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HEY MISTER / weekly task, fixing the tavern - Printable Version

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HEY MISTER / weekly task, fixing the tavern - FELIKS - 11-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]It'd been an unholy amount of time since Feliks had willfully entered a tavern. He'd forced himself to become a non-drinker following an increase in skeptical thoughts, whilst his liver and kidneys certainly thanked him for holding back on the alluring poisons of alcohol, his head wasn't so inclined to be grateful. Stress was a horrible demon, with too much of it the only place it could be relieved was by taking it out on others as opposed to indulging in bad habits to wash away the sorrows. Trusting the Typhoon to treat him well if he was wasted was too much to ask for, even still the Privateer felt like it was time to stop being a worrywart when it came to spirits and rums. That was the reason why, opiates in his bloodstreams be damned, he was more than happy to repair the tavern.

The fire would've been nothing more than an ember if he'd been around and strong, a statement that went past delusions of grandeur and one he'd resonate with to the grave. Nothing could stop the past now though, the time had come to move on and figure out how to fix up the charred old tavern before his peers became rowdy. A sign had been placed in the center of camp by the male, a wooden thing with barely legible writing kept in place by becoming Loki's perch. Cl3anin up the drink3r's d3n, h3lp want3d. When aforementioned help (or 'h3lp' if one couldn't mind the backwards 'e's), did arrive, they'd find the door to the Capricorn Tarvern busted open, barely hanging on it's hinges following the vicious fiery assault. Oh, and Feliks was there too.

In the gryphon's mouth was a broom which appeared to have engravings of it's own in it (though one would have to get close enough to realise that they spelled out 'Sweepiks'), soot and glass broken in the hurry to flee being swept towards one corner of debris. A horrific smell was wafting from the upstairs, the Privateer wisely choosing to avoid exploring the area where some must've been trapped until others arrived. A body or two missed in the initial search, he wished only to focus on the simpler tasks until he'd worked up the energy to seek out the identities of the lost souls. For now that just meant cleaning the floors, restocking the rum and fixing up the tables.

Goodness that would be hard to do alone.

Re: HEY MISTER / weekly task, fixing the tavern - adomania - 11-15-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Unlike Feliks, the Tavern had become a rather frequent place of visit for the lion, the alcohol that it provided soothing the worst of his moods. He lived off of alcohol and cigarettes these days and was certain that at this point his liver was as dead as his father and his lungs as black as the void who birthed him. That didn't trouble him much, though. He could die and then he'd be back in the land of the living soon after because nobody stayed dead these days. It still fucked you up, but you'd return and there'd a grand party awaiting you, only to forget you've ever died in the first place. Unless you were someone important, of course. Then everyone mourned and constantly asked if you were okay.

No one bothered to ask if he was okay. The only person who gave a damn about his disappearance and death had been Gabriel, who made a point of at least appearing happy that he had returned. Now that the old man was gone and Des was too afraid to check if he had keeled over himself, there was no one who would care much if he disappeared. He wasn't important, and beyond his good looks, there really wasn't anything that could make a lasting impact on people as far as he saw it. He was replaceable, and whereas that used to get him all melancholy and brooding, now he just accepted it as a fact. It made his life easier, and in turn, meant he required a lot less alcohol to drown his demons in. The fewer demons there were, the easier it was.

But that didn't mean he didn't still need to get drunk once in a while when the other problems started to rear their ugly head. The nightmares rarely left him alone at night and the only way to get a decent bit of rest was to take a quick visit to the tavern, refill his stocks, and then drink until he passed out and the light hurt too much to get out of his hut in the morning. No one missed him then, either. No one looked to see if he had drunk himself to death, just left him alone and trusted he'd be back come the next evening to do what he always did best: smile, banter, and sneak around like some kind of cryptid. It was why the fact that the Tavern of all places was what caught flame felt like such a personal blow to him. He needed it to stay sane at times, for cigarettes could only do so much and didn't work well to put a guy to sleep.

So instead of getting drunk on his secret stash and moping about that his source of free drinks was gone... he decided to help in the renovation, of which Feliks seemed to be the head of.

The tavern itself was far lighter than he remembered it being, a result of the cracks in the roof that the flames conveniently made. It made it easier to clean, surely, but it still pulled the male's lips back in disgust to see his favorite hangout on this god forsaken island in such a state. The faster it would get back to working order the better, both for his sake and everyone else's. "Saw you might need help?" that was the only indication he gave that he was there, waiting for Feliks to either confirm or deny it and to order him around.

Re: HEY MISTER / weekly task, fixing the tavern - Grey - 11-16-2018

Bakugou doesn't drink. While he can purchase foods at the tavern, not even a lazy day can draw him inside. He used to visit from time to time when he had nothing to do but to mope over himself but those days are over. While he might still lounge about and self-pity his situation, the Capricorn was a public place. He would rather sit at home and burn dead deer with his flames at home for a meal than eat something that had been well prepared. The loss of the tavern therefore meant nothing to the ragdoll other than the fact that the very night it had burned down was a frustrating one. He remembers still coughing from all that smoke even days after, remembering the feeling of it invading his lungs - intoxicating. With all these recent events, Bakugou isn't even sure how to feel and react. While part of him is angry, infuriated by what had happened with Caesar and the fact that children had been caught within the flames, he is also afraid to let himself feel that way. His anger is like that of a cold flame, hardly dangerous but there, fed up and exhausted of spitting embers and ash.

He saw the sign but first ignored it. To be honest, he thought it was a vomit of letters before soon realising that they were poorly written words. He walks closer, squinting his eyes at the writing. While Bakugou could read and write in English, it was not his first language. The backwards e's made it difficult for him to translate and realise that all he had to do was mirror them in his mind. He assumes that by the drinker's den, the person who had written it meant the Tavern. Rebuilding it would be difficult considering the heavy lifting they needed but it would make sense to clean up what is there then replace the burnt wood later. Some parts of the Capricorn, after all, were still salvageable. The ragdoll scrunches his nose, still remembering the thick ashen smell. He wonders if there is a corpse upstairs, plainly looking upwards. It frustrates him to think that there were casualties to begin with. He had tried so hard to gather as many pirates out of there as possible, moving in and out whilst avoiding the flames and dropping wood. Rescue wasn't something he was good at.

"I'll help with those tables after I deal with that shit smell," the feline murmurs to Feliks, teleporting towards the bottom of the stairs. While he could help clean the floor or restock the drinks, he wasn't interested in doing them at all. He would rather do something that let his earth elementals shine than look like someone's maid.

Re: HEY MISTER / weekly task, fixing the tavern - OWEN. - 11-16-2018

"There any heavy lifting needing to be done? I'm no good at cleaning shit, sorry." Owen rumbled as the indominus walked over, his snout pushing up against the side of the building idly. He wanted to be useful somehow, at least. I mean, fuck, he felt useless enough.

//rushed shit im sorry


Re: HEY MISTER / weekly task, fixing the tavern - bubblegum - 11-17-2018