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useless facts about your character~ - Printable Version

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useless facts about your character~ - sephiroth - 11-15-2018

heyyyy im sure a lot of us have random and useless information about our characters so here's a place to share them!!

here's sephs, will definitely add onto this later

-seph prefers neutral and grayscale colors over anything, but his favorite actual color is dark blue

-he doooess have a bit of a sweet tooth for unknown reasons; after a long time of eating the same prey out by himself he savors anything sweet where he can get it.  he doesn't like to admit it tho

-not huge on music, will enjoy some in the background but wouldn't go out of his way to play anything

-mother sings to him however, and he enjoys it of course

Re: useless facts about your character~ - GOLDENBOY. - 11-16-2018


- goldenboy's favorite color actually isnt gold, it's red. gold is a sign of status, power, and wealth - none of which he had as a child, so he absolutely adores it now

- he was EXTREMELY promiscuous as a human, and slept with literally anyone that showed interest in him. as a caracal however he moreso aligns with asexual, unable to feel sexual attraction to anything/anyone in the bobverse because theyre animals

- his cockney accent is pretty light but if he's ever talking to another brit its almost impossible to understand what the fuck he's saying

- one of his favorite snacks is grapes

Re: useless facts about your character~ - axiom - 11-17-2018

oh boi i have some random facts about rosemary

- she is secretly like why are all the clans i think about joining overrun with dudes bc, you know, slightly misandrist but also evil aligned

- rosemary is intimidated by tall people

- she thinks she's neutral good but honestly she's evil af, just secret about it. she will try to fuck up your mind if you give her half a reason.

- she literally thinks that everyone else has clairvoyance like she does, because it was an incredibly common power in her previous witch coven.

Re: useless facts about your character~ - Grimm - 11-19-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]alright let's do this

- his appearance now is actually the same as that of a stray dog he once took in, it ended up attacking him and the bad attempts at trying to cover up the injuries lead to his first scars

- vagabond is the only person he has ever been afraid of

- though he had a few short flings he never really had any long term relationships, he had trouble forming meaningful relationships with anyone which is what makes the crew so important to him

- while he rarely smokes he does sometimes chew on cigarettes, the only time he has been known to actual smoke is after a heist was pulled off without a hitch

- he is incapable of backing down from a challenge so he has done a lot of stupid shit in the past and likely to keep doing it, challenge him to eat an insane amount of anything and he will do it, want him to jump off a cliff with a chance of dashing himself on rocks he will do it, he is an idiot that won't back down at all

- refuses to eat raw meat and yet somehow enjoys mcrib like no tomorrow, even if it is the crappy, processed shitty meat he will eat it as long as it is cooked

- the septum piercing was one of the various gifts goldenboy gave him and is to date the only one he wears, he is not big on jewellery but he likes how the piercing looks

Re: useless facts about your character~ - BUBONICPLAGUE - 11-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]yeet

- bub was actually a healer for a little while when i first created him. unfortunately tho he gives absolutely no shits what happens to anyone and if someone came to him like "bub help im dying" he would become the physical embodiment of "then perish"

- he feels little to no remorse for his actions at any point in time. just a big unrepentant asshole basically

- he has a huge soft spot for kids! he wants to keep them safe and protect them from the cruelties of the real world for as long as possible bc he never had a childhood, not even when reborn as bubonicplague

- before becoming bub he was a crossroads demon & before that he was baphomet's hellhound!! in my lore for him bub is the origin of the legends of the grim/omen of death and the black dog of the moors

- hes had at least 10 names and 3 personalities (i was very indecisive)

- he smells like black coffee and dark chocolate

- hes only ever been scared of two things; his father, and baphomet

- bub has had a lot of litters. like.. a Lot

- he kept his age around 20-25 months for a long time until people started telling him he acted like an old man, so he aged himself to fit the profile

- site cryptid!

Re: useless facts about your character~ - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 11-23-2018

- Jiyu's development began three years before I first played her during a middle school art museum trip which eventually factored into her being calico and having painting as one of her hobbies.

- She's raised over 52 children as a low estimate, has never birthed a litter under 4 kits, and often was raising 2-3 adopted kids at the same time as her own litters.

- Jiyu is actually not uncertain about her role as Vizer, instead the truth is she's so terrified of it she doesn't know she's scared, due to her past before living with RB she unknowingly believes she's going to kill everyone she's supposed to be protecting.

- In opposition to what she portrays and believes Jiyu is actually very emotional, completely a legit cry baby minus the tears.

- When its awake Jiyu always utilized mental manipulation to scare prey to death instead of killing it physically.

- In fact when her power of MM is awake she will only psychically harm someone if she's forced to as due to her past she does not like to psychically attack someone when she has another option because she can't trust herself.

- For a long time I have intended for her to eventually become a pacifist due to the trauma she endured, but it's never worked out this way.