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HOW MANY WAYS || MEETING 11/16 - Printable Version

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HOW MANY WAYS || MEETING 11/16 - rhosmari - 11-17-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FEELING, LIKE I'M TOUCHING THE CEILING — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]How long had they been up in the mountains? Perhaps two or three days now? Time had ceased to mean much to her now a days and things didn't seem like it was going to get any better. This was their last resort because of the flood waters which had washed up all the way to the border and that was troubling by itself. Though the rain had stopped already up on the Peak of the mountain where they had taken their refuge because of their high altitude it had turned into snow and the peak was layered with a fine white. But at least they had warm dens right. Yet she knew just like everyone else did that they were not made for cold temperatures like this even if the snow made it down to where their village had been they would have all been tucked away in their homes to outlive it. What dens they had up here had been those of old left here when the times of burning ceremonies had been a thing, stone homes with the barest of things. Stone kept the cold but she could only hope that they didn't have to remain up here for too long. Finding food was hard as well but she had seen a herd of goats making their way along the mountain side not too far away and after this meeting she would personally go out and try to catch a couple for her group to at least stave off starvation. A light rumble started in her chest as she forced herself to get up and leave her stone home, the wooden door creaking open as she made her way out of it.

Paw prints formed in thickening snow as she shook herself once and glanced around. It seemed empty as of right now but she knew everyone was attempting to keep as warm as possible. This was dreadful and miserable and she allowed herself a moment to think before she shook her head a little bit. Perhaps soon she would scout down the mountain and check and see how the flood waters were doing. She only hoped that they were receding even as she thought about it. Stepping forward her eyes gleamed with what she hoped was confidence and positive notions as she headed to the Pyre and settled her frame underneath the great effigy. Her head lifted up and she allowed a howl to leave her throat, rising up into the cold air as soft flakes of snow danced about to reunite with their uniquely made counterparts. Sunhaven could survive this and she had to hold on to hope or else what else would they have at this current moment. All they could do was rely on each other after all and she gave a light smirk, a playful smile as she spoke up. "Sunhaven, gather beneath the Pyre for a group meeting!"

Re: HOW MANY WAYS || MEETING 11/16 - axiom - 11-17-2018

© lexasperated
In all fairness, Quantum minded the visit to the mountains very little; she enjoyed hunting the game here, with the uneven land to up the challenge. Thus far, she managed well enough to hunt the mountain goats and other creatures that called the lands home -- though she kept a careful eye out for some more interesting kills, like feral snow leopards or rarer, near mythical creatures that might call the mountainside home.

So, in a relatively good mood, the tigress plopped her ass down in front of Marina. She hated the whole waiting for other shitheads to arrive, so she brought a chunk of ribs to slobber over while she waited.

Re: HOW MANY WAYS || MEETING 11/16 - guts - 11-17-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Ymir, on the other hand, didn't quite enjoy the whole living on the mountain thing. Her pelt was thick enough to keep out the cold, with the added support of the bear skin across her back, but it was still irritating to have to watch wherever she stepped. She wasn't looking forward to scraping her paw-pads on sharp stones. But nevertheless she powered through it, the wolf coming to sit at the Pyre and watch Marina expectantly, curious to hear what news she would announce. A lot had seemed to happen after she left. "character's speech."

Re: HOW MANY WAYS || MEETING 11/16 - MirrorEdge - 11-17-2018

tracking for now

Re: HOW MANY WAYS || MEETING 11/16 - Leigh - 11-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — It wasn’t super great timing that he had joined shortly before the flood, but he was here and he kinda liked the rain; without the whole homes collapsing and territory flooding thing, y’know? The unicorn heard the call and, after following the crowd to the pyre, settled himself down off to the side. There wasn’t anyone he knew, so he held back and waited for the meeting to begin.

Re: HOW MANY WAYS || MEETING 11/16 - toboggan - 11-17-2018

+ absent boi track

Re: HOW MANY WAYS || MEETING 11/16 - Dimitri - 11-17-2018

Dimitri was, ya know, there.

Re: HOW MANY WAYS || MEETING 11/16 - buckingham barnes - 11-18-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Bucky decided the moment they reached the peak, the maine coon preferred staying up in the high altitude with the snow rather than down below at the dangerous flood waters. Bucky didn't mind the cold that much- for once, his thick, long coat was coming in handy! Anyway, he wasn't about to complain if he didn't like the snow- they are safer up here than down at the base of the mountain. Marina did the right thing, bringing them up here. The maine coon was the next one to pad in, unable to prevent the soft crunching of snow beneath his paws. He tried to step as quietly as he could, as this is a habit of his that he's given up on breaking, but it's nearly pointless with the snowy ground. With a flick of his ear, Buckingham made his way over to the ground, weaving his way through to the front.

He sat himself down on the snow, looking over towards his friend, waiting for her to continue. He knew there probably was a lot she had to discuss, and their current situation must make it harder. He's sure everyone is still exhausted from the hike up, and that others are still adjusting to the altitude difference. His tail wrapped around his paws as his gaze locked on her.

Re: HOW MANY WAYS || MEETING 11/16 - GORDON CIPHER. - 11-18-2018

Although Gordon's short fur wasn't the best for the cold weather they were currently in, she much preferred being up here in the mountains than down in camp with the flooding water. Images of herself going under and feeling herself tumble under the current flashed through Gordon's mind and the she-cat winced, flattening her ears. She paused in her steps for a few heartbeats, shaking her head and trying to clear her thoughts as much as possible. Eventually she came to join the others, looking up at Marina.
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: HOW MANY WAYS || MEETING 11/16 - REBECCA MACK - 11-18-2018

[align=center][Image: REWjIqe.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: -15px;"]Bex had never thought that going from rain to snow would be an improvement, and yet here they were. She really didn't mind the cold that much, though. She was just happy that they had all escaped the flood, and were here together, safe. That's what really mattered. Still rather tired, and hungry, Bex forced herself over to where the meeting was being held, jaws parting in a yawn as she seated herself down near Bucky. It had been a rough past few days, but at least she was somewhat starting to adjust to the change now. Remaining silent, the collie's gaze rested upon Marina as she waited for the leader to give the announcements. Certainly it would be an important meeting, and so Bex would do her best to focus, and hopefully not end up dozing off during it.