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different but the same - open; wanderer - Printable Version

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different but the same - open; wanderer - rhosmari - 11-14-2018

[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Slowly he moved through the forest, aware of his surroundings and yet this place was foreign to him. The forest used to soothe him but this wasn't his forest. The smell of it was strange and this world he had somehow been pulled into was strange. He wasn't even himself and he barely even remembered what happened to him and that alone made him angry. He'd ripped through the land because of it and his anger at this point had been subdued but just barely. He was containing it and as he walked his vivid red eyes shifted over the trees around him. The cold season was coming and that much he knew from the fact that the northern wind was sending a chill down his spine whenever he was not wearing his bear skin across his body. The leaves were shifting color as well, shifting from their normal bright greens and darker hues to that of golden yellow and redoranges. The burly creature slowly moved forward and he paused for a short moment, roughly sighing as he lifted a paw to lightly scratch underneath the head of the bear pelt he was wearing over his form. There were not too many places he had been yet and so he was in no hurry to get anywhere so there was no time like the present to get something to eat. Food was essential to survival as far as he was concerned and thus he began his search.

It wasn't too long that he found a herd of deer, keeping to themselves and forming around a small swath of trees that had yet to totally lose their leaves. The cave lion narrowed his gaze becoming more beast like at his nose twitched and pulled in their scent, his muzzle curled slowly as he slunk closer to them. He didn't need all of them, one or two would be alright and he brushed his form up against a tree, the soft rustling sound lifting up into the air. It alerted one deer but the lion paused, carefully situation himself so that he was harder to see and he waited for the deer to look away before he began again and once he was close enough he lunged. Though as calculated as his attack had been he managed to only bring down one of their does and he snapped her neck between his blood stained teeth. It was good enough and he sat down with it, sword upon his back settled off to the side before he began to eat his fill of his prey.

Re: different but the same - open; wanderer - ATTICUS - 11-15-2018

/Track for tomorrow!!

Re: different but the same - open; wanderer - radeken - 11-15-2018

Well, this was a whole lot of absolutely not. When she had discovered the scent of something other, Radeken had only been mildly peeved because although it did mean she had to take time away from her walk (and goodness knows she likes her walks), it was probably only something minor, like some joiner who didn't have enough sense to stay still. She supposed it could also have been some kind of very, very pathetic invasion on the behalf of a group whose scent she didn't recognize, but she doubted it. No invasion takes such a meandering route toward...toward...

Ah, shit. The hot blood and prey-scent on the wind drew an exasperated groan from the Cleric. No, not a joiner and not a crappy invasion, it must've been some idiot who couldn't tell that this was occupied land. Or didn't care. Either way, she took her sweet time on the off chance that it was some ballsy lunatic who wouldn't hesitate to attack her in much the same way that they clearly didn't hesitate to hunt here, and Radeken wasn't one for physical altercations. Her slowed pace eventually led her to the scene, Mogar tucking into his meal, acting to all the world like he belonged there. It very nearly pissed her off, but she was too quickly distracted by the sword that he had set to the side during his feasting. That looked...that looked real good. She wanted it.

"[color=black]Excuse me." I wonder if he'll fork it over as compensation for stealing. He wouldn't. Who would? Radeken licked her lips. "[color=black]I'm gonna have to ask you to piss off unless you've got some greater reason for being here besides taking what's ours." Her tone was cold, eyes colder. "[color=black]And if that's the case, you'd better start talking quick." She did her best to work the intimidation factor despite not being a particularly fearsome creature and despite her very, very strong desire to not have to get any closer to this dude than necessary. This was just her stalling. And eyeing that sword covetously.

Re: different but the same - open; wanderer - rhosmari - 11-15-2018

[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Though he had been eating peacefully for a little while it seemed his peace would be broken by someone. A presence that he did not enjoy especially not the words that had been directed toward him. The doe was forgotten as he turned his head to look at the accuser and hostile creature, muzzle curling to reveal elongated fangs upper and lower as well as teeth stained with blood of the deer he had been eating just moments before. His red eyes held anger as he looked at the wolf, a small canine that the massive lion slowly turned to face. Though the beast would keep his anger in check for now he was not happy with something that seemed to him to look like a challenge and already a growl rumbled in his throat, a sign of his irritation as he took up his sword with ease. The blue bladed weapon gleamed in the sunlight and he kept himself steady. They appeared to be expecting an answer from the male so he would give them one. "Are you threatening, Mogar? He does not like threats." His gruff and growling voice spoke out with a low rumble to it as he clutched the sword in between large teeth. His claws gripped against the ground, blackened weapons stripping the land in which he walked. He wasn't about to stand with being challenged although he was partially confused.

The lion of something that was ours puzzled him. Who was ours? He didn't want to stand and think about it and his sharply red gaze continued to watch and be wary. He was a fighter that much was true as he had to fight to save his mother and those he had come to call...companions. Though this was maybe something different and he couldn't afford any mistakes here as far as he was concerned. He'd been stabbed once and remembering that pain made him understand to not trust anyone, strangers were dangerous. One paw lifted up as he flexed his large claws, head hoisting his weapon high but he wouldn't make any move first against the threatening, though he kept his own glare sharply upon the one that had spoken to him.

Re: different but the same - open; wanderer - ONISION. - 11-15-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
12 months old

physically hard
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius
possession & mental manip.

Usually, Onision was the first to threaten a trespasser when they were upon the Ascendants territory- it was kinda his signature, y'know, pissing off strangers. Today it.. Didn't seem to be the case, and Oni wasn't happy about it. Who fuckin' told this guy to take his place as the clan's asshole?

"Yo, chill your shit. Starting a fight isn't gonna do us good." Onision barked as he walked over, staring the wanderer down with cold, dual-colored eyes. The voice in his head screamed at him to tell this guy to also fuck off, but Oni felt more generous today.

"Who are you? Uh, if you're here to take shit that doesn't belong to you, I'm gonna need you to put it back. I can assure you it doesn't taste or look good." Oni spoke calmly, scratching the back of his head as if this was the worst thing possible to have to do; like he was bored of it.

Yeah, routine sucked ass.

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: different but the same - open; wanderer - BILLIE - 11-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; font-family: raleway; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]billie really didn't know onision, but as she approached the scene she decided that she didn't mind him. he was a voice of reason, and billie could appreciate someone being logical other than herself. moreso, considering the way this stranger was acting was prodding at something within her. something defensive and primal, something her mother created long before that didn't like being threatened. billie was good at burying that creature,at staying all half smiles and laughing things off, but times like these reminded her that she was still the object of her mother's creation, like it or not.

she stayed calm, kept that urge down, and stood to the side of the others, watching attentively. waiting, waiting, waiting...

Re: different but the same - open; wanderer - ATTICUS - 11-15-2018

▹▹▹▹ It wasn't hard to hear the commotion, yet Atticus still sighed inwardly as he dragged himself up to his paws and brought himself to join the small group of Ascendants members that were now taking to surrounding the trespasser of a lion. He had to say he couldn't necessarily disagree with anything that had been said, but as the melanistic jaguar took up a place, his golden eyes quietly looking over the form of this strange wanderer, he brought himself to sit. A moment of silence passed, as though he were not going to say anything of the sort, to let Onison handle the matter himself, but instead, he gently took a breath in, lifting his head slightly to speak. "An impressive weapon," he began softly, his voice a low rumble as he softly dipped his head towards the stranger's sword, a fine blade that he frankly, yes, was envious of. He had lost his own some while ago, and the sight of it now was just a stark reminder of what he was missing. "I've no doubt you have experience with it," he continued, seemingly off topic with what was at hand here, but just as quickly, he dove into business.

"You are in Ascendants territory. We only argue that the prey you now took belongs to our territory," Of course, this was very much up to debate, getting far too much into ethics and the philosophy of what dictated life to belong to a specific area of territory, but.... Well, he wasn't going to get into it. "I only ask that you lower your sword while we discuss this," he added, lifting a paw to gently gesture to the sword, as if he himself could (not that he would) reach out to physically lower it. "We will not strike, so long as you do not."

/rushed <3

Re: different but the same - open; wanderer - radeken - 11-15-2018

Ohhh, she did not the third person. Radeken's hackles bristled in spite of herself and she held her breath, praying for someone larger to come along and take the situation out of her paws. Nothing about this was good. Those claws alone made her wince, imagining the pain they could inflict, but the sword...well, despite being very jealous of the weapon, she found it a bit ridiculous that he would insist on lugging it around, especially when he already looked more than equipped to turn someone inside out in under a second, but it was the off-chance that he actually knew what he was doing with that thing that really had her fur on end. She didn't like any of this. Radeken swallowed.

"[color=black]Well, he'd better get used to them." She managed, taking a step back and then more as casually as she could manage when more Ascendants showed. Onision and Billie, neither of which inspired too much confidence on their own but could probably stall this guy if it came to blows (at the very least, he’d have two squirmy chew toys to work through before bothering with her, and she was determined to be long gone in that fantasy scenario), and then Atticus. So, officially speaking, three fine meat shields. Radeken couldn’t resist piping up again when Atticus requested that Mogar lower his weapon, “[color=black]I think he ought to turn it over. For now. For security reasons. I could hold it.” She hoped it wasn’t too obvious how badly she wanted to run off with it.

Re: different but the same - open; wanderer - rhosmari - 11-15-2018

-- thank you guys for answer to this thread and i've loved the interactions but i'm going to be dropping him ;-;

Re: different but the same - open; wanderer - ATTICUS - 11-15-2018

(11-15-2018, 07:26 PM)RIMMY link Wrote: -- thank you guys for answer to this thread and i've loved the interactions but i'm going to be dropping him ;-;

//Sorry to hear that! Thanks for coming and interacting with us! Do come back if you have any new babes up your sleeve <3 c;