Beasts of Beyond

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Questions no one can answer -

He was starting to have a track record. He was thinking about waiting for something to happen after all the crimes that he had committed. Although in this world were they really considered being crimes in the first place? It was common for animals to kill other animals. He wasn't entirely sure, and he wasn't about to ask someone in case they got the wrong idea why he was doing everything. The past couple of days though, he hadn't been feeling all that well all things considered. He was exhausted all the time, and there were feelings that he could feel, that he wasn't sure if they were his or not. There were also instances where he could feel pain going through his body but he looked completely fine and was just relaxing too. It made little to no sense, and that made him nervous that something was happening to him that he didn't know about. It almost made him panic completely, but he knew that being the calm one of the group that he was going to have to keep calm even at the worst of times. It was his specialty after all. Vagabond had probably already started to make a name for himself the past week that he had existed in this world. Actually, he wasn't sure how long he had been in this world. All the days were starting to blend together with confusion and at least some enjoyment. He was going to have to pick up some kind of hobby in order to keep himself sane in this place as there wasn't really anything to do that a human could do at the end. So, he had gone back to the place that he had been previously, as he had been the one that killed Ammon. He wasn't sure if anyone had noticed the corpse, but he was interested in passing the time even if it was just a little bit.

The former human was known for being the one that tortured other's for information, and he wanted to know a little bit more about the world without having to talk to Goldenboy 24/7. He loved the guy like family, but he could only stand the other so much to the point where he would want to stab a knife right through the cat's eye. Vagabond needed to get better and stronger as there was always a bigger fish in the world that could probably consider his skills to be very basic. Which they were, as he only had a grasp on his air elementals, not even know what they were called, and he could only use it to throw knives. Now that he was coming back, Vagabond's fur was smoking, the tips of his fur being completely singed. There was a good portion of his tail that was burned almost all the way down to the flesh, and some scales on his back had fallen off thanks to the extreme temperatures. He had no idea in his mind that a cat could shoot out fire or lightning for that matter. To say that he had been taken off guard when he had confronted the female was a little bit of an understatement, as he nearly got a face full of fire as soon as he approached her. It was obvious that she knew that he was there to cause trouble and didn't hesitate a second. The Hellhound was luckily quick to react, but he didn't get out unscathed either. The more and more he went out, the more injuries seemed to be coming back with, and he still had no damn idea how to fix any of the injuries that he had gotten. Although, some of them were just minor scratches. There was a small body that was draped across his back, as he had made sure to knock her out as there was no way he would be able to carry her with the mask that he wore. The black skull mask covering the button of his jaw so that he wouldn't be able to grab anything unless he took the mask off.

The cat was somewhat small, barely bigger than the size of a domestic cat so his size dwarfed the females quite literally. He was pissed that she had basically burned him. He had been burned before when he was a human, but that had been with a flamethrower. This cat was a literal animal flamethrower and the very thought confused him to no end. So, he decided that he wanted some answers, and the rest of the crew deserved some answers as well. He was going to use her as an example that whatever she was capable of doing wouldn't be enough to protect her. Vagabond had to just wait for her to exhaust herself before dealing a blow to her skull to knock her out. The large hellbeast entered the canyon and made his way through the jungle until he came to a small waterfall. He could use water to his advantage as a means of torture if the other was starting to be stubborn. No one could see the angry face that was spread across his maw thanks to his mask as he stopped at the pool of water with the Pitt member on his back. Shaking his body, the beast let the other fall hard onto the ground, turning around and kicking her to the edge of the pool of water. He made sure to keep one massive paw pressed against her chest, his own paw basically the same size as she was. "Wake up." Vagabond commanded, also using the chill of the water on the cat's neck to hopefully wake her up as well. Vagabond didn't know where she was from as he didn't know all the groups around here, and honestly didn't care. He had no idea that he was dealing with a pretty important person from there. His twin tails lashed behind him as smoke continued to come off of the burns that he had gone through.


Re: HERE COMES TROUBLE | TORTURE/CAPTURE - ninazu - 11-17-2018

© lexasperated
The sensation of cold jolted her away, golden eyes flying wide as she came to her senses in an unfamiliar place. She remembered the fight – even landing a few good blows with her elemental abilities – and immediately recognized Vagabond’s smell when she came to. Her eyes slid to him as she leveled a glare at the massive canine, her five tails lashing against the dirt. Her snarl turned into a smirk when she saw the smoke curling up from his body, pleased that she managed to do some shit to a giant brute like him.

“Congratulations, you caught a tiny little medic,” she hissed, flexing her toes. She tried to will her powers to her, but the headache pounding in her head made it hard to concentrate; smoke curled from her mouth as she exhaled, but that was all. But she was a patient beast.

She felt tempted to spit at him, rattle off threats. But she held her tongue, and decided to end her accomplishments with the simple description of ‘medic.’ She performed as Pitt’s main doctor, sure enough, but she also tortured and burned territories to the ground. If the Rosebloods held to the custom of not attacking healers, then she broke that agreement anyway – her current body alone wasn’t hers, she’d possessed some slave when her birth body sustained too many injuries.

Her gaze slid to the paw on her chest as her smirk deepened to mocking proportions. “Do I terrify you that much? I’m flattered.” Ninazu feared death, but she knew better than to give a shit about this body or worry about it. She could smell others nearby; it wouldn’t be difficult to possess some moron Roseblood member if he killed her, and that plan embolden her. She wasn’t afraid of this fucking overgrown mutt.


Questions no one can answer -

Now probably wasn't the right time to admit it, he was more of a dog person. He had never been the one to take in cats whenever he had a pet, and instead, it was more like a dog. So, him having to deal with a cat wasn't the best thing that he had to go through. It seemed like even now that cats were capable of talking, all of them were still assholes or snakes that tried to deceive. He didn't trust the likes of a cat and would more likely trust the likes of a dog instead of in this world. He wasn't going to judge a book by its cover, as he wasn't that dense. He knew for a fact that Rimmy enjoyed cats, but he wasn't sure how that feeling would transfer from when they were humans to here. Vagabond doubted that keeping the likes of a cat as a pet would be ideal in a world like this as it would be equivalent to having a slave that was around. Maybe. He wasn't sure and he also didn't care enough to look into it either. He didn't need a pet after all. Vagabond also didn't care what the other was going to say to him as she would more than likely lie out of her ass to try and get away from a situation like this. The Hellhound had no intention of letting her go back to the desert where she was from unless she was a corpse. That much he could guarantee. Besides, he was fairly certain that most doctors that he had come across were corrupted as any other criminal. Give anyone a large sum of money and they will basically do whatever you ask without hesitating. Doctors made enough money anyway, but there was such a thing that was called greed and if they could make more money why wouldn't they?

Vagabond couldn't remember how many times that he paid doctors to come and patch him up from the holes that were put in his body when he was shot, and told the doctor not to ask questions or put it in any of his records. Some of the crew were good when it comes to patching each other up, but they weren't great compared to the likes of a doctor. He also heard stories of doctors killing those that had paid them to heal their wounds because they were already hired by another game. Hence why none of them got patched up alone and always had someone around watching the doctor's every move, and sometimes had a gun in their hand in case the doctor tried to do anything suspicious. He had killed a couple doctors that would just make one mistake, and he wouldn't give them time to explain themselves to him before he shot them in the head and called up another doctor, leaving the corpse behind as an example when the next doctor came in so he wouldn't try anything either. Vagabond wasn't scared about his injuries, and instead the other was angry that he didn't think that these abilities were even possible. Maybe there was something that he was missing. Maybe they did have flamethrowers that were hidden somewhere and he just wasn't looking strong enough.

A complete possibility in a strange world like this, and it still felt like he was in a dream and that none of this as well. It was obvious by Vagabond's reaction, which he gave none, that he could care less that she was a doctor or whatever this world called it. Vagabond didn't know anything about the Roseblood's rules, not that he would follow them anyway. Vagabond let a small huff as he wasn't impressed by the miniature cat underneath his paw. Frightened? Hardly. But, she could potentially be quicker than him thanks to his size and be able to get away. It wasn't like he could climb trees or anything like that. "Hardly." Vagabond said in an unimpressed tone, four knives hovering around his head. In which, Vagabond would aim to impale one throwing knife in each limb, and pin her limbs into the earth if the attack worked. If that worked, her limbs would be splayed out as if she was a rat on a dissection table about to be cut open. Vagabond would then remove his paw and lower his masked cover face to the small cats. "How were you able to do any of that? The fire, and lightning." Vagabond questioned the female. He just wanted knowledge of her abilities, and then it seemed like he would prepare to let her go, which wasn't the case. But it was always nice to see someone have hope that was never really there, to begin with.


Ah, so the hellhound was messing around with other clanners. This one smelt different compared to Tanglewood and the Rosebloods, the experimented mutt of a hybrid would dwell on the sidelines wondering if he would be able to get a bite from this small creature. Hardly an appetizer but the beast knew that it pissed off Vagabond, that's what he mainly lived for since it was the most funniest shit he had experienced here so far. He was asking her questions, that wasn't even remotely exciting. Kliment was so tempted to intervene and show the other how things were done properly, he parted his jaws eventually sneering "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? TALK HER TO DEATH?" With that, his barbed tongue slithered from his cavern of teeth and curled lightly around his snout, his snout scrunched up into a taunting snarl. His claws tapped against the ground a little impatiently, if this procedure went any slower than surely Kliment would do the Pittian a favor of not having to listen to Vagabond's so, so boring questions.

Re: HERE COMES TROUBLE | TORTURE/CAPTURE - ninazu - 11-21-2018

© lexasperated
She hissed as the knives dug into her skin, blood dripping down her flesh in steady streams. With baleful eyes, she glared up at him – smoke curled out of her mouth, but her intimidation tactic stalled there. At his question, however, her lips curled as she barked a frustrated laugh at him. “How do you breathe, you imbecile?” she snarled back, thrashing despite the agony of his knives. Her right forelimb jerked free – leaving a gaping wound almost down to the bone, though she remained undeterred and attempted to smack him in the face with her paw. She doubted he’d let her out of the Rosebloods as anything more than a corpse, and she’d no intent in allowing him to wound her pride. Ninazu would rather suffer a thousand cuts than resign herself to her fate.

In her peripheral vision, she saw a hulking mutant and a lioness approach the torture scene. The sand cat nearly smirked, but focused on spitting at her captor. She’d use her possessions magic to switch bodies when this one expired, but like hell they needed to get a hint of her plans. “You captured me to ask that? You probably have a few elementals among your own goddamn ranks. Or is your clan so pathetic that everyone here is as muggle as you?” she spat, tails lashing against the ground.


side eyes


Questions no one can answer -

(sorry for such a late reply! Couldn't really reply over the holidays)

He didn't even know the creatures name, and honestly, most of him didn't even really care all things considered. The guy just seemed to have a thing for annoying him, and eventually, he was going to slit the other man's throat in his sleep the next chance that he got. Vagabond didn't play nice with others, and there were instances that he could even attack those that were part of the crew if someone got him angry enough. He was a ticking time bomb and his actions were almost always unpredictable on what he was going to end up doing. He had been busy for the past couple of weeks, and part of him was just getting exhausted from all of it. A portion of him just wanted to kill everyone in this group so that he wouldn't have to deal with their annoying mugs, but that wouldn't be good for business now would it? Vagabond didn't even look at Kliment as the other began to make his way over, his twin tails lashing violently behind the massive hellbeast. Instead, one of his throwing knives would float into the air and aim to impale itself right next to Kliment's paw, hand, whatever. "Fuck off. I'm working." Vagabond would say in a calm manner, the massive Hellhound only giving the beast one warning and that was it. He was trying to get some answers and he was going to get them whether the female liked it or not. He didn't want to be bothered. God, he hated this place. In the city, he would at least be able to find a private area to do this, but here it seemed like everyone needed to come over and try to interact with him.

His attention had remained on the small feline, and he watched as she tried to move her arms from the knives that pinned her down to the ground. He hadn't been that close to her and looked at her feeble movements. He wasn't here to have fun, he was here for intel and nothing else. Her next words at least gave some form of a hint of what she was using. Elementals. Well, that didn't give him much information, but it was at least something anyway. Vagabond didn't bother to care what the female said about the clan, which she was probably talking about Rosebloods. He didn't consider himself to be one of them, and never followed any of their laws or rules for that matter. He flicked one of his large black ears before another throwing knife appeared, and he aimed to gently lower it into the female's gut. Vagabond didn't care if he hit any vital organs, as with a knife, she would bleed out slowly if he kept the knife in. If he kept the knife out, then she would readily bleed to death. "How many different elemental abilities are there? Who can use them?" Vagabond questioned the smaller feline. He was a human, these abilities were completely foreign to him and he had no reason to believe that these abilities were possible. Although, one could consider him an idiot when he was using an elemental power right then and there with his throwing knives.

Re: HERE COMES TROUBLE | TORTURE/CAPTURE - ninazu - 12-12-2018

© lexasperated
Pain shot through the sand cat’s body, and a scream tore through her throat. Glaring up at the hellhound, sparks crackled from her body around the site of the wound. Her powers instinctively went to cauterize the wound; given the small amount of blood in such a small form, that would be the ideal move in most circumstances. But as long as she needed to use her elemental powers to stay alive, she didn’t have the strength to keep fighting. What a fuckup of a dilemma.

“Dumb shit, you could ask any fucking bastard in this damn hellhole and they’d fucking tell you. There’s fucking five of them, and even a pea-brained shit-eater like you should be able to deduce them. Obviously I can control two – and if there was one for stupidity, you’d be the master of that.” Her ramble came rapid-fire at ten words per second, with hisses and snarls spaced in between. As long as he only asked stupid shit, though, she didn’t see a problem with answering; he didn’t seem to realize what questions he should be asking, anyway.