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BLACK GOLD // oneshot - Printable Version

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BLACK GOLD // oneshot - GOLDENBOY. - 11-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"] /a oneshot explaining titan's disappearance over in the ascendants, so dont reply icly!! i just wasnt sure how else to tag hsadfhk heck idk where i was fully going with it but it!! hopefully makes sense. full permission given from beatles ofc
@ ascendants people, there would def be a faint smell of the rosebloods left behind at titan's home Wink

It hadn't taken long for the crew to fall back into their old habits. Vagabond was snuffing anyone that crossed him, Rimmy was being a cheeky bugger who had also probably killed someone by now - but Goldenboy's old habit of mindlessly browsing on his computer for intel was no longer an option without the convenience of the 21st century at his fingertips. Or, paws, now. Instead, Goldenboy had to make do with what he could. While Vagabond and Rimmy had been running wild beating the shit out of others, Goldenboy had been studying their new locale and what exactly that held in store for them outside of senseless murdering. Man, did he deliver too. Passing the news to his Crewmates made his heart skip a beat, falling so fluidly into their roles that he thought had died with them. This would be their first kidnapping since being gunned down, the closest thing to a heist they could come to. Which wasn't neccessarily a bad thing, truthfully: even behind the mask of Goldenboy, Gavin wouldn't be able to stomach another heist. The prep was dissimilar enough that it didn't disturb him, but his thoughts ventured back to the planning of their last heist more than he would have liked. It made his chest ache fiercely to be separated from his best friend in Michael, his father figure in Geoff, his voice of reason in Jack. But the more Goldenboy dwelled on those he lost, the more he set to work compensating their absence in this kidnapping plan. Some of Vagabond's knives, some rope, some of Rimmy's bevs, and a whole lot of trial and error. Easy enough, and certainly familiar enough.

Crossing the expanse of land between them and their target was certainly something Goldenboy had never experienced before. It had always been solo on his motorcycle, or crammed into a single car with his crew to go out for some shenanigans. The other two had to slow their pace so Goldenboy could keep up, ironically becoming the shortest one out of the group. The expanse of deserts melted into a forest which stretched on for kilometers before them. As the trees thinned into rolling hills and shimmering green grass under the light of the moon, Goldenboy knew they had almost arrived. Bloody Hell, why couldn't they have chosen somewhere as nice as this to make their home instead of a smegging desert? Whatever, they had a target to catch.

Titan, Astral Seraph of the Ascendants.

How in the name of Christ they managed to pull it off, Goldenboy wasn't sure. But Vagabond knocked him out while he was sleeping, Rimmy bound him in rope (a multi-minute ordeal without fingers), and Goldenboy was leading the bulky caravan of crewmates out of the Ascendants in the shroud of night with the lion slung precariously over Vagabond's scaled back. They had left little evidence of their presence, but the lack of Titan himself would not go unnoticed long, and it was imperative they left as quickly and silently as possible. It had taken Goldenboy an extremely long time to find an adequate spot to interrogate their precious cargo: sleepless nights were spent wandering the territory far beyond the desert, but now that it was important to have a safe spot to do such, it was extremely worth losing the hours of rest. Roughing someone up in such an open space, in the middle of a forest of all things, was a far cry from how Goldenboy would have ran things were he still human. It was so open, so exposed. But there would be no prying eyes this far away from any sentient group. Well, there might be, but they wouldn't survive long enough to spread such information.

The growl that rumbled from the lion's throat as he came to was one that flashed fear through Goldenboy for the briefest of moments. A cocked gun, the scrape of metal on metal, the twing of bullets impacting steel, they were noises Goldenboy thrived in. But the sound of a beast of nature so close to him was not one he had ever experienced, ever had a chance to adapt to. His fur prickled at the hazy threat, a new sensation in itself to react so primally to fear. A few deep breaths slicked his fur back down, piercing green eyes glimmering in the moonlight as he gained a new air of confidence. Paws bound together in the bastardization of a hogtie, mouth crudely jammed with leftover rope, likely a concussion from the blow he'd been dealt, he wouldn't be retaliating anytime soon. It seemed something had gotten to him first, a handful of healing marks where sharp teeth had sunk into flesh. He was weakened when they had grabbed him - a rather low blow, but not one Goldenboy would contemplate for long. Titan was a mass of muscle and mane at his feet. A low purr rolled from the caracal's throat as he circled Titan, attention torn completely off of his Crewmates to instead fixate on the big cat. It was only natural to be in awe of a lion. It was only natural to wholeheartedly gloat in poaching one.

The rope was tore from gnashing teeth to begin questioning. Had Vagabond and Rimmy not been present, the interrogation process would have been much less messy. Even with Goldenboy's sweet words, it was undeniable the lion was tough. But he certainly was not the toughest nut the Golden Boy had ever cracked. His lack of reaction would lead to punishment, which only led to tighter lips or short answers. Admittedly, it was starting to become frustrating, but this was far from a serious mission that required sensitive information. This was for fun, and if Goldenboy couldn't get anything out of it, that was fine. At least Vagabond and Rimmy could get another easy kill out of it, and the caracal would get practice on prying knowledge out of creatures with radically different motives than the simple minded humans of big cities. Money, material possessions, and positions of power were easy weaknesses to exploit - but with animals, they held no meaning. A small hazel paw quickly lashed out to leave a shallow laceration in Titan's shoulder, intently watching blood gather at the surface without sliding down tarnished fur. Across his body were much deeper wounds from larger teeth and paws, clean cuts from knives, but nothing that would jeopardize their captive's life. Some had even been cleansed with high proof alcohol (although it was hardly for sanitation, more so Goldenboy could watch Titan's reaction to the sting).

As Goldenboy paced around titan now, he left behind small red paw prints. He only got extremely basic info, exactly what Goldenboy had already known in his prep work: he was Titan, an Astral Seraph of the Ascendants. He mentioned no friends, even as his wounds accumulated. Agathe was the other Astral Seraph, but there was no fun in that information - it was something Goldenboy could have learned asking a random Roseblood in passing. A bloodied paw swiped out again to leave another thin rakemark, flexing his claws into Titan's flesh as he moved. The dexterity of his claws was similar to that of fingers. Interesting. Another quick scratch before Goldenboy began to circle once more, evergreen eyes narrowed into thin slits. His focus had shifted rather suddenly from gathering any information he could to testing his limits on this caged bird. It was doubtful either of his Crewmates were particularly thrilled with Goldenboy's meticulous breakdown, but either way they let him have his time murmuring questions to Titan and lashing out when the lion didn't respond, or failed to hear him altogether.

As Goldenboy went for another swipe the wildcat's vision went completely white, freezing in place as his fur stood on end.


His vision returned to the flickering of a massive fire, roaring in his ears like a rush of blood. Black silhouettes danced in a hot sea of orange and red, rising as ash.

As quickly as the image appeared it was gone, the din in his ears swept away by the gentle rustle of naked branches in the early dawn winds. Realization quickly followed as as the memory tucked itself away in his own mind's eye, green eyes glinting as he casted a knowing smirk. A telling curl of his lips his crew would know, something the Golden Boy had not been able to display since being thrust into this unknown world. Goldenboy had no name for what just happened, no accurate description he could spew to his Crewmates. Nothing convincing enough for them to believe. He just knew what he saw, Goldenboy knew now. He had a way to crack this hardass. A breathy chuckle fell from the caracal, finding a new confidence he had yet to discover as a damned animal. A fictional brow quirked in Titan's direction, a bloody paw lifting to wave in melodramatic sequence with his words.

"Be a shame if the Ascendants went up in a blaze, hm? Like Mum and Pops?"

His words ignited something in Titan that had been dormant, blazing eyes snapping upward to meet glittering emeralds.

"You will not dare."

Ah! There it was. He had struck a nerve. With a flash of his ivory teeth in a grin, Goldenboy whirled lightly on his toes, leaning close to Titan and thrashing his front leg out in a powerful swipe over one of the beasts' eyes. The lion rumbled in response to that wound, telling Goldenboy it was more than just a flesh wound on that one. He'd leave with quite a few scars, but that one would be most visible and Goldenboy liked it that way. Running a salmon pink tongue over his muzzle in satisfaction, the caracal instinctively drew a paw over his ear, leaving small streaks of blood behind the crest as he placed himself into a sit. Goldenboy was done playing games for now, but this was far too interesting to end permanently. Instead he slowly turned his gaze back to Vagabond and Rimmy, a nearly unsettling grin on his maw as he lowered his paw to the ground. This was a success, he would say. Goldenboy was figuring out how to crack open a new demographic, and starting with such a difficult control experiment, there was only room for improvement. His neck craned back to Titan, running a bloody paw gingerly over Titan's mane while remaining mindful of the lion's mouth. Too close and he'd be mince meat, he was not too cocky (yet) to overlook that.

"You're going to get out of here and not return. Got that, love? Remember what we can, and will, do to you and that little group of yours if you become a hassle."