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AIN'T IT FUN - open; patrol - Printable Version

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AIN'T IT FUN - open; patrol - rhosmari - 11-18-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FEELING, LIKE I'M TOUCHING THE CEILING — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Some says had passed and she knew that everyone was going to start getting restless soon. Heck, she was already tired of the cold and she had no want to actually spend the winter on the mountain peak. And if they were to not do that then they had to hope that the water would recede quick enough and give them time enough to actively make a stand and rebuild and look for the things they had lost. The village would certainly need repairing considering water damage but she was sure that they would be able to get it all done. Her eyes were open and she was just staring at her glassless window, watching as small flecks fell into her stone home. She was rather warm considering her size and so she was alright for the most part but she knew others wouldn't be. This place wasn't meant to house animals for a long period of time and certainly not during the cold season. So the female finally pushed herself up and she walked out of the home, shoving the rickety wooden door open.

Glancing around she looked at those milling around in the clearing of snow and dead grass before she rested her haunches back against the ground. Alright, better late then never though everyone needed time to recover from the flood and figure things out for themselves. The snow had stopped which meant the rain had also stopped and so she and the rest of them needed to go and check out what was up. "Hey guys, I'm goin' tae take a patrol down tae see if the waters have receded any. If ya want tae come along that will be alright and ya can help me see how damaged the forest and stuff is as well."

Re: AIN'T IT FUN - open; patrol - toboggan - 11-18-2018

+ track!

Re: AIN'T IT FUN - open; patrol - MirrorEdge - 11-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Losing a home was a first for Nora, the young tortie coming forward, the kind smile that was often on her face gone. "I'll go. Either way, the weather's going to be miserable, whether it's up here or down there." Up here, the cold chilled her to her bones, and it was clear from how fluffed up her fur was, clumps of snow half-melted in it due to her body heat. Down the mountain would be no better, with cold rain and mud up to her chest, likely.

Re: AIN'T IT FUN - open; patrol - guts - 11-18-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
This was not the first time she lost something, nor would it be the last. But it didn't quite count, considering she hadn't been here when the flood happened. What about now, though, when she was finally back? Could she look at this place and consider it a home? It was a question she avoided, not wanting to get attached through fear of having it taken away. Besides, she was supposed to be living for herself, not anyone else--not a group of other people.

"She's got a point." Ymir says with a nod, the wolf coming to stand with the two. "I'll tag along. Nothing better to do up here." it would be nice to get out of the snow at least. "character's speech."

Re: AIN'T IT FUN - open; patrol - REBECCA MACK - 11-18-2018

[align=center][Image: REWjIqe.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: -15px;"]"I'm coming, if that's cool," Bex stated as she made an appearance, offering a single nod of her head. She really needed to do something with herself, especially since she had been doing nothing but lazying around for the past few days since they had arrived here, and that only seemed to make her feel more tired than she had been before. It was time for her to get up and move around, and help out a little by going on patrol. "I just really need something to do." She didn't like being bored. Bored was... boring. A patrol sounded much more fun than trying to sleep some more, even if it did mean having to leave the warmth of blankets behind for the time being.

She hoped that there wasn't too much damage to the town and forest, but at this point, that seemed like wishful thinking. After witnessing the flooding, Bex was almost certain that their entire home was completely destroyed. It was disheartening to think that it may never look the same, but once all the water was gone, they could at least try to restore it to its original state. And if it ended up looking different, then they would just have to accept it, but Bex had already promised to herself that she would help make it look good. She missed home already, and hoped they'd be able to return soon. Though she supposed that the situation could be worse, and she was at least grateful that the mountains, even though cold, provided a decent place for them to stay for now.

Re: AIN'T IT FUN - open; patrol - buckingham barnes - 11-19-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Honestly, Bucky was nervous to see the damage from the floods. Bucky knows they caused a lot of problems- Bex's house flooded, Bucky's boathouse capsized, Frankie nearly drowned and Marina's house collapsed. Bucky knew those can't possibly be the only damage from it- there's plenty more that they haven't seen. They didn't stay in the village to see more damage, as a flash flood swept through and members weren't about to go out of their way to swim through the flooded territory. The territory had to be destroyed, as well as the village. The boardwalk is probably barely standing now, and if any wood remains, it probably won't hold any weight as it rottens.

But despite knowing he was nervous to see the devastation, he had to come along in this patrol. It's apart of his job, if he sees the damage, he can help rebuild their home. He won't do as an effective job if he sits up in the snowy peak as Marina and his groupmates put themselves in danger to check if the floods have decreased. The fluffy maine coon made his way over to the group, his gaze landing on Marina. "I'm coming along as well." He meowed with a nod of his head, ears pinning back to his skull.

Re: AIN'T IT FUN - open; patrol - Luciferr - 11-19-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angeli Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeleon - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven as a hearthkeeper. Is considered 'fallen' by his brethren for his renegade status. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
"I will accompany you" another voice cut in, the silver shadow having been circling days before above the rising waters, he almost seemed to never sleep in these days - but a sense of duty to this place - primitive it may be comparing - that had taken him in an afforded him a position for simply helping what little he could in debt.

he inclined his head to Marina - unnatural eyes flickering to familiar faces, Bex, Bucky, Nora and Ymir, even if he hadn't met their joinings he knew by word of mouth - wouldn't be much good security otherwise.

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh

Re: AIN'T IT FUN - open; patrol - rhosmari - 11-19-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FEELING, LIKE I'M TOUCHING THE CEILING — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]This was a nice sized group and she had to say that especially during this time. Really, she could use the company. A smile pulled across her muzzle because as much as she was dedicated they were dedicated to Sunhaven as well which made her happy in the end. Shifting from her spot she gave them all a light nod, tails shifting against the snow that had long since collected over the nights they had been here. Turning a bit she allowed herself a moment before she looked back over her shoulder. "Alright, we ain't goin' down there tae stay for longer than we need tae. If the water is too high we are comin' back up tae wait a couple more days. Water is gonna be funneling down river to the ocean and ain't much we can do about that." With that said she began to walk off knowing that the group would follow her. The trek down the mountain was a dangerous one but they were all sure footed she was sure. The snow made it a bit more tricky considering they couldn't see where they should step next but she kept her eye on the group and where they were going. The lower they went down the more snow disappeared and was replaced by grey stone that had sprouts of dead grass pushing forth.

It wasn't long till the sound of water reached her ears and she frowned just a little bit. That wasn't a good sign in her opinion but she continued forward and as she stepped off the path she could see some of the meadow had already begun to show itself, flattened with mud and debris. Although the forest itself was riddled with fallen trees and water that sluggishly moved on by as it made its way to the ocean. "No doubt, the village is probably in ruins. It's...painful." She murmured quietly as she took a step onto the meadow, feeling the mud squish beneath her large paws.

Re: AIN'T IT FUN - open; patrol - toboggan - 11-24-2018

Deluges of avidity and zeal teared his system, his heart rate zooming past figures which seemed only imaginable over the past few weeks. Every enraptured leap caused a rainfall of mud and muck as his hefty paws pounded unto the debris-ridden sludge. Hope, entirely lost a few days ago, re-emerged, birthing a brilliance in his chocolate optics. The brilliance was one of thrill, elation, and delirium; it had been present in his first few days of his enrolment in Sunhaven, only to be lost when the hollow conflict with another tribe had come into play. However, none of that appeared to matter at this very moment, and Wendell, he pined to not think about any of it.

The patrol’s faint outlines, which the Dawnguard could spot from some distance away, grew with each unyielding tread of his. Mere seconds ago had he heard Marina’s unmistakable dialect, and now, Wendell was in a vehement scamper towards the bunch. The last interaction he had with another animate being had been nearly a week ago, conversing with his former boss by the border, and ever since that pre-dawn, things had taken a turn for the worst. His mental state had deteriorated immensely (dealing with isolation and separation wasn’t his best suit), and his filth-adorned pelt was in dire need of a good cleaning. The events unfurling around him, the destruction of his home, soon followed by his comrades’ decampment without him, closely resembled one of the bleakest points in his short lifespan. In this manner, pessimism overtook his realist view on the world’s devices, and proceeded to perceive Sunhaven as an element of the past, never to be replicated. Today, Wendell caught that this was untrue, as he found himself coming to a skidding halt in the occupation of his hulking leader, the abstruse Ymir, the wholehearted Bex, the secure Bucky, and two others whom he had either met briefly or not at all, their names difficult to pinpoint.

"By God," he’d exclaim jovially, almost beholding their presences as imagination, ”I... I thought you all were gone, y’know? Like, just by looking at the absolute state of th’ village, I thought everybody was either long-gone - or dead.” His ending statement had been under the guise of a hushed tone, for he had only realized halfway into speaking it, that it may have been true. His brain felt wobbly, as if he was in a dreaming state of mind. For hours on end, horrible thoughts about his acquaintances’ demises plagued his troubled cognizance, individually decaying his ingenuity, one by one. And now, all of a sudden, those corrupted inklings had diminished, instead replaced by surreal jubilation. ”I’s so worried about you guys,” the Dawnguard continued breathlessly, somewhat wondering if they felt the same for him, ”and it’s- it’s-“, his words blockaded from truly forming by pure gratification, ”it’s just so good to see everybody.”

He could feel the sensation of soppy tears rising behind his eyes, though he fought them. It wouldn’t put off a great returning impression for those at hand, the man who survived nearly a week on nothing but scraps and few hours of sleep, crying. He felt no shame in doing so, most times, but it just didn’t feel correct in this scenario. It did not.