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CALL ME IDOL - open; joining - Printable Version

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CALL ME IDOL - open; joining - rhosmari - 11-17-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]I'D SAY I TOLD YOU SO BUT YOU JUST GONNA CRY — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]"This is so stupid." His words were muttered to himself as he walked forward at a sluggish pace that prevented him from actually making any sudden moves. He was forced to get used to it, there was no going back now and the hastily done job on his leg was going to effect him the rest of his life unless someone knew how to fix it or at least do a better job than that last fool had. Sure, maybe he should be thankful for what the guy had done for him especially since he was bleeding out all over the ground but frankly the boy kind of thought that dying would have been better than having to be in constant pain because of a half assed job to actually save his life. Golden colored blood had long since leaked down the black metal of the prosthetic limb because of his often harsh movements pushing and pulling against the torn flesh of his body. The job itself looked like it had been rather rushed, the fitting seemingly all wrong for someone his age and stature but there had been no other choice when the large dog like thing had attacked him after he had asked the asshole a simple question. His limb had went flying clear of and so quickly he barely felt the pain till it was there and he was screaming on the ground. The bastard didn't even care, he'd just walked off and left him like that as if he hadn't even seen him.

The shifting and whirring of the metal leg also got on his nerves and his brow furrowed in agitation before he breathed out slowly and attempted to keep walking forward. Sometimes the damn thing locked up and he had to force it to unbend. It was hell that was for sure but he didn't have a choice but to deal with it till he could find someone competent enough to help him out. The dirtied boy lifted his dual colored eyes up at the area, the smell of sea salt lifting up into his nostrils and he made a face before slowly beginning to walk across the strip of land that led to the island he saw not too far away. Water splashed against his paw and he lifted up his mechanical paw a little to avoid the water because he didn't know if it could get wet or not, like hell he would let it short our or whatever or even get rusted because he was too stupid to prevent it. Cold eyes narrowed for a moment as he hobbled forward over the metal railing of a train track that had been in disuse for a long time and when he came to the skull and the bell with the basket. "Tch, cute..." It wasn't cute. It wasn't cute at all and he found it down right terrifying to a degree. Who just hung up skulls anyway and he swallowed hard as he attempted at half hearted glare before he sat down and smacked the bell a little too hard.

The metal on metal made a higher pitched noise and it caused him to flatten his ears against his skull, growling low in his throat as his thick lizard like tail curled around his body. "Geez, what the actual hell!?" It was his own fault he knew but he blamed everything else but himself at this point and he stepped away from the bell especially when the basket near it started to hiss and move with agitation. Whatever was in it he didn't want to deal with and so with a grumpy expression he waited there because obviously there was something or someone here. Otherwise why would there be a damn bell, or even a gate for that matter with a creepy ass skull just hanging around. It couldn't be for shits and giggles but then again how would he know, right now all he cared about was his hurting leg and shoulder plus the fact that he hadn't been able to sleep the past couple of days because of the pain and the constant bleeding. "Hey, anyone around!? I'm looking for some help. Not that I really need it but it'd still be nice. Name's Chardonnay if you care or don't care. Shit..." He grumbled as he lifted up the metal leg, nerve endings firing off again and he shuddered a bit.

Re: CALL ME IDOL - open; joining - Grey - 11-17-2018

He is attracted by the sound of the bell, not too far from the railroad when he draws himself closer, like a spider crawling towards trapped prey. This was new. He doesn't expect the irritated expression upon the foreigner's face, the other's distaste for the sound of the bell. Usually it is the pirates who grow vexed by the repetitive noise, the metal shrills that rattle and clang. He should have expected the result of ringing the bell, expect it to be loud because otherwise it would have no use, no reason for existing. If it were quiet, it would be as useless as some of the crewmates who occupied the island. "Be more specific with what you mean by help," the young Quartermaster rumbles when he approaches, using his earth elementals to stop the swinging motion of the metal bell. It halts and hangs perfectly still, the male raising a figurative brow as if waiting for the gush of the wind to dare try and move it. "And no, I don't give two shits what your name is but someone probably will." Sometimes Bakugou thinks they are simply too hospitable, too compassionate for the lives of other strangers. The ragdoll, however, sees little point in knowing the personal details of others. Unless they are here to stay for months and months to come, acting as an ally over a nuisance, he doesn't have a reason to know another's name as if they were comrades. If the male was simply here with a request, it was a waste of his time to bother exerting the energy to getting to know him. He was simply another face to deal with.

As he waits for the other to speak up, he can't help with notice the prosthetic leg over the heterochromic eyes. Mismatched optics don't surprise him anymore. He has seen a number of faces come, go and stay who happen to have a gaze consisting of two different hues. Metal limbs, however, is something he has only noticed on one of those merchants in Sunhaven. They only make him wince at the idea of metal attached to bone, moving in synchronization with the body through some kind of scientific breakthrough. He doesn't understand how they can even work and he realises that, if he really wants to be a dick, he can probably control the prosthetic leg. For added pettiness, if the guy pisses him off he can use his earth elementals to raise the metal leg and punch themself. 'Stop hitting yourself' will become an amusing reality for the ragdoll.

Re: CALL ME IDOL - open; joining - SÉAMUS - 11-17-2018

The endfield's ears flicked back sharply, irked at the scratch of metal.  "The feck?" He frowned lightly as he trotted towards the sound, figuring it was the infamous bell.  A stranger on their shores then.  How fun.

The pirate huffed lightly as he slowed to a stop beside Bakugou.  I certainly don't care, he muses, but his seagreen eyes flash down to the stranger's metal paw, blinking.  "Need someone more mechanically inclined, I'd say," the irishman pointed out drily.  The fae could tell the prosthetic was not in the best shape, but he was no mechanic, not by a long shot.  Like his crewmate, he did not particularly care if the other was just here for some help.  Even if he ended up being a comrade, odds were he wouldn't care then either.  Séamus was not in the business of particularly caring about others, save a single exception, and whenever it actually benefited him.

At least this is a change of pace.  Someone a little different from the norm.  The vulpine wondered what he did to damage the leg, or if it was just worn down by time.  Time had a habit of doing that.
"word of mouth there's a snake in the garden" —-- Séamus Ó Faolán

Re: CALL ME IDOL - open; joining - PEPPINO - 11-17-2018

Pip never thought of anything relating to knowing or helping people as a waste of time. It didn't matter whether the people chose to stay in The Typhoon, or if they even stayed for long- to only care insofar as membership was concerned created a very divisive barrier he didn't want to be apart of. Maybe he did care too much. That wasn't really up for debate, but he thought if everyone just cared a bit more than they did about each other, if they made an effort to understand rather than oppose, fewer people would walk through scarred from awful encounters. However, while he wasn't doubting they were capable of reaching compromises, he wasn't so naive as to think it was in the near future, or that it would last. In living here, he'd become very aware of the many facets and sides of people. Aggression and cruelty matched by kindness and charity, though maybe not so often as he would like.

But he had also learned he was no one to try and change that. He could only do his best, and he wished- he wished that would be enough, one day.

For now, he was dissatisfied with himself, gathering more plantain leaves to tuck into the first-aid pouches he was still working on. The sound of the bell -which had never agitated him, maybe because he knew it was ridiculous to hate something inanimate- distracted him from his work, and he set aside what he'd taken to investigate. He arrived to see Bakugou and another already there with the stranger, who had clear discomfort with his mechanical leg. Pip assumed it was the nature of the attachment. It didn't seem that they had used a cap on the limb as the connecting piece- instead, whoever did it had merely attached the limb directly, and Pip barely managed to suppress the wince. The poor skin was likely agitated and raw, and who knew how soon after the loss that it was installed?

"If it is your leg, I can do what I can for the skin. I have a friend who-" No. Garrett was gone. He'd left. "Ah. I'm certain we'll find someone who can look at the mechanical aspect."


Re: CALL ME IDOL - open; joining - rhosmari - 11-18-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]I'D SAY I TOLD YOU SO BUT YOU JUST GONNA CRY — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]"Be more specific?" He couldn't help but repeat the question and he almost gave the other male a dumbfounded look. Slowly his dual colored eyes narrowed as he looked at the other as if he was searching for something that would reflect that he was actually kidding right now but the more he looked the more he could tell that the other was serious about what he had said. Frankly it was astounding to the teen and frowned a little before looking back at his metal leg coated with his own blood before looking back at the guy. It was absurd to him but then again he guessed not everyone could be as observant as some yet he wasn't the type to just let it go like that. Never had been even for as young as he was. "It's not like my blood is on the outside of my body or anything. No, I'm not still bleeding down my god damn leg." He couldn't help the snort that left him before he shook his head and dual colored eyes flicked away for a moment before he lifted a paw and waved it in a dismissal as he rolled his eyes a little bit. "Glad to know I've met an asshole already. Just warms my heart, really." He stressed the words with heavy sarcasm before he flicked his gaze back to Bakugou, debating on how much he wouldn't like this guy even if he decided to actually stay around or not. It depended really on the situation and if he could actually get some decent help around here. Though his comment about his name made him sigh a little before he looked toward a strange guy that was coming up. "Yeah, it's why I said for those that care and don't care. I really hope you aren't deaf too."

That would spoil anyone's day, being blind and deaf. Eh, he supposed they would get by or something along those lines. Though he was trying to be sensible about the situation comments all around were starting to irk him something fierce and it was most likely due to the pain that he was in. Plus the fact that he hadn't gotten a good rest in a while and he just wanted to get the process going. "Oh, you don't say." His voice just oozed the sarcasm this time around when the other spoke about a mechanic and he shook his head a little. He needed something for his torn skin too but hell he needed someone who knew about machinery more right now. Regardless of his rather abhorrent attitude the young boy was trying his damned best to not be too abrasive and he turned his focus away from the two that were there when a third showed up. He looked more competent, understanding and with that he was more relieved with the situation he had found himself coming upon. A lift flick of his ear told the other he was listening and intently and he allowed his tense shoulders to relax a bit as he gave a hurried nod, the spark of life showing with enthusiasm and more in his young gaze.

"Thank fuck, someone who knows what they are doing and talking about." He breathed softly a pitiful sound that was layered with the welcoming of rest and healing because he needed it badly. Frankly the young canine was not one who wanted to go days without sleep and he knew that it was likely he could start hallucinating at any given moment. Rising to his paws he pushed back a yawn and walked forward, limping just the slightly as he passed by the group of animals before he turned back to look at Peppino, hoping he would tell him where to go so that he might look at his leg in a better light. "It's all your's if you want to help. I can tell you how it all happened too if you want. S'not so bad but it does hurt like hell."

Re: CALL ME IDOL - open; joining - PEPPINO - 11-18-2018

He smiled -albeit wan and thin- before stepping closer to the other boy so he wouldn't have to walk as far on that leg. Now that the distance was less than it had been, he could see more, and he liked it even less, a crease forming between mismatched eyes. He did not blame him for his unpleasant demeanor- he would not be very sociable after walking on that, although it was entirely likely he was already...cantankerous, and the pain worsened it. It wasn't as though The Typhoon lacked room for more people with barbed tongues. "It's all right to do it here," he said after a moment, when he realized Chardonnay hadn't risen just to meet him halfway, expecting to walk farther elsewhere. Not if Pip could help it. "But yes, that would be appreciated. Do you know what treatment you received afterward?" Pip did not want to rub certain ointments into the skin until he knew the cause and, accordingly, what would match best with the type of wound.

Re: CALL ME IDOL - open; joining - Grey - 11-19-2018

His ear twitches. "We ain't a fuckin' hospital," he hisses. He hates it when foreigners stroll up to The Typhoon expecting to be healed for free. They weren't a charity and he would rather they just turned away those who weren't looking to join, those who were dead weight to begin with. His maw parts in irritation, black smoke swelling into the atmosphere when his eyes catch onto Peppino. He had initially been impressed by Pincher's son but now the sage merely annoys him. Too compassionate, too kind for strangers who have done nothing to deserve it. Heck, he doesn't even expect the boy to try and heal him if he is injured. At least he isn't some loud teen who thinks he is entitled to being saved by The Typhoon, glaring daggers towards the male. "That's why I replied with 'and no', dumbass. If you're going to have the audacity to be obnoxious, then don't cry and scream when I rip that metal leg of yours and use it to stab that warmed heart of yours."

Bakugou snarls when he looks at Peppino working away, ear twitching in irritation. "You're the only sage we have left and you're wasting your resources on a piece of shit who came ringing the bell thinking he's entitled to seek medical care. I had really thought more of you, Pipsqueak."

Re: CALL ME IDOL - open; joining - rhosmari - 11-19-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]I'D SAY I TOLD YOU SO BUT YOU JUST GONNA CRY — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Oh, so they weren’t about to go anywhere. Well, that saved him a lot of pain and effort because he was about to suck it up and get the walk to wherever over with so that he could lay down. Often times he felt the metal rubbing against bone and it was a rather painful experience although it didn’t compare to the initial pain of having his leg ripped from his body to begin with. To say that he had been utterly lost in the pain was not an understatement as much of what happened to him he hardly remembered but he had promised that he would recount what he could about how he sustained the energy. Slowly the teen sat down, listening to the shifting of metal in his leg before he allowed his gaze to flicker over this guy. He was nicer than most he had met that was for sure and especially the two other guys that had showed up but as far as he knew guys like that came in droves. Shrugging his shoulders a bit he closed his dual colored eyes for a moment as he tried to remember what had been done to him. ”Let me think here. The guy that saved my life wrapped my leg up in this yellow like paste. It smelled weird and had a sweet undertone. Really, I don’t even remember when he tried to put the leg on but he did a real shit job if you as me. When I actually had my sense back he was gone and I’ve been walking around like this for about a week.” Didn’t seem too bad to him and he glanced over to Peppino before lightly lifting his lizard like tail up a bit.

Though he was distracted again when that first guy opened his mouth to make his comebacks. Geez. Someone was a bit angry. A grin pulled across his muzzle as he pulled his blacked ears forward just slightly though he could say he was a little pissed off more than his usual demeanor and this didn’t make things any better. ”Tch, saying ‘and no’ implies I was asking a damn question. Which I obviously wasn’t so thanks for being that guy that doesn’t know a rhetoric when he hears one.” His voice was partially a sneer although it was kind of espected of him at this point. He was a bit defensive a bit in pain whatever all he knew was that he wasn’t about to be some pushover. At least not where everyone could see him anyway. Though he couldn’t help but roll his two toned eyes at the guy’s words. Lifting up his metal leg the teen just waved it almost dismissively. ”Yeah, yeah, I don’t know how this came across as me being entitled. I asked for the help and I didn’t barge in here demanding it from you guys. That ain’t fucking entitlement. Though at this point I feel entitled to wanting to get the hell away from you. Doc, can we go somewhere else? I ain’t comfortable with shitheads looming over me and threatening my life when I haven’t even been hostile. Fucking rude sure.” He knew how he talked and knew most wouldn’t like it but he couldn’t be bother with changing how the way he acted. The teen paused then and thought about something before he huffed lightly. This was one of them weird groups he was sure of it and he guessed he’d have to join on up with them to get his care. ”I’ll also be sticking around. Islands aren’t really my thing but I’ll get used to it.”

Re: CALL ME IDOL - open; joining - PEPPINO - 11-19-2018

Yellow ointment. There were plenty of those out there, even more that smelled weird, but yellow ointments tended to work as antibacterial agents- it made sense, if it was applied afterward, although Pip found...issue with that choice, because there was the possibility that the ointment had slowed the healing rather than assisted. With beginning wounds, thicker products were typically used further down the line; thinner, more gel-like water-based creams were better in the beginning to help the white blood cells, and the canine frowned thinking about it. There probably wouldn't be an issue using the skin creams he had in mind, but he wished there was some way of removing the leg without causing more damage. Whoever helped Chardonnay should have waited months at the very least before attaching a limb. "Is it possible to keep weight off of your leg? I could possibly find something to keep it off the ground." A bit difficult given its awkward proportions, but Pip thought he could manage.

That was supposed to be fortunate. This situation was...less so, the bickering grating, but he knew he should be used to it by now. He wasn't certain if he'd been to a joining yet without some kind of snipping, though- it had never been directed at him, and the mix's shoulders stiffened, mouth a thin line. He did not turn away from Chardonnay to glance at Bakugou, and when he spoke, it was quiet, almost impossibly soft. "As sage, this is my choice. I know what resources I have better than you do, Quartermaster, so if you'll excuse me, I have a patient to attend." Still without even looking in Bakugou's direction, he gave a slight gesture with his head in the direction of the jungle temple. "Please, follow me. I will try to walk the smoother path- I do not want to worsen your leg."

He turned away and began walking slowly, body rigid and gaze dulled.