Beasts of Beyond
GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - Printable Version

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GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - PINCHER - 11-16-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
He was scared. He was terrified. He was pacing back and forth in his submarine, the insides now finally fixed after his accidental burning of possessions. Luckily most of his more valuable pieces had been saved due to him locking them in a treasure chest and the hybrid was relieved that it had not been lost in the fire. But that was not what he was worried about. He was worried because of him. Had he told everyone which family he belonged to? Pincher was gently biting down on his lower lip, gnawing with a nervous fever. He did this for a few minutes longer before coming to terms that he just needed to concentrate on getting the meeting up and going despite his desire to simply hide within the dark quarters of his submarine. This was perhaps the only place he felt safe now and allowed him to mumble softly under his breathe while he thought. That asshole was here now and this would only destroy whatever past he had tried to move on from but with the recovered memory of Kaiser and Archimedes' "joining", it seemed his thoughts would never let go. Pincher sucked in a shaky breath and halted from his pacing, brilliant icicle blue gaze narrowing as he contemplated until the flash of lightning crackled the sky and thunder followed with it's booming voice. Pincher glanced out to realize it was raining quite a storm and he hoped most would be fine running to reach the meeting, if not they could simply be brought up to speed with other members.

Allowing his peaked nerves to simmer down like a dying flame, Pincher straightened himself and headed out to be met by the pouring of rain. Other territories in colder seasons would have to deal with snow while the tropical islanders would have to deal with more than usual downpour of rain. He grimaced as he walked through the soaked sand hills, his dark cinder gray tinted pelt now drenched with the rain droplets that crashed down. He briefly glanced up at the darkened sky, noticing that the sun could not be spotted through the heavy clouds. He was tempted to use his elemental powers to push them away but he knew the rainforest thrived only with rain pour and he wasn't going to exhaust himself with such a task. So he simply picked up his pace to a light jog until reaching the mouth of the cave that leads down to the aquarium dome with his blue flames low as they licked his form to dry off the wetness. As he reached the throne, he waited for the rest to come. He knew the conch would have been blown and hopefully, through the rain and thunder, it had reached the ears of the rest of the crew.

Re: FEMALE ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - FELIKS - 11-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The malew as there in a 3am track post.

Re: FEMALE ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - EXODUS-- - 11-16-2018

// hits u with a track

Re: FEMALE ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - Masie - 11-16-2018

Lanky legs stretched out as she ran forward into the meeting, nearly running into several things or people she couldn't tell which at her speed, only stopping when she found a place which she liked to stand in. Head tilted, she waited for this meeting to start, slightly worried considering the last two had bad circumstances associated with them.

Re: FEMALE ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - adomania - 11-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]// here's another track to join the track train,, rip


[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]The rain was something that Bubonicplague was not especially fond of. He'd always despised being wet, the feeling of his body steam as the natural heat of it warded off drops of water. He debated creating a rock cover for himself as he padded through the storm; steam billowed from his body as he moved along, giving the appearance of a ghost. The sound of the conch was not hard for him to catch through the heavy thunder. Somewhat muffled, sure, but by the point of its bellowing he had far past tuned out the storm's howl.

The demon had not been here for long, but assumption led to the conclusion that it meant meeting. A deep breath escaped the jaws of the beast as he lumbered to follow the older members, and his ears twitched some as the sounds of the rain and thunder faded some in whatever room he had padded into. Bubonicplague settled himself closer to the front of the group for once and let his sightless gaze drift to Pincher's position.

Re: FEMALE ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - ADARA - 11-16-2018

tracking for now

Re: FEMALE ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - stella - 11-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]the rain did not bother the hybrid child, her cloak taking the brunt of the droplets and keeping the coffee-infused hues of stella's coat underneath for the most part, dry. besides, the gentle soothing sounds of every droplet hitting the top of the cloak created a gentle symphony against stella's ears. calming. which was appreciated granted this was the first meeting the small child had attended and was feeling slightly uneasy. so many typhoon members gathered in one place was slightly unnerving, and since last meeting and the subsequent fallout stella had sensed her parents getting a little uneasy with the hybrid child and her siblings around certain individuals. some, gone already.

panning her lavender gaze around the general vicinity, those who had gathered already included no one in particular that stella felt drawn to, the child deciding to just keep to herself and await the start of the meeting patiently.

(rushed track)

Re: GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - Grey - 11-17-2018

At some point, Bakugou was deeply afraid of dying. The correlation of sleep and death as being an unknown silence was too much to bear. It was the very idea that his soul would be floating within a void, an abyss of time and emotion, for all eternity that frightens the young Quartermaster. He can't stand it. He is repulsed by the unending slumber, the state of existing but having no conscience to be aware of it. The projection of his body into this world only roots and manifests the fear, lets him realise the calm calamity death brought about it. No pain, no grief, no nothing. Within the cloak of death, he realises he is a spectre whose time before and after will not matter. Who knows how much time had passed from when he had died to when he became alive again? It was the very thought that he could close his eyes and fall asleep before he could even realise it that made his relationship with sleep an uneasy one. He could wake up, sweating and horrified that he was alive, that he had let his eyes close for hours without knowing the time that had shifted. Luckily, nowadays, the thoughts don't phase him. After coming to terms with his mortality, he's come to realise his own ambitions and presence. The worst part about living wasn't the fear of death but the knowledge that he has nothing and no one to live for. Not a single soul would be grateful for him. Whether he left or stayed reaped no results.

It took him a while to notice the rising sea of pirates move towards the dome, flooding the passageway and filling the rooms in an orderly and quiet fashion. Upon entering the sheltered area, he shakes himself off at the entrance, flicking his wet paw and watching the droplets seep into the ground. He moves towards the room, glancing at the Captain who sits silently at his throne - cold as ever. Rather than being soaked by the rain, water has steamed from his increasing body temperature, the young Quartermaster taking a seat closer towards the back, pressing his body against the wall. He holds back a yawn, ears raised at the sound of sonorous thunder cracking through the sky. The weather is dreary and, while he considers moving closer to hear Pincher more clearly, he decides to stay where he is. The design of the room should allow for the feline's voice to echo. If not then he will move forward, only missing the 'welcome' portion of the meeting which he never viewed as very important to begin with. They were simply tradition and mannerisms.

Re: GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - elijah - 11-17-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]It has been almost a week since mama had introduced them to The Typhoon, the island that they had been birthed in. Everything has been so eventful but he appreciates the constant stimulation, the interesting things he has come across. Well, he can only appreciate most of what has happened. There are fragments within his memory that frightens the poor boy. The thoughts are suppressed, locked and trapped - key thrown into the middle of the ocean where it will sink and drown. No one will have to see the monstrosity of a nightmare he has faced. And yet there are triggers which bring the emotions to surface, brimming at the seams, the remembrance of glinting claws and sharp words. Sanguine and royal blood, mixed and intertwined. The child had been fearless and now he is fearful. He dreads the glimmer of metal, the appearance of bones and claws. They sit within the realm of his innocent mind like a parasite. It saps at his fear, his brain that constantly works to suppress the emotions that come about him. Sometimes the thoughts come in flashes, invading his current mood. Other times he is frightened by the appearance of static, a great blur and sea of grey that clouds his vision. If traumatising a child had been the goal of that momentous night, it had certainly worked over the easily stained heart of Elijah. Suddenly, the most harmless of things can become scary and overwhelming. Beneath his brave face and cheeky smile is a boy racked with grief and dread, afraid of what he may find because he realises he is not invulnerable. He is frail, small and weak. He couldn't even protect his sister.

The grey skies and rain bring about pleasant thoughts. He remembers meeting his nameless friend who had been suffering from the intoxicating heat of the sun, he remembers establishing a bond beneath the shelter of a palm tree while water dripped hazily towards the soil. There is comfort to the rosy feelings which were attached to the memories, the kitten merely smiling as he walks hastily through the rain, tailing behind the white cloak of his sister. Thirteen scouts before him, the rat sniffing about and entering the tunnel, careful not to be trod upon by moving entities. The rodent's eyes are his eyes, Elijah capable of seeing through the creature's perspective as he too moves into the shade, raising his head and looking about the dome. It is much bigger than him, filled with empty space. His lips part slightly in amusement, awed whilst Thirteen climbs back onto the child and tastes rest beneath his wing's feathers. 'Your sister is over there,' his black rat whispers within a mind, speaking through the spiritual link they had with each other. Elijah dips his head slightly in a nod, looking ahead to see Stella sitting alone. For a brief moment, he is hesitant to come any closer. He wonders if there is still a healing scar left behind from Caesar's swipe but, refusing to let it be an excuse not to approach her, the ragdoll walks and sits beside Stella. He offers her a smile, blue eyes beaming towards her before flickering his light gaze towards the one sitting at the throne. This was the Captain, the boss of the place. Funny how Elijah had been paying so little attention he hardly even knew who this Pincher was, not even aware of the creature's name.