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patience to wait // joining - Printable Version

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patience to wait // joining - teef - 11-16-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_onnkcbpKQg1viiyyio1_500.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a rather large fox lingered on the border, it's nose into the air as it scented the area, tipping it's head to the side, looking for a certain smell or two. upon sitting down and beginning to groom itself, it seemed to be content to wait for somebody to show up.

laying down with an expression-less visage they curled their paws under their body, using their recently gained wind elemental to stir the grasses around them, eyes closing to half-lid. they cared not if they were on another's territory, simply content to lay and wait for the one that had not yet arrived. to them, time was but a concept, one that fostered the unmoving cold rage in their heart that they hid so well, it scared even themself.

Re: patience to wait // joining - arcy - 11-16-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Eddie had made a habit of just .. wandering around the territory aimlessly. This was both to keep an eye out for stuff, such as joiners, and to hunt. His bodymate would enhance their senses to make the process easier -- the territory was expansive, god knows how anyone showed up to everything.
".. Hey. What're you doing here?" Eddie sounds decently casual, regarding the fox somewhat lazily. They look like they've been waiting here for a little while, laying down with the wind.. A fair amount of time, hopefully. God knows it sometimes took people a while to notice stuff. His part being said, though, Eddie huffs and settles back for the stranger's answer. Maybe it was a joiner, maybe not, who even cared anymore.

Re: patience to wait // joining - KLIMENT - 11-16-2018

Kliment wasn't far behind, he was still getting accustomed to this place and well, he still didn't particularly like some of the things here yet he didn't have much room to protest. The hybrid's nostrils flared at the smell of something new and not part of the group that resided here, his lips peeled back revealing a bit of his teeth with some saliva dripping down from his jaws. Now, he might not have any eyes to actually see the fox but his special ability let him see the smaller animals skeletal structure. "YOU ARE PUNY. . ." The hellish beast stated in a bored manner, hell, this thing would be like eating an appetizer there was barely anything to offer. Eddie had already asked the necessary questions thus Kliment would fall silent deciding not to waste his breath for the russet creature. If it turned out they weren't a joiner then, Kliment wouldn't have much trouble in chasing Bai Shi away with a snap of his powerful jaws and the thought made his barbed tongue slid out from his slightly parted jaws and proceeded to curl around his snout twisting and turning like a serpent. So many scents he could pick up, with a slow nod of his cranium would his long muscle return to its cavern of teeth but Kliment's muzzle scrunched up. This waiting was boring and a waste of time but, he supposed that he would still try to understand the customs of these mindless brutes.

Re: patience to wait // joining - teef - 11-16-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_onnkcbpKQg1viiyyio1_500.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


lifting their head and opening their eyes to take in the other creature that had approached them. they moved nearly invisibly, tail sweeping up a little, protecting a shoulder-joint sized ball of blue and white.

"what am i doing here? i don't even know, i just know that i am here, waiting for someone or another. i have never been around the mortal realms in a body like this, before. uh, please if you will, tell me what this gnawing thing is in my belly?" they returned a question of their own, brows drawn together in evident confusion. their voice was similar to a child's, or rather holding the curiosity of a youth's, though their body seemed to be older and more mature.

their head turned to kliment, a flicker of slight excitement appearing in their gaze. was this who they waited for? no, but it reminded them of a lost time. flicking their tail in a quick motion they chuckled, "i do appear to be tiny when compared to you. my name is bai shi, messenger of the afterlife, and occassionally for the living. what is this territory, and do ... the undead walk within it?"

Re: patience to wait // joining - | THE VAGABOND | - 11-16-2018

Questions no one can answer -

If he wanted to know how groups like these worked, he could just ask Goldenboy. Did he have time to sit around and listen to the other male try to have a conversation with him and try to explain something that wouldn't really make much sense in the end anyway? Probably not. Vagabond had a lot of work on his plate, and from the messages that were going around, or the rumors for that matter, it seemed like they were starting to get around as well. That was what the Hellhound wanted as he needed to get a job instead of just going around killing because he was trying to advertise. Surprise no surprise, doing the same thing over and over again was a quick way for him to get bored. He needed to find something else to do, thinking of different things that he would do while he was a human. There weren't exactly buildings that he could visit or bars to go to if he wanted something to drink. He could probably ask Rimmy for him to create some alcohol out of thin air, but there were instances where he didn't want to think about drinking either. He knew that the dog was doing it because of their current situation, it was as plain as day. He didn't want the other to accidentally kill himself with alcohol though and had been monitoring him carefully. Well, he had been monitoring all of the crew that was alive and breathing right now to make sure that they got fed. Vagabond figuring out recently, and just in time, that he could make food almost out of thin air.

The former human had refused to eat anything that was raw, and so he nearly starved himself to death just because of that. Vagabond didn't know that there were joiners that came and went and that there were actually patrols that went around to greet them at the same time. The Hellhound definitely didn't want a part in that as he wasn't really here to try and make friends either. He was here for business and business only. Eventually, he would find a hideout somewhere and use that to make plan heists and other robberies. He wasn't the type to really rob someone personal items, but he was one to kill like the rest of the crew. Vagabond was finishing the rest of his burger while he was walking, having stuffed the rest of the food down his gullet, and was in the process of chewing when he saw a crowd that was being created at the border. Interesting. As he neared, he noticed the monstrosity that just ticked him off with how he looked. Vagabond still wasn't even really sure if the other was sentient or not. He didn't bother to ask and just kept a little bit of a distance from him. And a raccoon. Then there was a fox on the border. Hey, another species that he was able to recognize. This one seemed to be.... fairly small though. Although, he didn't know what sizes foxes were capable of getting so he could just be wrong on his assumptions. He approached the group from the left side instead of approaching from the front, this way he would keep away from the rest of the group.

His vivid blue eyes looking at the fox as he arrived to hear the kid talk. He felt like this kid was part of some sort of religious family, and the family fed him lies. Vagabond didn't believe anything that the other had to say, but what did catch his attention was that the kid was hungry. The 6ft tall Hellhound drew his tongue over his lips, which was hidden by the black skull mask he wore. "Its called being hungry kid." Vagabond would say calmly as he took a step forward, not really caring if he came off as threatening. It was there that he would close his eyes for a couple seconds, and a second later, a burger on a plate appeared in front of the fox. He didn't know what animals were capable of eating, but hey it was meat, and right now burgers were the easiest for him to carve. A kid was a kid after all, and he wasn't just going to let a kid starve despite how crazy the fox actually sounded. The fox then talked about the territory that this place was, and Vagabond's eyes seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. "I think... its called Rosebloods? Don't care enough to remember." The former human said with the shrug of his shoulders. At the mention, if the undead walked around, the Hellhound couldn't help but let out an amused snort. "Unless there's a zombie apocalypse I don't know about, pretty sure there isn't." Vagabond would state casually. If there was undead walking around, that would certainly tip the scales of all the crazy things that he's seen over the years that was for damn sure.

Re: patience to wait // joining - rhosmari - 11-17-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]NOT CAUSE I'M BUSY, I JUST DON'T GIVE A FUCK — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Now to say that he didn't believe in anything that came out of this guy's mouth was an understatement. He was pretty fucking sure that everything he said was utter bullshit. Messenger of the dead and the living? Yeah sure, and he was actually a damn canine living in some messed up desert world. Well, living here for the moment anyway but he couldn't and wouldn't believe something like this or else it would make this whatever it was that was happening to him seem real. And that was not something he would ever come to terms with. Not in a million years would he believe that he died, someone amply trained to do such jobs, and had been turned into some damn animal with the ability to talk and conjure magic liquor out of thin air for his own enjoyment. It had to be some weird coma induced world and he was just getting better in the hospital, it had to be. There was no other explanation and as the other guy kept on talking and going on about the undead walking around and the likes of supernatural paranormal activity the more and more the brawler became increasingly upset. And not upset as if he might shed a few tears or go and close himself off to the world. No he was becoming increasingly angry as he heard his words. His body was tense as he lingered in the back, the hood of his cowboy hat hiding his expression from view.

His prehensile tail curled and uncurled, snapping back and forth at a harsh tone as he stared forward. Maybe he should go but he couldn't make himself move. Frankly he was pissed and he needed to go and hit something, fight someone. Anyone really and he turned away from the scene, huffing in a short breath. Really, he wondered if this was what his life had become, to be trapped in his own head forever never being able to walk up. Frankly that scared him and he couldn't deal with that right now so he went back to the drawing board. Something that was consistent in this world. Booze. It tasted the same, felt the same like fire down the back of his throat and he could use it to make himself feel better. To not feel anything for a little while and just be as he wanted for himself to wake up. All he wanted was to wake up and he walked away from the area, leaving the others to deal with whatever that guy had said he was because right now he couldn't deal with it and he wasn't about to either.

Re: patience to wait // joining - teef - 11-17-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_onnkcbpKQg1viiyyio1_500.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai shi blinked as vagabond approached, turning their head to watch him. tipping their head they studied the mask that he wore, feeling an uncomfortable chill down their spine. clearing their throat they settled, sitting upright now, tail curled around their paws. auburn and white fur ruffling into place they studied vagabond for a minute more before turning to look at the burger that had appeared before them. blinking a little in surprise they sniffed the burger before cautiously snapping it up with a few quick twitches of their jaws. hunger? that's new ...

turning their gaze back to vagabond they tried out a smile, face not used to the expression, "hunger? well, thank you, regardless, mister. oh. the rosebloods, you say. is there a way to go about joining? i would like to learn more about these ... rosebloods." bai shi responded quietly, eyes switching to rimmy. am i still unsettling? i have stated who i am in hopes of lowering tension. they thought, allowing their body to relax more.

Re: patience to wait // joining - sephiroth - 11-17-2018

[Image: tumblr_p2mk7fd1GL1vrtvtlo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]”Accepted.”  Sephiroth’s response was brisk and to the point.  He had hauled himself out of his quarters for a short period of time, figuring that perhaps getting air would help him clear his head from the storm of emotions running inside of him while also keeping his mind closed off to outside interference, Mother or other voices alike.  He figured that it was self care, as well as a way to try and keep on going towards the goal of the leading the group.

The silver maned lion would look at Bai Shi, words about being a messenger of other worlds and the undead.  ”There are many different creatures here, I’m sure you might find someone that fits your criteria.”  The Pharaoh rumbled, his voice pushing aside his tiredness and lack of confidence he usually had swirling about him.  Sephiroth didn’t care enough at the moment to put much effort into managing his tone, but tried to lighten his eyes up in a small and honestly rather pathetic attempt to seem welcoming to the newcomer.

Re: patience to wait // joining - teef - 11-17-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_onnkcbpKQg1viiyyio1_500.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


gaze turning to the lion, bai shi tipped their head in gratitude, rumbling gently, "thank you, sir. mmm. i hope to find one or two of my own family within these borders ..." they murmured, eyes taking on a distant look as their thoughts wandered.

they could feel an aching in their own chest, looking at how close everyone else was here, even if they all had their differences. they had come to the mortal realm to avoid the responsibility of taking the crown from their father, leaving behind their adopted brother and his comfort. they missed his presence, even if it sometimes annoyed them, but they found themselves aching for that sense of family once more.

Re: patience to wait // joining - | THE VAGABOND | - 11-18-2018

Questions no one can answer -

Vagabond usually just did what he wanted. When he first traveled to this place, the Hellhound just said that he was going to stay here and they didn't refuse him when he had walked past. The canine that had tried to intimidate him was certainly lucky over the fact that he hadn't ripped him to shreds or just completely crushed him with his large size. Vagabond certainly wasn't someone to mess with, but it was that intimidation factor that was keeping him alive. He wasn't that great when it actually came to fighting with his body. That was because he was used to walking on two legs instead of being able to walk on all four legs. It made it a little bit faster when he was running compared to when he was a human, but it wasn't the same. He was used to fighting at long range, but the only thing that he could fight with right now were the knives that were strapped to his chest. While he was standing there waiting for the other to react to the food that he had given him, the fur on the back of his nest began to bristle with anger. But it wasn't his anger, and he felt a presence somewhat behind him. Vagabond turned his head slightly to look at a familiar winged canine that was in the background. The other seemed to be pissed for whatever reason, and he knew that the list was probably 100 pages long as to why he was angry with their current situation. The one that he had put them in. He wouldn't be surprised if the entire crew was pissed at him for literally killing them on the heist that should have gone without a hitch at the end of it all. The Hellhound watched Rimmy walk away and go back toward the canyon, in which he turned his head again.

A familiar white lion making his way over as well, Vagabond still not knowing the other's guys name and not really caring either. His attention returned back to the fox when the other started talking. A nonexistent eyebrow raised when the fox mentioned that hunger was new. Was this kid so young to not remember what it was like to be hungry because of its parents providing for them? Oh well, the kid was eating the burger at least, and Vagabond was immediately called sir. Vagabond didn't mind being addressed formerly, as it was actually quite nice when other's showed respect to him. Maybe it was because of the hunger he had for power sometimes. The twin tails that he had swayed calmly, but the fur on the back of his neck remained bristled until Rimmy was a certain amount of distance away. Vagabond didn't seem to notice the change in his body language that he seemed to have. "Name's Vagabond by the way. Don't know anything about joining. I just said I was going to stay here and walk passed everyone." The 6ft tall hellhound would say with a shrug of his shoulders. He still did whatever he wanted. Finally, the lion spoke, which was still an odd thing to witness after all this time. The fox seemed to be looking for someone, and he wondered if it was the kids family. If the fox thought that he treated everyone around him like a family, that would be completely wrong. He would probably shot everyone through the skull if someone gave him enough money to do so. He held no connection to them.