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the city will be earth in a short while ♕ open, meet & greet - Printable Version

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the city will be earth in a short while ♕ open, meet & greet - lilyspoise - 04-19-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Honestly, Lil did not want to do this meet and greet. She kept claiming that she was moving on from her old life— her mother’s and twin souls (and with no actual proof of either of their existences, she wondered how long she’d really been alone) to start anew in the Typhoon. It was harder than it seemed, though, as much was in this world, but her reserved nature combined with the fact that everyone just seemed to already have their groups already... it made it all the worse.
So Lilyspoise did what she always did when she was stressed nowadays: throw herself into medicine. It hadn’t taken much effort at all to find herbs, and she’d found some empty, usable pouches to store them in, so now all that was left to do was sort.
Oh, and the meet and greet. Unfortunately.

Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself. It wasn’t that she was nervous — yeah it would hurt if people didn’t like her, but she wouldn’t lose her mind over it — but it was more-so that this made everything official. She had been apart of the group but simultaneously just on her lonesome. Now, by forming bonds and connections here, she would tether herself to the Typhoon. She didn’t know what the future held, but she did know that she fit in here well, even if she wasn’t as loud and rambunctious as the group’s general mood seemed to be. But this was it. This would be the first step towards moving away from everything, everything from her past that was might not have even been real in the first place.
”Would anyone like to chat while I sort herbs? I’d love to get to know some of you.” She called, hoping that someone would take her up on the offer relatively quickly. Otherwise she’d just look like a fool.

Re: the city will be earth in a short while ♕ open, meet & greet - georgie - 04-20-2018

Georgie sucked in air like it was being stolen from her, watching Lilyspoise with an unfocused gaze. Glassy. “[color=#d4af37]I can chat. I would, love to chat. With you. You’re so pretty.” She was breathing erratically. Georgie hadn’t come down from whatever this was since it had happened. Her lips were stretched back into something was likely meant to be a smile but now ot was only so many teeth. Bared and sharp and none too friendly.

She seated herself close, still panting. Watched the herbs and a shudder crept down her spine. She was holding her head at an awkward angle. Tipped back, but her eyes were still focused downward. “[color=#d4af37]Are you happy?” She asked in a hoarse voice, closing her eyes and twisting her head so it was pointed at Lilyspoise.

Re: the city will be earth in a short while ♕ open, meet & greet - Luciferr - 04-20-2018

Hymn of Ruin
"I will join you" the deep bass rumble of the familiar ebony dragon as he came striding across the relatively lively world of Typhoon's territory, like a large inkblotch on blank paper - though the dragon cast a dubious side long look at the serval - georgie - one he hadn't met yet but clearly seemed some sort of unwell.

hm, keep an eye on that.

his attention was directed back To lily as he settled beside the two, large body a sort of shield from view though subtly angled towards georgie ever aware that slight discrepancies in people could turn bad very fast - not that he hoped for that but hm, he'd learned from mistakes before.

though he did incline his head to the golden serval "Lucifer grimm, since we've not been introduced" then his gaze turned back to there - or one of their - newest additions "how are you finding it here so far?" a neutral enough question, given that Georgie had asked stranger ones in contrast he supposed.


Re: the city will be earth in a short while ♕ open, meet & greet - lilyspoise - 04-21-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Georgie's bold opening combined with the general... unsettling presence definitely offset Lil a touch, but she supposed that this could just be something unique to Georgie and that she'd get used to it... eventually.
Is she ill? Lil thought to herself, knowing that the erratic breathing could potentially be some sort of lung issue, but with the way Georgie acted, she doubted it. And before Lil could comment on the serval's opening line, it seemed that she already had more to say.
"Am I... happy?" Lil repeated, rather confused as to why Georgie was opening with such a... loaded question. "I suppose so. I haven't had a permanent home in quite some time, so it is nice to take a breather from the outside world. May I inquire as to what your name is?" In all honesty Lil could be much better-- happiness wasn't something that came easily while trying to cope with the fact that the only family you'd known is gone, and starting a completely new life on top of it all.

Thankfully Lucifer came to make her feel more comfortable. It was kind of funny to think that, seeing as he was a giant dragon of darkness, but he was a comforting force nonetheless. Smiling softly up at him, she nodded her head in greeting.
"Lilyspoise, in case the name slipped your mind." She reintroduced, turning back to her herbs as she began to sort once again. "I haven't had a home in quite some time. It brings a sense of safety, to be among a group once more. Once I become more familiar with the territory, I believe I will settle in completely." She wished her friends were here, even as she claimed to be trying to move on. It was hard being so alone, but a small, optimistic part of her reinforced the belief that she could find a new family here in the Typhoon.

Re: the city will be earth in a short while ♕ open, meet & greet - georgie - 04-22-2018

Georgie swayed because of course she did, humming something so low it was hardly audible. Her eyes were open now - open a bit too wide and in such a way that it couldn't possibly have been comfortable for her - and focused on Lil with heavy interest. They flitted hummingbird-quick to glance at the other one who had come close, Lucifer. The second time they did that, her stare lingered as if she was trying to wriggle under his skin through her gaze alone. Would he let me. He could. Wouldn't that be nice? I could make it worthwhile... Her musing was interrupted and she remembered, with a start and a sharp intake of breath, that Lilyspoise was there.

Right. Right. Georgie's smile stretched wide again. Drool was starting to collect and decorate her chin. She didn't seem bothered - or even aware.

"[color=#d4af37]That's good that you're happy. That's so good. Hey...I love you, okay?" She leaned in as if it meant a whole lot more than being the words of someone a few peas short of a pod. Heavier. "[color=#d4af37]Uuuuhh...Georgie." She blinked. Blinked again. "[color=#d4af37]That's my name. Yesss, it is." She murmured the last part mostly to herself, looking pensive and being quieter now. That only lasted a moment before she stuck a tawny paw out, slapping at Lil's herbs in a very typical cat way. Or, rather, kitten, or maybe something domestic. "[color=#d4af37]Do you like to put others back together?" She asked, jerking her chin toward the herbs as she drew her paw away.

Re: the city will be earth in a short while ♕ open, meet & greet - Luciferr - 04-22-2018

Hymn of Ruin
Lucifer inclined his great head with a half smile as he settled against the sands, stark next to his dark hide and waved a taloned hand "no need to worry Lilyspoise, I remember every name once spoken" which could be taken ominously - and had been but that generaly was reserved for any enemy, otherwise he was simply surprisingly good at remembering names - especially given his age and just how many people he had met over his lifetime.

He nodded to her answer and mused his own thoughts "mm, Typhoon is the first group I've joined since I went solitary sometime back, I'll admit I missed the community feeling such groups inspire" the old days of blood and desert sands were but a memory something bittersweet with all the old faces long gone.

A dubious glance cast towards Georgia at the further words and drooling - but even that strangeness was nothing shocking to him, he'd seen far worse things in his lifetime, still he would be sure to watch the serval - mostly out of concern for everyone else, though he did wonder what had caused the serval to gain this state, Hm.
