Beasts of Beyond
` ✦ ° — NOVOCAINE / JOINING - Printable Version

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` ✦ ° — NOVOCAINE / JOINING - BUGSY - 11-14-2018

The November sun was harsh and beating, striking his form with its rays and penetrating his dark pelt. At this point, he might as well get a damn sunburn from all of this exposure. This had to be the hottest place that Bugsy had ever traveled to. Was he stupid for trying to make it to the border? Probably, but Bugsy was the very definition of reckless and, frankly, idiocy. He'd do just about anything if it meant that he'd prove himself to the rest of the world.

The Beauceron held the faint scent of the Rosebloods, but it wasn't strong enough to notice from a distance. He had stayed there for a week or so, but when things began to go take a nosedive, then he dipped out of there as soon as he could. And where else to turn to but the apparent baddest group around? Bugsy was confident that he could walk into the place within five minutes. Perhaps they'd be glad to accept a strong and loyal fella like him.

Placing his paws upon an apparent borderline, he lifted his muzzle to the wind as it tugged on his short, black pelt. The air felt nice on his neck after what seemed like hours of traveling this far through the arid lands. Then, he opened his mouth, "HEY! Anybody out there?" Bugsy wasn't going to wait around until he [sub]dropped dead.[/sub] He needed to get their attention somehow. "I swear, you guys are tryin' ta' make me roast like a Thanksgiving turkey." He panted, his floppy tongue lolling out of his maw as he tried to cool down his body in the baking heat. Hoooh, hopefully they had an olympic-sized swimming pool that he could dive into.

Re: ` ✦ ° — NOVOCAINE / JOINING - ninazu - 11-15-2018

© lexasperated
Ninazu walked over to the panting dog, her ears flicking in the heat. She usually preferred to take a nap during this time of day, but his loud voice got her curious. Fortunate for him that she felt willing to come out – as she always carried water and alcohol in her satchel. “Yeah, me. I’m Ninazu, healer and marauder here – what’s your business with the Pitt?” Her golden eyes narrowed slightly as she sat a few meters in front of him, her five tails flicking behind her.

She thought she could smell the vague smell of something on him, but the sand cat hardly cared what group he came from previously. The Pittian population came from various exiles and unsavory characters, so one more made no difference to her. She thought about grabbing her flask of wine for him, but thought better of it – she still didn’t know if he would try and outright attack her first.

Re: ` ✦ ° — NOVOCAINE / JOINING - BUGSY - 11-15-2018

Following the small cat's appearance was the stench of liquor. Oh, how he'd love to get his paws on a bottle. Anywho, he had to deal with this chick first. "Hey, what's up wit' all the tails?" Questioned the east-coaster, cocking his head at the five as they swished about. They were pretty cool-looking, but why did she need so many? Maybe it was something that she had been born with. That reminded him of the own cat tail that was dangling from his chain necklace, and he adjusted it so that it was laying across his neck instead of distracting him.

"I heard you guys are the toughest of the tough. It only makes sense for me to join ya'." He shot a toothy grin towards the medic, pointed ears erect as he awaited a response from her. Bugsy was a pretty scrappy son of a bitch, that was for sure. Perhaps he'd prove to be a useful addition to the ranks.

Re: ` ✦ ° — NOVOCAINE / JOINING - ninazu - 11-16-2018

© lexasperated
She paused, giving him an odd look; nobody ever asked about her tails. Certainly nobody stared so openly at them, either. “Don’t know, why’re you so ugly?” Ninazu retorted drily, not missing a beat. She usually didn’t care enough to comment on people’s appearances, but she’d make an exception for this odd bastard.

At his next words and grin, she nodded. “You heard right. If I could get your name, we’ll see about settling you into the temples.” She didn’t exactly care to test him now – people tended to prove themselves as either incompetent or capable rather quickly in the desert – but she didn’t think she caught his name.

Re: ` ✦ ° — NOVOCAINE / JOINING - BUGSY - 11-17-2018

Why was he so ugly? Bugsy nearly scoffed at the retort. How dare she speak to him like that, knowing full well that he was one of the most ( if not, the ) handsomest son of a bitch in the land? Of course he chose to sass her right back. "I could ask the same about you." This wasn't to say that she was, but Bugsy didn't simply take shit. That wasn't what he did. Had this been some punk and not a Pittian, he would've given her an earful ( and possibly a threat ). No, he had to suppress himself for once and deliver a comeback that was less-than-fulfilling.

Anyways, moving on to formalities, the Beauceron lifted a hind leg to itch his stomach. "Name's Bugsy, don't wear it out." Was that it? Was he in, now? Holy hell, that had been stupidly easy. Nevertheless, he was sure excited.

Re: ` ✦ ° — NOVOCAINE / JOINING - guts - 11-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She was next to approach, warily studying the male as she comes to stand beside her mentor, unsure what to make of him and his smart retorts. But she decided to give him a pass, considering it had been Ninazu to start it. Plus she was somewhat curious about her tails herself.

Hoping to ease the tension, the serval flashes them both a smile. "Welcome to the Pitt. I'm Cosette," she greets him with a curt nod. There was something about the male she didn't like, something about him that brought memories of someone else. She did her best to push it back and ignore it.