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eyes of death (open, peacock) - Printable Version

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eyes of death (open, peacock) - ADARA - 11-17-2018

female the typhoon venandi pack
Beady black eyes watched the colorful creature carefully as it made it's way across the forest floor, foraging for bugs and the like, the young raptor moving quietly among the foliage as she waited to make her move.

It was a strange creature, one she had never seen before, with somewhat similar colors to hers, and she inched closer, tail whipping back and forth in excitement. It was a large thing, so it would easily feed her and perhaps her siblings as well, and looked easy to take down.

A loud call could be heard, the peacock's head shooting up in alarm in time to see Adara's bright plumage as she emerged, crest raised in excitement and foreclaws outstretched as she prepared to charge, already imagining the metallic taste of blood in her mouth.

She would not get the pleasure of experiencing what peacock meat tasted like, unfortunately.

A screech of alarm could be hard as the peacock charged, rather than running as she anticipated. But that was not what worried her. It was the fact that it had lifted it's tail, the feathers spreading and the form of the peacock now towering over her, and even greedy little Adara knew when she had bitten off more than she could chew, and when to make a hasty retreat.

Which she did. The young raptor was quick to turn around, abandoning the hunt, and calls of alarm could be heard as she streaked through the rainforest, peacock hot on her tail, nipping and pecking at her tail feathers.

"Mother! Morning star! A monster! Monster!"

© madi

Re: eyes of death (open, peacock) - FELIKS - 11-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Normally when cries for help emerged through the jungle, Feliks expected to see a fellow bit by a snake or an injured joiner running from a slave-like life. He had every right to ignore a cry that sounded like one of the dinos, they wouldn't be offended if he didn't show up to be their knight in shining armour, but some of them had melted his icy opinion on them recently. Of course he always had to be wary in case they bit back, some at least seemed to be integrating well into clan life despite their feral tendencies. Figuring he couldn't just abandon the call with this in mind, the gryphon practically sprinted towards the place where he heard the terrified cries, wide eyes blinking slowly once he saw what was happening.

Even if they're not normal kids, they're still dumb as them. It was the first thought that crossed his mind, content to watch the peacock shoo Adara off for a while before deciding to take action. Knowing now that it wasn't an emergency made him embarrassed that he'd shown an inch of worry in the first place, thankfully Feliks could be alone in that fluster though. "Hey!" he'd call out to the angry avian, rearing to make himself seem bigger than what he actually was. A shriek of his own emerged, vindictive and sharp in attempts to intimidate the peafowl away from the raptor. He charged forwards after that, a final warning for the bird if it persisted to be a pest.

Aggressive as his actions may have been, Feliks had no intentions of harming the peacock unless it was a last resort. There'd be no point in harming someone that could fly or had such pretty feathers, a bias towards birds totally wasn't making him say such things.

Re: eyes of death (open, peacock) - Masie - 11-18-2018

Masie was too young or rather too Naïve to perceive any difference between her own pack and the ven, to the young raptor they were all just part of the Typhoon, that was all. The 'distressed' sounding call from another of the group was easily enough to gather her attention causing the fluffy brown creature to take off running across the forest. Even if she knew that she stood no chance against large beasts? The growing raptor had an incredibly strong drive to protect the members of her pack, which she saw as much larger than most others of her species. Amber optics peered through each piece of the woods as she darted towards the cry, trying to catch sight of what had been so dangerous to scare one of the raptors larger than she was. Even if she didn't know exactly who had cried out, she knew that no raptors smaller than her existed on the island that she had encountered, yet.

That thing was far too big for any single young raptor to take on! Amber optics shook in fear for a moment as she finally realized what was causing the other raptors distress, considering turning tail herself for a second. They were always stronger together, it was too much for a single raptor, but there were two of them, that changed her mind when she remembered it. "BACK!" her screeching cry was clearly an offensive, battle orientated one, leaping with her entire wieght to bowl into the peacock, rolling a few feet with it. Masie was sloppy, the bird escaped her backing up a little, the tiny raptor getting back to her feet and hissing at it as she placed her small front legs on the ground, a warning for it to leave now. Of course, since it had attacked she doubted it would leave, but she stood no chance of taking it down, she worked with a pack, she needed to wait for another to make an action she could back up from this point on, she was too small to fight it.

Re: eyes of death (open, peacock) - OWEN. - 11-18-2018

Screeching was evident in brown ears, and Owen couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed at the sound of it. It was one of the Venandi's, hinted by the language he couldn't quite understand. They spoke in a different tongue than his own raptors, so he listened in for something else.


There it was. That voice was definitely Masie. Standing up from his place, the german shepherd let his muscles twitch before his body shifted into one bigger, the indominus rex pushing his way through the trees. The venandi family must have gotten a bit bigger- and  Owen was actually slightly impressed with how fast they could grew. The sight of the peacock made a soft snicker of amusement escape the i-rex's jaws, and he rolled his shoulders before standing on all four, using the trees for as much coverage as possible. (Which was kind of hard, because a white dinosaur against darker colors was incredibly visible.)

"Masie, neck. Bite neck." He instructed calmly, his voice coming out in a soft babble. He kept a single working eye on the venandi that was running to find Lucifer (so he assumed), and he grinned at the thought of it. Soon, Masie would be big as well, she was still kind of small, but who could hold that against her? She was only three months old.

For now, he wouldn't interrupt whatever was going on. An angry peacock was dangerous, but he figured the dinosaurs and Feliks could all figure something out. After all, while the raptor fam was their own pack, Masie saw the Typhoon as her pack as well. That included the Venandi's, whether they liked it or not.


Re: eyes of death (open, peacock) - ADARA - 11-19-2018

female the typhoon venandi pack
From the time she had hatched, Adara had never trusted those outside of the pack, viewing both the Typhoon and the other raptor pack as competition, obstacles in her way of obtaining territory and power, of her goal to be at the very top of the food chain here, with her brothers and sisters.

The sound of her pursuer's footsteps seemed to have ceased, and Adara risked taking a look back, beady black eyes watching the peacock who had been stopped in it's tracks by Feliks, the sight of the larger male who didn't appear to have much fear for him probably sending a message that the roles had reversed, and that he was at the disadvantage now, and it only seemed to sink in more when others showed up, the peacock having enough sense of self-preservation to make a retreat as Feliks charged, backing away, and strutting through the undergrowth, if not a bit hastily in an attempt to get away from these predators, as if nothing had happened, in an attempt to save face.

Contrary to the front that the peacock had put up, depending on the peacock, they often backed down if something bigger and more threatening than them didn't turn tail, such was the case with Feliks appearing. They were intelligent creatures, capable of realizing when they were in real danger and knowing when their own natural defense mechanisms failed.

A brightly-colored head simply tilted, the disdain evident in her stance, as if to say, I had this. I was perfectly fine. Feathers ruffled, a way to relieve tension in her body, and chose to settle with a scathing glare to the ones who showed up. Nobody was exempt from this. Not Owen. Not Feliks. Not Masie. Even for the similar-looking raptor, Adara immediately had a low opinion of her, as she did of any of the raptor pack, simply for being competition. She wouldn't have ties to somebody who was an obstacle. It was the same for Owen, since she associated him with both the raptor pack and the Typhooners, like a stray cat who took offerings from many different masters. Perhaps the highest opinion she had was of Feliks, which really wasn't saying much. First encounters were everything to Adara, and the fact he had given her food was a step in the right direction, though she still viewed him as below her.

//ic opinions ofc Adara's just a jerk who doesn't want to accept when she's wrong or when people help her
© madi

Re: eyes of death (open, peacock) - VIRGO - 11-19-2018

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Had Adara caught the peacock, the young alpha would have been greatly unimpressed to be not offered the first bite. It was, indeed, her birthright to be served first. She can imagine it as nothing more but an insult to be considered second, earthen hues flickering a predatory gaze towards the group that surrounds her brightly feathered sister. Sharp talons strike the ground as she walks, elegance surging within every fibre of her body as she looks towards the creatures in caution. Usually, the snowy-feathered girl will ignore them. They are not prey and not worth her time. While she believes she has the power to punish their poor efforts, her ego prevents her from attacking. She continues to remind herself that the soft-flesh are simply parasites made to test her. If she so much as tries to kill them, her youth will be wasted. It is energy she does not need to expend, moments she does not need to concern herself over. And yet a look of displeasure erupts her beautiful features, crest raising when her eyes land on Owen. She has seen him before with his little pets, the insults of her own kind, the featherless spawn. Shifting into an indominous rex will do nothing to intimidate her. He is no more dangerous than a stack of hay compared to their abyssal mother.

'They are mutts, sweet sister,' she softly hums to Adara, ancient dialect flicking from her reptilian tongue. While there should be only rage dripping from her maw, there is a monstrous calmness about her tone - words almost inaudible to any other ear but her brethren. It is soothing but leaking with danger all the same, eyes narrowing as she approaches her sister to chime her perfect words. Only mother understands them and their royal language, golden and rich like their ancestry. It is a shame their image must be tainted by scales but she notices that this small creature bears feathers, chirping away but still another one of those pets. A tragedy but she holds no pity for the creature. Some were simply born to be prey, to rot and die early. Her eyes sweep across the tracks left behind by the peacock, disgust upon her face. 'I don't understand why mother doesn't want them killed. They embarrass me.' She certainly picks up on Adara's aggression towards Owen and his pet, crest relaxing when she understands they are on the same page. She doesn't say anything towards the griffon, looking at him for a moment of silence, a critical glare resonating through her brown eyes but allowing silence to gracefully possess her. Half bird, half lion. He certainly intrigues the woman for a moment but she tears her gaze away. She doesn't like being too close to the island-dwellers.