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Roller Derby Mayhem // AU - Printable Version

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Roller Derby Mayhem // AU - ATTICUS - 11-14-2018

▹▹▹▹ //Human AU for fun!

So, what had enticed Kit of all people to get a bunch of his friends, and their friends, and maybe even a bunch of people he didn't know, and book out a skating rink for a day? Honestly, if someone asked, he would have had to say that it was complete boredom. His apprenticeship work was driving him up the wall lately, and honestly, who didn't need a break from time to time? It was not the act itself, perhaps, the was odd, but rather because the stoic, silent man that he was now sat, trying to figure out how to lace rollerskates onto his feet. No, scratch that, how to stand up in them without falling on his face. He grimaced as he made his third attempt to stand, a hand gripping the nearby table as his back stiffened, trying to find his balance as he threatened to wobble and fall. God, when was the last time he had done this? Had he ever done this? In any case, it was too late to turn back down.

More people, at least those that hadn't shown up already, would be arriving soon, and quite honestly, he wanted to be out on the rink before any of them showed up and he would be forced to make small talk. The tables, at least, had a plethora of pizza and drinks to keep anyone occupied, and frankly, he just had to hope they wouldn't get themselves banned from this rink at the end of the day.

Re: Roller Derby Mayhem // AU - radeken - 11-15-2018

Radeken couldn’t...skate. She could push herself off of things and roll forward, yeah, but a lack of practice yielded a lack of confidence. Usually this was no issue, seeing as she wasn’t ever invited to go skating in the first place because she was a grown ass woman, but her boredom, this opportunity, and the blunt she had smoked before leaving her crummy 1-room had her thinking, what the hell, why not. Besides, food would be there. Radeken loved food.

She regretted it now, though.

Radeken was officially table-bound, focusing on demolishing the pizza (god she really loved events that had free food) to distract herself from the fact that she had put her skates on too far from the actual rink, so getting there was going to be a hellish trip and a half. Radeken pried a pepperoni up from the cheese, folding it and cramming the greasy morsel into her mouth. This was what she was here for. I could just unlace the skates...put them back on closer to the actual rink... But her hands were all greasy and the laces were super tight and...and...fuck, man.

She remorsefully shoveled more pizza into her mouth, paying no mind to the host of this venture or anyone else who might file in for the time being, not noticing or maybe just not minding to clean the sauce smudged on her cheek.

Re: Roller Derby Mayhem // AU - ONISION. - 11-15-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
12 months old

physically hard
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius
possession & mental manip.

//faceclaim is cole sprouse, more punkish.

Onision fuckin' loved parties. Everyone knew he did, and the times he had eaten almost everything in the last party he went to wasn't something others could ignore. Usually, they tried to keep him from eating literally everything, but it almost always fails. I mean, could you really blame him? He was always hungry.

But when he had been invited to a party at a skating rink, Oni actually cringed, because holy shit, he didn't want to skate. The last time he went skating it was with Alexander, and he had flat out fallen on his ass and pulled his boyfriend down with him. Normally, to outsiders, it would be like one of those cute coupley moments- no, absolutely was fuckin' not. That shit hurt.

It was embarrassing as all Hell, and every single fuckin' time Onision looked at the skating floor, he mentally died all over again. God, no. He'll stick to the food.

So, tossing back brown hair, messy and untamed, the teenager rushed over to the table, grappling for pizza and ranch almost immediately. "Pineapple does not go on pizza!" He yelled over his shoulder, knowing that this little sentence could trigger an arguement.

And boy, did Oni love arguements.

The little shit stirrer.

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: Roller Derby Mayhem // AU - BILLIE - 11-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; font-family: raleway; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]
billie was exactly the kind of person that you would expect to see on a pair of skates. as such, no one should have been surprised that the brunette showed up with her own pair of skates, rather than renting them. moreso, they had small, battery operated lights on the bottom that flashed between blue, green, and red. it was billie, and though she only recently moved to town, anyone who'd interacted with her for half a minute wouldn't be surprised. it was billie.

her hair was tied up in a dark, sloppy bun; she really hadn't bothered much with makeup, slapping on some mascara and concealer to hide the dark circles beneath her eyes. her clothes consisted of a black hoodie with a picture of rudolph the reindeer, a pair of light wash skinny jeans, and the glowing skates. it was casual, but it was probably the nicest billie ever looked– she actually bothered to conceal the evidence of her insomnia, after all.

she'd had her skates on for some time now, and acquired a piece of pizza that she promptly scarfed down (indeed, with a gallon of ranch dumped on top) along with a massive cup of diet coke. appetite satiated for a few minutes, she scanned the area; two people going for pizza (one trying to start a war, it seemed) and another skating. well, trying to skate. cocking half a grin, she skated over with the ease of a seasoned skater, bright gaze trained on kit. "need a hand?" she cirped, offering anpalm out. "i'd hate to see you bust your ass."

Re: Roller Derby Mayhem // AU - ATTICUS - 11-17-2018

▹▹▹▹While Atticus struggled to figure out how to survive the wheels strapped onto his feet precariously (for, if anyone was being honest, rental-skates were questionable at best for the various diseases and structural integrity), he was at least somewhat bemused to see the others were enjoying themselves and the pizza. Even though many hadn't yet taken to the rink, at least they were all able to have a bit of fun regardless. His foot nearly slipped out from underneath him briefly at the sudden yell about pineapple pizza, his grip tightening on the edge of the counter that he held to steady himself carefully. His gaze turned briefly to the voice that had spoken, scoffing a faint note of amusement as he shook his head, "Love it, hate it, it's what they gave us," he mused simply. Though, they were at least generous on the pepperoni, pineapple was a bit of a toss-up when it came to the pizza-party crowd. After another moment, his gaze turning towards Billie as her voice sounded. She, in a word, looked far more confident than any of them now on their skates. She had done this before? Kit was both equally glad and somewhat envious now of her ability to stay upright, grumbling at the offered hand before he begrudgingly reached out to take it. He knew when he was out of his element, and this was certainly far out of his comfort zone. "..Yeah. I think I need that. How do you.." he gestured briefly, idly, at her, as if summarizing her ability all in one idle gesture of a hand. "...Balance, mostly."


Re: Roller Derby Mayhem // AU - BILLIE - 11-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; font-family: raleway; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]he accepted her hand, and a part of her, small and deep down (or so she’d claim), was disappointed that she wouldn’t be able to see the man bust his ass out of pride. but she could respect someone who could accept a hand of help.

“i dunno,” she says with a shrug of one shoulder, “keep your feet shoulder width apart, relax, and feel confident. if you’re nervous, you’re gonna bust your ass. i mean, you’re gonna bust your ass no matter what, but it’ll hurt more if you don’t embrace it ahead of time.” she said simply, moving to skate backwards while facing him, attempting to pull him out onto the rink and away from the wall. she didn’t want him to turn into a wall hugger, because heaven only knew it was like putting training wheels on a bike – wall huggers only grew too dependant on it, and never took the risk of getting into the middle of the floor.