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try to lose all of your money — open, locket - Printable Version

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try to lose all of your money — open, locket - BILLIE - 11-15-2018

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she’d been trying to get settled. home, that was what this was supposed to be. home was alone, home was billie, billie, and billie. she’d decided long ago that she didn’t need anyone else, when her own blood and flesh abandoned her. if her family didn’t need her, then she didn’t need them. she didn’t need anyone, right?

keep repeating it, her subconscious hissed, maybe you’ll start to believe it.

the truth was, she was hurting. she’d been hurting for a long time. she wanted to grow some roots, she wanted to care about others, she wanted to let people below the surface, but she’d just gotten so damn used to being dropped when the going got tough, she was too scared of it happening again.

she’d been raised to know, without a question or a doubt, that she was a pawn. expendable, insignificant. everything was for her mother, her life, her families lives. her mother was special, so the rest of them were nothing more than chopped liver, or so it seemed.

she’d been abandoned for thinking otherwise. not acting on it, not even speaking of it. her mother infiltrated her mind and probed her deepest thoughts, and suddenly she was on a pyre, ready to be martyred.

she didn’t want to think about it now. not now, and maybe not ever. she didn’t want to think about how everyone she’d protected turned their heads when it was her neck on the line, how her own mother chose greed over her own child.

but the universe put a big, fat reminder right in front of her face in the form of an ironically small and slender golden locket.

it took a minute for her to open it. she used a claw to pop the small button on the side, which revealed a picture of a small, cute little family of rabbits. on the inside of the cover was a small inscription, and though she had to squint to read it, she could make out family is everything. the discovery had billie grinding her teeth for a moment, stewing in anger, before she finally grasped it between her teeth, turning to leave her home.

outside, she moved quickly, heart thumping with anger until she reached a small river. with a twist of her neck, she flung the necklace out, and a few seconds later it hit the water and began to sink.

“screw family.” she said quietly, a wild anger burning in her eyes as she watched the spot it sank, as if expecting it to resurface and haunt her.

Re: try to lose all of your money — open, locket - dead chars - 11-16-2018

Kris's family had not been picture perfect. Their home was with their mother, but their mother had her own issues. Namely, after Toriel's divorce with Asgore, Kris had struggled with their own resentment of the act. Their parents were supposed to love each other and never be apart, weren't they? Being a child, they had never fully understood quite why it had all happened, just that it had. But their family hadn't abandoned them. Really, they had turned their back on their family. Asriel loved them, and they had turned him away, and it was the same with their parents. Kris didn't quite know how to reciprocate. They were the weird kid, after all.

They were not hurting, though. Or at least, not for those reasons. They had accepted that that was how their family had to be. The kitten was fine with it. Their family was gone now, anyway.

They had been following Billie around for a little while now. The panthress had been a sort of rock since they had joined, whether she knew that or not- they knew that they could get home as long as they could see her, so they'd taken to exploring at a small distance away until she said something. Then they would stop, But until then, they were an adventurer. They had been attempting to lift a heavy log to see what was underneath when they heard the hurried footsteps of an angry feline marching away from where they were. Kris poked their head out of the foliage to determine just where Billie was running off too. They could hear the heat of resentment in her pawsteps. Kris followed quietly, trying to see what she had in her mouth, but when they did they wished they hadn't.

The golden locket had sent a shard of memory through their brain. For a moment everything was red and painful and fighting and they wanted to yell, but then it was over, and they were left with a fresh hollowness in their chest. But then it was gone, sinking beneath the surface of the water. They hadn't meant to get so close to Billie- that was their own mistake, they supposed, but it was okay -but the sight of the locket was as intriguing as it was repelling. It drew them in. They couldn't tell why. Kris stared after its shadow until they could no longer see it in the black water.

They turned their secret gaze up to the panthress. Why had she done that? What was wrong with her family? Their head cocked with the unspoken questions.


Re: try to lose all of your money — open, locket - ATBASH CIPHER. - 11-18-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
Family was a bit of a touchy subject for Atbash. At one point, she had been happy with her parents and her two brothers, though they eventually got torn apart as her youngest brother, Caesar, had gotten a craving for power and attempted to murder the Shaman. Caesar grew worse from then on, eventually killing the King and leaving their Home Dimension to rot. Luckily Atbash and Vigenere were able to escape (with Caesar's help, ironically enough; those he was clearly saving them to manipulate them) but they eventually separated as well, with Vigenere chasing Atbash away because of the stress he felt.

During her time in Snowbound, Caesar had discovered she lived there and soon attacked her. He attempted to drown her first, and then tried burning her in a second attack. He was the reason she bore a triangle brand on her shoulder now, and Atbash tried her hardest to ignore it as much as she could. The only person she was remotely close with family-wise was Vigenere, since their parents had died whenever Caesar set their Dimension to flames. For the longest time, Atbash had considered Snowbound home. After all, the tundra reminded her strangely of home. Funnily enough, Snowbound was destroyed the same way her old home was.

And now Atbash was here, in The Ascendants. Truthfully, the former leader wasn't sure if she could ever be happy here. She felt alone, thinking she was an outcast among her new clanmates. Guilt clawed at her heart almost every day, her mind screaming at her that she should have done something more to protect her tribemates. None of that would have happened if I had kept Snowbound strong, The savannah thought to herself bitterly, biting her lip in irritation at herself.

The sound of water made Atbash halt in her steps, knocking her out of her thoughts. Her ears were pricked, faintly hearing Billie's words. Slowly, the she-cat approached Billie, catching a glance at Kris as she made her way over. Clearly, they had the same questions as her, though they didn't voice those questions out loud. "What was that all about?" Atbash's tone was soft and quiet, as if she wasn't wanting to offend Billie. "You alright?" She paused for a heartbeat before she continued, "If you want to talk, that is. You don't have to explain everything," After all, they literally just met, did they not?
bio | female | observer of the ascendants
© madi

Re: try to lose all of your money — open, locket - agathe. - 11-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]Family was as peculiar a subject as anything in Agathe's life. She had never been privileged enough to meet her mother or the man she had fallen for, the former passing during childbirth and the latter either not knowing of her existence or too terrified to approach what had been named the heir in her mother's steed. But she had grown up relatively okay with the lack of parental support in her life, instead blindly following the teachings of her matron and grandmother as she cast aside what would have been a relatively peaceful nature in favor of one crazed by the idea of spilling blood and war.

Once, and only once, her grandmother had mentioned her sister by blood, and though the girl had never been in Agathe's life, she sometimes entertained an existence where she was. Maybe if she had had the guidance of a sister, she wouldn't have felt so alone - so alienated - while commanding her subordinates. It was ironic that she was blood sworn to each of them and even more so that she was, by clan law, forced to refer to them as sisters.

But that life had been left in the past, nothing more than a collection of brutal memories that sometimes haunted her when she least expected them to. Agathe had no family within the Ascendants and frankly, had no interest in that changing. She was better off by herself- attachments and connections just thawed that frozen heart of hers a little more. But she possessed enough emotional intelligence to figure out what was happening as she stopped before Billie, Atbash, and Kris, lips twisted into that signature frown of hers. "Sometimes attachments to our past are better off being cut." It was all the cloaked Seraph cared to provide, voice relatively apathetic as she turned a golden gaze towards the running water. She did not bother saying anything else nor did she care enough to, but this was the least she could do. She wasn't an entirely heartless monster anyways.