci's current arc/mentality

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme