Beasts of Beyond

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Questions no one can answer -

He was fairly certain that the animals that were sentient enough were getting the message when it came to the corpses that were starting spark up in certain places here and there. He was certainly making a mess, and honestly, he had no idea to expect in a situation like this. That was because he didn't know whether or not the animals would really care whether or not something happened to someone they might or might not even know. It didn't matter to him all that much because he didn't believe that they would be capable of finding him. What the former human forgot to think, though, was the fact that animals would be able to track him just by scent alone. Vagabond didn't even think about hiding his scent all things considered, as that was never something he had to really consider. The Hellhound had only existed in this world for many five days now, he had lost track up to this point and honestly didn't really care how long he had been in this world. He was discovering something new about himself every day. One of them being the fact that the Hellhound could look into the minds of others. Did he know how to use it wisely? Of course not. Vagabond didn't even know how to control a power like that, and half the time it just somewhat happened here and there. He didn't really care about that since he had the other ability that he could use to throw the knives that he had. That's all that needed to work to make his job easier. Maybe there was a place that he could go that would be capable of giving him knives or something. An actual knife, not some sort of throwing knife because he was good enough with those anyway. Vagabond had figured out a little bit when it came to the Rosebloods and where they could live. It was an interesting place, at least the caves were. It was an easy place to protect, but since he didn't trust the group he wasn't about to go in and do something with it.

Instead, he was next to a waterfall listening to his stomach growling. He had been incredibly stubborn with the fact that he hadn't had anything to eat since he arrived in this world. Vagabond didn't want to eat anything that was raw, as the thought of it was enough that it could actually disgust. He was an animal, yes, but that didn't mean he had to dwell to being that savage. While other's would probably think it would suit him to eat anything raw to show how far gone that he was. Vagabond refused it, but now it was starting to take its toll on his body. The Hellhound was leaning his back up against a wall, and imagining all the food that he was going to miss now that he wasn't human anymore. He would never be able to taste stakes again, or pasta, or lamb chops, or really any other food that was considered to be good. He was fairly certain that he couldn't make anything like that with just paws. He used to be a decent cook during his time with the organization, but again, that was when he was human and the thoughts of becoming a human again were long gone by now. It seemed like more of the gang was popping up in this world, and they all seemed to have intentions of putting their mark somewhere. An annoyed groan escaped his masked face as he dug his claws into the ground. His body was tense as he needed to figure out some sort of food. He doubted that Rimmy would have any idea considering that the guy seemed to just be drinking alcohol all of the time. Which would probably kill him if he wasn't careful The former human closed his vibrant blue eyes, and let a sigh escape his jaws. He could probably be doing something other than sitting around waiting for something to happen. He flicked one of his black ears as he was about to get up onto his paws, but as he opened his eyes he noticed that there was something in front of him.

The fuck? How did that get there? It was a cooked burger with what looked like everything on it. That couldn't happen in this world, right? He didn't see anyone that was cooking around and he was pretty sure he would have noticed smoke anywhere. Was this some sort of joke? His eyes were intent on the burger, and he wasn't proud to say that he was drooling over the simple fact that there was indeed a burger in front of him. The Hellhound raised one of his black paws to lift his mask slightly just to reveal his large jaws. Lowering his black nose to the cooked food, he sniffed it carefully as if to make sure that it actually existed and he wasn't just hallucinating for whatever reason. It smelled like a burger. Vagabond prayed to himself that this wasn't something that would kill him, again, and lowered his head to take a bite off the burger. As soon as he chewed and swallowed the bite, he seemed stunned there for a moment. "Holy shit." Was all Vagabond could say, commenting on how good it actually was. It was so fucking good. The former human didn't waste any time eating the rest of the burger. There were only crumbs that were left on the ground, and he wondered if it had been something that he had done. Vagabond thought long and hard about food again, one burger hardly satiating his massive appetite thanks to his massive size. He was afraid that it wouldn't work and that he was actually going insane this time. He opened up only one of his eyes to peak and saw that there was another burger in front of him. This was the best thing to have happened to him recently, and he made sure to start eating this one a little bit slower so that he wouldn't throw up. He figured that his body was a carnivore it would be able to consume most meats, but an all meat diet wasn't exactly preferred. Vagabond had no idea that he was capable of conjuring up food, although right now that was all he was capable of conjuring up. The Hellhound still had his mask on, only reveal the bottom part of his mouth, which wasn't much to go by when it came to actually figure out what he looked like underneath the mask. This was awesome.


[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
A few months ago, Eddie had some pretty consistent access to good food. .. Not of Eddie's own making, of course. Eddie has never been a cook. That was when he'd been with Annie. Of course .. then they broke up, and Eddie was back to 'whatever he could get his hands on'. And now, he was eating basically exclusively raw meat. Like, as raw as you could get it raw. ... Eddie wouldn't deny that he missed cooked meals. Like, a lot. He could probably try scrounging the ingredients together, but first off, he couldn't cook.
... He doesn't actually know Vegabond. He'd seen him around a couple of times, but he didn't actually know his name or anything. .. Eddie won't deny he was just a little bit intimidating, with how truly massive he was, but that was really the limit of Eddie's opinion on him. So, upon coming upon Vagabond by accident, Eddie stops for a couple of moments to take it all in, blinking. The Hellhound is eating .. a burger.
"How'd you come upon that?" Eddie asks, having not seen Vagabond conjure it. Damn. Eddie misses food like that. Which means that Eddie also needs to figure out how Vagabond came upon it. Though, he might've asked anyways just because Eddie is nosy, and likes to know everything.