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I LOVE YOU IN THE SAME WAY - open; goats - Printable Version

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I LOVE YOU IN THE SAME WAY - open; goats - rhosmari - 11-18-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FEELING, LIKE I'M TOUCHING THE CEILING — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]This was her time to do as she had promised and bring back something for Sunhaven to eat. Even with the biting cold and the wind that threatened to chill her to the bones they had to eat something. They would survive and hey they could even have some fun. It was snow right, they were bound to find some things to do. Make snowmen, snow cones, snowball fights, the small things were what mattered to keep their minds off the situation that they were in. A light breath left her large muzzle, the smoke of it lifting up into the air as she moved from their temporary camp, eyes shifting over the rocky landscape. Few vegetation grew up this high but there were some struggling pines that were too stubborn to allow for the bad weather to stop them from growing and shedding their needles. She took the long winding path down the side of the mountain, veering off to the left and into the deeper snow as she parted her jaws a little bit and took in a deep breath. Her forked tone picked up the intangible trances of the goats she had seen not too long ago and her paws itched to have something to do, stomach grumbling for something to eat. Though it would be fish she couldn't just let herself starve.

As she continued on her way the wind was starting to pick up a bit, snow going sideways and obscuring her vision a bit but she wasn't about to not continue. Her claws dug through the snow as she leaned her head down, already tracking and stalking, careful of where she was putting her paws. Her shoulders rolled slowly as her gaze narrowed and she was sure that she could see the silhouette of a goat rather close to her. They were mountain goats so their horns were going to be a problem but she was bigger, more dangerous and she had the upper hand of surprise. Without much thought and forgetting that she had little training in hunting on land the woman pushed off and ran full throttle forward. Her claws slammed down on one goat's back though when she tried to stop herself the snow kept her going, her momentum causing her to slide to the side and fall on her side but her claws stayed dug into the kicking and struggling goat. She'd managed to drag it down with her but another male saw his chance and rammed her with thick horns that knocked the wind out of her. Gasping she bunched up her back legs and kicked hard right into the goat's face before dragging the other to her and biting down hard on his neck and shattering the bones to kill him. The one that had rammed her had fallen down from her blow and she turned to face him then, a low growl rumbling in her throat. By now the rest of the hard had fled save for these two and so she lunged to swiftly kill him before he rose again. Huffing and blood coating her muzzle she winced a bit as she felt the pain pull against her stomach. could have been worse. "At least we have some food, finally."

Re: I LOVE YOU IN THE SAME WAY - open; goats - guts - 11-18-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
With terrain such as this, it was understandable that members would be starving. It seemed that none of them were used to hunting on mountains or in snow, and Ymir could say the same for herself, more accustomed to flat-land forests. But nevertheless, they had to get food somehow. Luckily they had a dedicated leader.

"That could have gone better, huh?" she teases lightly upon approach. A smirk curled on her muzzle, her eyes drift down towards the two goats, both of good size. They would have good eating for sure. "They look good. Need help carrying them?" Marina was definitely bigger than when she had last seen her, but she was just trying to be generous--plus she could get a favor in return for her good deed. Maybe even sneak a bite on the way back. "character's speech."

Re: I LOVE YOU IN THE SAME WAY - open; goats - Leigh - 11-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Leigh was one of the few accustomed to snow and mountains. While the territory change was causing a bit of a stir among the others, the unicorn was navigating around just fine. Unfortunately he wasn't a hunter or a consumer of meat in general so he wasn't much help aside from helping to track prey down. Picking up on the commotion, the equine wandered on over. The moment he caught sight of Marina, his first words were. "Yo-- are you okay? You aren't hurt are you?" It was a bit embarrassing to be fussing over someone who was virtually a stranger to him, but he couldn't help it. Leigh sees blood and his mind races with worry and faint disgust at the crimson around the female's muzzle. But she looks to be relatively okay and it alleviates his mood a bit.

Re: I LOVE YOU IN THE SAME WAY - open; goats - buckingham barnes - 11-19-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Living up in these snowing mountains for the past few days is a lot different than living down at the village. Besides having no flood waters to trudge through, the setting was barely the same. Everyone had to grow used to the cold air and altitude- the oxygen up here wasn't as thick down in the village. Often, Bucky noticed he was panting, and at times he had to sit down to catch his breath. Though, that only lasted for the first few days, Buckingham is now adjusted. As Buckingham padded through the snow, he tasted the air- catching the scent of Marina, blood, Ymir and Leigh. As snow fell onto his pelt, the male quickly jumped through the heaps of snow, only hoping that nothing bad has occurred.

When the maine coon arrived at the scene, his worries faded. His gaze instantly landed on Marina, who's muzzle was covered in blood. She was dragging a limp body of a goat- prey! That was one thing that's been on Bucky's mind in the past few days, how were they suppose to catch food? The prey up here wasn't the same as down at the village, thankfully Marina caught a goat that will feed plenty. With a flick of his ear, the maine coon began to make his way over, looking at the size of the goat. There's no way that Bucky could take down a goat, despite being a larger domestic feline- he was no match to a goat. "Impressive catch, Marina!" He said, with a nod, wishing he could help drag it back to temporary camp.

Re: I LOVE YOU IN THE SAME WAY - open; goats - REBECCA MACK - 11-20-2018

[align=center][Image: REWjIqe.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: -15px;"]"Damn, I'm starving," Bex mumbled, mostly to herself, as she made a rather quick appearance, as if being summoned by the food which Marina had caught. The woman, now standing beside Bucky, felt her stomach growl rather loudly. It was as if she hadn't eaten for weeks. But now at last, their leader had managed to drag in some prey, and Bex didn't even realize how hungry she actually was until this very moment, now that she was looking directly at the food. Sure, it may not be pizza, but at least it was something. And something was better than nothing. For a few seconds the collie found herself staring at the goat, trying not to drool. Though she wasn't sure how successful she'd be, given that it was practically instinct for a canine such as her. "This is great, Marina!" She'd add on to the compliments already given. Bex sure didn't know if she'd be able to take down a goat like that, but Marina seemed to manage it. Hopefully she hadn't gotten too hurt in the process, though.