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☼ LOST MY MIND — RETURN - Printable Version

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☼ LOST MY MIND — RETURN - guts - 11-14-2018

"Damn, what the hell happened here?"

Her voice is hoarse as she speaks, coming from a parched and scratchy throat. Her ribs poke through her pelt, much worse than before, the taste of meat repulsive on her tongue and even worse in her nostrils. She can feel the fever setting in in the edges of her mind, hunger driving her towards insanity, the path of a mindless beast who only feeds. Her bones are chilled and she tries to distract herself, eyes with the intensity of the moon itself scanning what was left of Sunhaven's camp. Surely her things had been destroyed in the flood--luckily she didn't leave behind anything important, as she didn't have any such things.

Ymir settles just at the edge of where the small town begins. She stands, limber legs still and her fur catching the breeze, unsure how to continue. It looked deserted, a tight feeling of loss settling in her chest--not from the absence of the clan she used to call home, but because she didn't have any other place to go. She didn't want to be stuck on her own for the third time, though the second had been her own fault. She had been lucky she didn't go feral again.

"Anybody around?" the canine calls out, though her weak voice doesn't travel far. She wondered if everyone was still around, or if they had all died in whatever kind of flood had happened. She takes a step forward, nose to the air and taking in the smells. They were all faint, washed away by the water. But some were stronger than others, as if people had been there recently but were gone now.

So, unsure what else to do, she waits, growing impatient as time ticked by inside her brain. Would she ever learn to be patient? Probably not.

//srry for disappearing but shes Bacc i swear

Re: ☼ LOST MY MIND — RETURN - Bell - 11-15-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Those vexatious wings of his came in handy sometimes, it seemed. Getting back to Sunhaven's main camp was a lot easier with them than it was to take with mountain path. Therefore, he took it upon himself to scout for any survivors. It would be a shame if anyone was left behind, especially with how sudden the evacuation was. Those that hadn't downed would walk up cold and alone, and surely the rain had washed away most of the clan's tracks by now. The mere thought of being trapped in such a situation brought a frown to Sundae's face. Not that he had anything to lose, really. As an immortal he'd come back to life if he'd been killed in the initial flooding, and much like Ymir he didn't have many possessions to lose. Even friends and loved ones were absent in Sundae's life. That was subject to change in the future, but as of right now he found himself in an odd state of detachment. This wasn't anything out of the ordinary for the angel, who tended to travel often and spontaneously, but that didn't mean that he enjoyed his lifestyle. If he could he would love to settle down and make some real connections, but that would be neglecting his duty. Fate would surely put an end to any attempts of his.

He seemed to arrive at a good time, for as he crested the last set of mountains, he could make out the shape of something moving around the outskirts of camp. Quick was his descent, oddly silent except for the sound of his hooves as they made contact with the ground. "Most have evacuated to the mountains," he said smoothly, assessing the creature with sunset eyes. "May I ask what business you have with Sunhaven? I don't recognise your scent." It was entirely possible that she was a member he merely hadn't come across yet, but it was always better to ask than assume. He readjusted his wings so they sat more comfortably at his sides, specks of gold falling like stardust from the tips of his feathers.

//welcome back! <3

Re: ☼ LOST MY MIND — RETURN - guts - 11-15-2018

Saliva floods her mouth at the sight of the winged deer, though she quickly swallows the urge, reassuring herself that food will come soon enough. Her teeth still ache to tear into flesh, but she simply focuses on what they were saying, ears perking forward as she listens. Evacuated to the mountains? Makes sense, she supposes, giving a light shrug. But climbing up there would be a hassle. Fighting against her instincts, she studies the male for a moment, admiring the wings at his side. She wonders what it would be like to fly among the clouds, but the thought is quickly pushed to the side.

"I'm here to rejoin, if you wanna call it that." Ymir explains briefly. She isn't gonna go into her whole life story, not when she doesn't even know his name. She probably wouldn't even if she did. "Feel free to lead the way. I'm assuming you know where they settled?" he spoke like he was a part of the group, anyways. Either way, she would find out one way or another.

Re: ☼ LOST MY MIND — RETURN - rhosmari - 11-16-2018

"I can lead ya there if ya need me tae, Ymir." Though she was happy to see the female her eyes held how tired she was. The flood had drained her of much of her strength and having to make the trek up the mountain to the Peak had been even tiring. But they had survived the flood and now all they had to do was wait for the rain to stop and the water to recede. Time. Honestly she hoped it as on their side at the moment because they needed something, some kind of hope and good news to hold on to. The village was going to be in ruin as far as she knew and she sighed bitterly before she shook her body. Mud still caked her body but she had no want to go and wash it off because of lingering grief with water right now. But she still seemed sound even with tragedy all around her. The hellbeast gave a half smile toward Ymir, gaze flicking away from the woman to look at Sundae before giving a light and brief nod.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: ☼ LOST MY MIND — RETURN - guts - 11-17-2018

She didn't even have to look to know who it was. She had only ever met one person with such an accent, one of many traits that had made the leader attractive, though she didn't have any intentions other than admiring. She had liked Marina's brashness and the way she went about handling things, despite what others might have thought. She was strong and that was something she couldn't help but respect. Didn't mean she wouldn't give an attitude, though.

"Nice to see you're still kicking. But yeah, that'd be nice." Ymir doesn't bother mentioning how tired the other female looked, deciding that it wasn't a matter to be discussed. Even she had her boundaries. Obviously she was burdened and she didn't want to poke or jeer at her. Besides, after that one raid on the Ascendants, she probably would have given her an ear-full.

Re: ☼ LOST MY MIND — RETURN - rhosmari - 11-18-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FEELING, LIKE I'M TOUCHING THE CEILING — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]A small smirk played over the woman's muzzle as she gave a half nod of her head. The ascendants raid was something she had thought about a while back. If it was a good choice or not and she still didn't know if it was. Though she had listened to her people who had cried out for blood because of their fallen comrades. She'd asked them if they wanted to raid them and they had come back with the need to protect their own. There was no way she would have denied them that especially not after the awful treatment that they had gotten from the Ascendants back then. How they had taken the matter of accused murder so lightly as to make a joke about actually killing Buckingham. They did not know how sensitive political things were and she was disgusted by their behavior. But alas it seemed that rumors had came in and Moonmade was no longer leader over there. He had two successors and Agathe and a Titan although it seemed already one of them was missing. Rough waters were happening with the Ascendants and she didn't know what to think about that but then again Sunhaven was having a rough time as well. "Mind the water and try not tae get washed away, ya." There was amusement in her voice as she turned and started to circumvent the water, felling the tug of it against her legs but at least it had gone down some to even be able to get to the border. A wonder really and she showed the two back to the mountain pass, pointing up with her tail. "We made camp up here. At the Peak, it was the only safe place tae go."