Beasts of Beyond
BIRD SONG ⚝ art shop [open] - Printable Version

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BIRD SONG ⚝ art shop [open] - arcy - 11-16-2018

[div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]my new art shop, babey!!
i took on a little more than i could chew with my last one, but im going to try again!! ^^
there's no real set rules for this!! professionalism has been shot in a back alleyway. send your currency to me whenever nd all that.
i can draw animals!! ill try my hand at humans too, but i havent quite figured them out yet haha. i'm 100% OPEN to art trades instead of currency!! skill level doesn't matter, dw. if i mess up something with your order, or you want it resized, don't hesitate to ask me!! ^^!! same goes w everything tbh
[deviantart is here]
im willing to basically any currency, like da points or smthn, but gems are the only ones with a set price.
HEADSHOTS - 4k gems.
FULLBODIES - 10k gems
OTHER - negotiable!! chibis come free with fullbodies, but are 500 gems separately. im willing to throw together a pixel or icon or even a design, but we may or may not have to hash it out over pms.
EXTRA - extra characters is 1k. shading nd stuff is free.
1. axion // headshot + chibi
2. axion // headshot + chibi
3. grimm // fullbody
--- 4 - grim // fullbody
[chibis still need to be done for ORION(stryker) and WISKER(hebi)]

no form!!! HOWEVER!!!
LIST OF THINGS TO INCLUDE IN YOUR REQUEST: reference(if you have one), basic design(in depth if no ref), an idea of expression and pose or mood or smthn. if you want a headshot or fullbody or smthn else. you can, of course, go more in depth if you want!!

Re: BIRD SONG ⚝ art shop [open] - Una. - 12-02-2018


Re: BIRD SONG ⚝ art shop [open] - galexiux - 12-02-2018


Re: BIRD SONG ⚝ art shop [open] - Orion - 12-11-2018

I would LOVE to have a full body from you! <333

just copy and pasted from a previous bc i'm lazy^tm

Character ref: I would like my character Stryker drawn. You can view some of his references on ToyHouse! He is a white lion with neon green, slitted eyes. His horns are also very dynamic and pointed in all directions as they go around his ears, as you can see from this reference. His tongue is also split in two, also in a similar green color that matches his eyes, just like a snake's tongue would be.
Character species: Lion
Character gender: Male
Expression wanted: As for pose, it's up to you! Go crazy, honestly. Please stick with the snake charmer / revenge /  theme though. Making him look sly, cocky, and shit is also amazing too! He's a lady's man Wink)) so maybe a cocky wink???
BG colors/design: His colors are pale whites and (neon) greens. I am open to other colors too! Browns? Blacks? Whatever you think looks best. <333
Other: Thank you!!

Re: BIRD SONG ⚝ art shop [open] - Grimm - 12-11-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]ref : image, please feel free to do the beige on the face and throat as a solid colour if it is easier that way the only thing is the markings around the eyes are like that
other : she wears a thin leather necklace with two wood rings and has a few scars, no set look to them, on her face and shoulders but please don't feel you need to add either of these, i'm more then willing to pay extra but again it is entirely up to you if you feel up to it
style : headshot please
expression : a large cocky sort of grin and maybe winking, anything that shows she is confident
background / colours : if it matches a light shade of red would be wonderful but i'm more then happy with anything
other : your art is adorable i love it so much

Re: BIRD SONG ⚝ art shop [open] - Whisper - 12-15-2018

can i get one fullbody of my character hebi ,  and his snake?

here is an image reference for him! but he is a black ,  winged panther , with no tail and silver eyes  , and lots of scars (i go into plenty of detail here) // his snake Assura is a black mamba , a light tan color with yellow eyes she is fully grown , about a 1 : 5 ratio compaired to hebi and should be seen anywhere on his person

as for expressions hebi has a very gruff personality, but ny expression works!

if i can get his full body as a clear background that'd be great !

... i think the total is 11k? but if i get that wrong feel free to correct me.

Re: BIRD SONG ⚝ art shop [open] - arcy - 12-16-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]alright gang!! i got everyone's main requests done. chibis arent done yet, though ^^;
reminder that im perfectly willing to make changes if i mess anything at all up, or even if something just isnt to preference!!
[member=217]Wisker[/member] [Image: hebi.png?width=340&height=301]
[member=1357]grimolph[/member] i took a wild guess w her eyes oops ^^; [Image: jula.png?width=301&height=301]
[member=1]Snow-rion[/member] [Image: stryker.png?width=400&height=296]

Re: BIRD SONG ⚝ art shop [open] - Orion - 12-16-2018


(do you have a toyhouse so i can credit you??)

Re: BIRD SONG ⚝ art shop [open] - Grimm - 12-16-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]i completely forgot about eyes but that is perfect, it is so adorable
the gems should have gone through but if not let me know

Re: BIRD SONG ⚝ art shop [open] - Whisper - 12-16-2018

this is so perfect??!?! thank you so much for drawling my son!
I love your art acry i always have
you ever want to hmu about an art trade i am always open !