Beasts of Beyond
LUCKY / stranger - Printable Version

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LUCKY / stranger - dead chars - 11-15-2018

They were lost. Hopelessly lost.

The tiny brown feline was not one to be scared. Really, they had never felt much at all, but they didn't complain. They had never known much else, after all, only a few strong emotions here and there. But that was fine. They were fine. Even as the path before them wound and twisted and strangled itself as they walked along it, their heart remained calm, their steps remained steady. If they could retrace their steps they would be fine, and something was driving them deeper into the woods. The trees towered above their small form. They felt a bit like they imagined a flea felt. Very tiny, not quite sure what they were doing, and brown.

Kris peered out through the flopped ears that shaded their eyes. Was that someone on the horizon? Perhaps. The feline advanced, not speaking, but clearly in need of some sort of assistance. A pang of ice shot through them, though brief, as they realized this person might not be one to trust. But... well, they would have to try. If they had any hopes of leaving this place, they would have to try, right? They could feel needles in their spine as they approached, but Kris forced themselves onward.


Re: LUCKY / stranger - BILLIE - 11-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; font-family: raleway; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]billie’s relationship with small and helpless things was complicated. she liked to blame her sheer size for her awkwardness with children; the panthress was larger than most small creatures, a little heavy pawed, and she never really wanted to hurt them. many of the children she’d encountered who weren’t so fragile seemed to enjoy swattig and swinging on her willowy frame, but more often than not it just gave the femme a headache and pulled some hair out.

still, at the sight of the tiny, fragile body ahead of her, billie’s heart tightened and squeezed in her chest. “hey there, little bean sprout,” she said, an old habitual nickname for small children, “you okay?” as she got closer, she did her best to lower her form, pale gaze inspecting the small creature. “my name’s billie. you got a name?”

Re: LUCKY / stranger - dead chars - 11-15-2018

Size was not something that mattered to Kris. They were very small, that was true, but they had been raised in a house of literal monsters. Not much was able to intimidate them. Of course, there was one man who wouldn't fail to put them in a state of sheer panic, but he wasn't here. He wasn't anywhere, they didn't think. They were safe as long as he was gone.

Hey there, little bean sprout, a voice cooed. Kris's expression remained unchanged, but a flicker of something flashed inside of their chest, like a child who had found their mother after getting lost at the store. Of course, this wasn't Toriel, but in her absence Billie would do. The panthress grew nearer and Kris tensed a bit. She wasn't an enemy, though. They were fairly certain fights like they had encountered before didn't exist anymore. But they could never be too sure, after what had happened.

My name's Billie. You got a name?

They stared at her from hidden eyes.
They didn't talk unless it was necessary. The small brown feline let their name hang in uncomfortable silence, not explaining why or how they got there. It wasn't needed. They were here now, weren't they?


Re: LUCKY / stranger - ONISION. - 11-15-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
12 months old

physically hard
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius
possession & mental manip.


Onision hated to admit it, but he adored kids. The canine rathered welcome kids than adults, maybe because they were still so young and naive and the thought of taking them under his wing intrigued him. So when the sound of Billie speaking gets to his head finally, Onision had rushed over as quick as possible, tilting his head a bit.

"Kris? That's a pretty cool name." Oni barked, sitting down to scratch at his head. This being reminded him of Harland and their moments of silent sign language together, which made Oni smile at the thought.

"The name's Onision, call me Oni."


all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: LUCKY / stranger - dead chars - 11-15-2018

They twitched as the wolf arrived. Onision? That was an odd name. But they also knew people named Ralsei and Toriel, so perhaps it wasn't too weird. They said nothing as he introduced himself. In fact, they didn't seem very interesting at all- they hardly moved or spoke, or gave much of an indication as to what they were feeling if they felt anything. Perhaps that made them interesting, though? Who knew.

They scratched their nose and craned their neck to look behind the two adults that had arrived. They weren't too fond of not knowing where they were- perhaps they could see something in the distance that looked like a home? Their blank, hidden eyes strained for an outline of a hut or a house or anything resembling civilization, but they couldn't see very well. Hm.

"Um..." they started, their voice barely audible. "Where am I?"
Kris dared to speak. Their voice gave no indication to their gender. The small brown kitten seemed to have shrunk beneath the pressure of the act. They hated talking, but they supposed they couldn't avoid it forever if they had to interact with strangers.

