Beasts of Beyond

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Questions no one can answer -

His plan was coming together. Wait. Did he actually have a plan? Somewhat. The former human knew that he was trying to get his name out there and try to get someone to come after him so that they would be the next victim in his plan. It wasn't all that complicated, and if he really wanted to make it complicated, he would probably talk with the rest of the crew that was around now. It was interesting to see how many of them were coming back to life, but he was still riddled with guilt. He doubted that they would have wanted a life like this, and it was because of him that they were stuck like this until they probably died again. The fear of dying was probably the only thing that was keeping them alive at this point, and he wondered if any of them blamed him for his actions. They all knew that he had been the one to gather the intel. Maybe he should have just left it Goldenboy, as it would have been easier for the hacker to find out the real information, but they had gone through that and they didn't find anything. They were stuck, and there was no telling what this world had planned for them either. He hoped that they would be able to start a life out here and not become immediately bored if any of this was real in the first place. He was starting to believe that it was really on the simple factor that he was seeing all of the crew that he had watched die, and there was no way that was possible. He doubted that his mind would be able to come up with something as absurd as this world.

It just didn't make all that much sense. Vagabond was fairly simple compared to the rest of his crew, he was more likely to be a hitman than try to go around and steal something. Now if he knew that there was going to be a big heist and a lot of death, he would make sure that he was there as well. He wasn't going to let his crew go unprepared and he liked to be there any time that he could. They had plenty of muscle that was capable of taking out henchman back and forth, but it was never bad to have more people there that were good with guns. One would probably make fun of Vagabond when he would say that he missed all the guns that he once had. That he would miss being able to have thumbs, but these animals wouldn't be able to understand, and crew probably felt the same way. A heavy sigh escaped Vagabond's jaws as he was near another waterfall like usual. He was cleaning off his equipment as he had just finished killing someone. His knives were the main weapon that he liked to use, and he had finished carving the flesh from the skull of the animal. Now he was just going to have to deliver the body back where he had found it, and if he got the delivery wrong it didn't matter, as someone would end up finding it. The Hellhound flicked one of his ears as his vivid blue eyes watched as the blood dispersed in the water. Once all of his equipment was clean, Vagabond stood himself up and began to make his way back to the corpse.

Thanks to the mask that he wore, he wasn't really able to catch the scent of anything that was around him. The 6ft tall hellbeast then saw something near the corpse, hidden by the shadows of the night, as it was around midnight. The fuck was that? As he got closer to the corpse, he noticed that it was the beast that he had seen a couple of times. Never hearing the other speak at all, and the other was EATING the animal that he had just killed. His lips curled into a snarl behind his mask as he sank his claws into the dirt. "HEY! The fuck do you think you're doing?" Vagabond snapped as he strode a little bit closer toward the much larger creature. As he moved, one of the throwing knives that were sheathed was removed from the sash and hovered next to him. This was his, and whatever the other was doing was absolutely disgusting in the sight of the human. In an attempt to get the other way from the corpse, Vagabond would aim to launch the throwing knife at high speeds directly at the creature's cheek, hoping to impale the blade inside of the muscle. Who did this guy think he was? As far as Vagabond knew, this guy was completely feral and was just another animal that wasn't sentient. Vagabond remained around 10ft away from the monster.


Kliment rarely slept so, of course, the beast would be on the prowl especially at night where he would be more hidden by the shadows that blanketed him. His pseudo eyes squinting into the night as his tongue slithered out from his jaws to try and pick up any scent particles that could possibly lead him to a meal, his nostrils flared for a brief moment. He caught the smell of meat thus causing a small rumbling noise to erupt from his jaws with his throat vibrating, despite being large the hybrid was able to make his way through the Rosebloods territory with ease. His rabbit-like ears pressed against his cranium lightly twitching at the smallest of sounds, someone was nearby but they seemed distracted by something, his cranium turned in the direction of meat being peeled off a skull with a blade. They were a large creature he had seen a few times, his pseudo stare locked onto their skeletal structure yet he didn't bother saying anything as his barbed tongue slithered from a cavern of teeth to lap up a bit of blood. Here was his prize. Surely, the large brute wouldn't care if he helped himself.

He was admittedly wrong. His jaws already unhinged whilst he used to tongue to scoop up the body into his mouth, the barbed muscle coiled around the corpse like a boa wrapped around its own prey. He bit down feeling the roof of his mouth salivating, he could already taste the blood and feel the flesh brushing against the walls of his jaws. He lowered his cranium for a brief moment only to lift his muzzle to the air feeling the body slide down his esophagus yet the delicious meal was short-lived once he felt a sharp pain on his cheek. His tongue swiped across his lips only for the tip to grip slowly onto the handle of the throwing knife, he pulled it out with a hiss escaping his jaws. Kliment let the knife drop to the ground with a soft clink as the blade hit smooth rock, his rabbit-like ears swerved forward feeling his blood start trickling down the side of his cheek and dripping onto the ground. His snout scrunched up, his lips pulled back to the point where his nose wasn't visible only gums and messily aligned teeth pressed against pale lavender gums "YOU." He spat out in a voice full of irritation, his voice low and Russian accent wrapped around his words.

His tail lashed to the sides, the tip of it swerving slightly like a sharp blade still showijg off his fangs to the skull wearing hellhound. Kliment took a few steps back forward his cranium turned in the direction of the hellhound as he let out a soft breath, it turned into a small white cloud in the cold sky. "WE DARE YOU TO COME NEARER." He growled with a shake of his head, the blood having already dried and forming a small scab. The hybridzation didn't seem to hesitate and with surprisingly, swift movements would find themselves near Vagabond twisting his tail a bit aiming to stab or cut the other with the blade-like tip of his spiked tail, a snarl escaping the now angered beast.


Questions no one can answer -

It was hard to distinguish which animals were capable of speech and which ones weren't. It has gotten to the point that if he attacked someone, it would be the first question that he would end up asking to see if he got a react out of them. If they acted in a certain way, Vagabond was able to tell slightly that they were sentient based on the actions that they did. When he was a human he didn't have to worry about something that trivial. Everyone was capable of speech as a human except for the obvious animals, so there wasn't about to be a conversation to be had with the likes of an animal. It was one of the many new things that Vagabond was going to have to get used to. But, there could be a time where he wouldn't even think about it and instead just attack someone for the hell of it. Vagabond had no reason to hunt anything because he could make his own food if he really wanted to. The former human didn't have to worry about starvation anymore, and that had been his previous concern with this world and probably with the likes of others as well. The Hellhound wasn't going to eat something raw, and if anyone was going to eat a dead rabbit or any corpse for that matter he probably wouldn't be in the area and avert his gaze. It wasn't that the thought of blood makes him feel wrong, it was just the thought of raw meat sitting in the pit of his stomach.

The carnivore knew that meat was going to be the main portion of his diet, but he could just have a couple of burgers and he would be good for the next couple of days. So, Vagabond didn't think that the beast in front of him was capable of speech. Now, up to this point, he wasn't the best of fighters. Having only existed in a body that was barely a week old, he was still getting the hang of what his limbs could actually end up doing. He was large so he could throw his weight around, but if he didn't have his weapons, he was basically useless in a fight as taking off the mask that he had wasn't an option either. The Hellhound needed to fight with the tools that he had, and he was glad that he was learning something new every day. Vagabond was slightly taken with surprise when the beast actually spoke to him, catching him a little off guard. The creature didn't immediately attack him, which allowed the large hellbeast to unsheathe more of this throwing knives and let them hover around his skull. Should he feel happy that he had managed to piss someone off that was a little bit bigger than he was? Maybe. He wasn't quite sure just et and would probably answer that in a couple of moments as the beast didn't seem to be deterred away from the knife that had just impaled the other's cheek.

In the response to the other's words, Vagabond growled back, hardly intimidated with whatever this thing was. "Fuck off." Was all the Hellhound said. He didn't expect the large beast to be all that quick, but he had been wrong when the thing was basically on top of him. His vivid blue eyes widened slightly with the shock of the other near him and noticed the other's tail coming in his direction. He didn't think that a tail could actually be used as a weapon, but if the guy was attacking with it, then it probably wasn't good to get hit by it either. The Hellhound sidestepped the tail, barely, the blade slicing off some flesh from his shoulder. As soon as he landed on his paws, the Hellhound aimed to send three throwing knives in the beasts direction. He aimed one at the back left leg of Kliment, aimed another at the left side of Kliments neck, and then he aimed to impale the final one into the side of the animal. Was it even an animal at this point? He didn't know and part of him didn't care either.


Pissing off someone larger than him probably wouldn't be much of a good idea, a grand achievement sure but it seemed that Kliment was a little more intelligent than Vagabond. At the sudden swearing, the Russian accented beast didn't seem to stop nor did he when the knife met with his skin but he managed to move out of the way from the blade that was directed to his neck. This hellhound was getting too cocky for his own good, Kliment should probably remind them of where they stood and where he was. At the top. With a sharp growl, the hybrid would twist his body a bit to leap over the skull wearing brute in an attempt to briefly startle him and once he managed that. Kliment lunged forward with jaws unhinged and wide open to strike aiming to bite down onto the back of the neck whilst he attempted to dig his knife-like talons into the hellhound's shoulders. If he managed any of this, he would quickly step back with his fangs bared and tail lashing to the sides. He didn't care if he missed the bite, he could try for another time.

And if it missed again then Kliment would simply divert to Plan B, which consisted of his venomous fangs that were currently tucked away. Those were only for emergencies or when Kliment actually felt like his life was on the line otherwise, they are tucked away and hidden from unsuspecting idiots like Vagabond.



Questions no one can answer -

Vagabond wouldn't be lying when he thought that he was always going to be smarter than the animals that were around a place like this. After all, they were just animals and nothing more. He was a human, and he was fairly certain he still had the mind of a human attached to himself as he remembered everything when he was indeed a human. He had whatever brain fit into this body, and half of his mind was currently trying to figure out whether what he was thinking of was actually real or some sort of joke on the top of it. The Hellhound had no reason to think that there were animals in this world that would be capable of killing him or come remotely close to killing him. He had nearly died several times when he was a human, and it was almost funny to watch and see them try. Vagabond was used to most pain, although he had to admit that getting shot was one of the worse pains that he had felt time and time again. A well-placed bullet could make any man scream out, and if they didn't, they were something else entirely. Vagabond was cocky for a reason. Because he was skilled, and those skills transferred over to this world, partly. There were still some skills that he had yet to learn just yet.

Vagabond's vivid blue eye's tracked the strange beast in a calm manner and watched as it rushed over toward him. He knew about dodging at the last minute, and he watched as the creature jumped over him. The other was larger than him, but that didn't mean that he would be faster all the time either. Lugging around such a large body was bound to wear the other out eventually. Vagabond knew that one of his blades had hit its mark, and if he really wanted to win this fight he could just bleed out the other creature. As soon as Kliment lunged to try and bite into his neck, two throwing knives were launched at incredible speeds, reaching well over 10mph thanks to his air elementals, as they aimed to impale themselves inside of the creature's mouth, while he sidestepped out of the way of the other's mouth and claws. Such a strike wouldn't kill an animal like that, but it would be extremely painful to have a bunch of knives impaling the back of his throat. The knives weren't large enough to impale any vital areas inside of the other's throat. Vagabond would make sure to distance himself, picking up some of the knives that had fallen on the ground. He needed to fight at long range, as he wasn't about to become savage enough to start using his mouth and try to rip the guy apart.