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MAKING MAMA SO PROUD / drawing - Printable Version

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MAKING MAMA SO PROUD / drawing - spacexual - 11-14-2018

priscilla "sil" rosario — female — the typhoon — tags
ever since the child was born, it was made clear that she was highly interested in stories, of any kind. the tales her fathers would tell her or siblings create would always catch her attention and hold it easily, becoming engrossed in any sort of journey introduced to her. she tried to learn to read as quickly as she could, pointing to words and asking to sound them out so she could repeat, spelling out things and flipping through picture books. she wants to write her stories. she wants to let the world see her adventures, too. because, if she could pretend that they were truthful, then she could write them off as fact as well. the kitten was sure the world would be impressed by her stories, even if ari thinks they are dumb.

while she is terrified of the shores that surround their island, she does find inspiration from them. the beach is much lighter and warmer than the jungle and she finds it easier to draw upon the sand, laying her art supplies on a towel and wrapping her blanket around her as she grabs a crayon. with this, the little girl writes, sloppily, "the knite knight" and begins to doodle underneath it - it a drawing of her family.

Re: MAKING MAMA SO PROUD / drawing - Grimm - 11-14-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Almost mirror are they, similarities spun between until one found within those little differences, aspects to set them apart as their own unique individuals. Within gentle heart lingers a love for the fantastical and stories, spinning about words contained within the minimal vocabulary the youth held, enjoyable the simplistic structure of worlds and stories. They lacked the keen and widely spread imagination of Elijah, caught within his own fantastical world and rare his raise from it outside of stimuli touching upon subject, and the wondrous ability to put to paper the words and images dancing within thought as Sil has exhibited from the beginning. There is no touch of jealousy within the child, however, rather they love each, tingling and pleasant the warmth about them, touching every fibre of their being until thought of any brings forth the curl of a smile.

“What are you doing?” Soft voice rose as lilac toned paws drew Kai closer, the strange patch of colour different from the stretch of tan beneath drawing their attention. As to prior tasks they had been doing nothing more then walking the sand, wondering for a brief moment as to what they may find washed ashore, yet all the more interested was the sight before them. Moving a little closer they made to lay by their sister, leaning closer so their cheek may brush against hers, weak sight moving over the picture.

Re: MAKING MAMA SO PROUD / drawing - APHRA CIPHER . - 11-14-2018

strange how aphra was around, considering her dislike of the beach. the sand got caught in her fur and make it irritatingly hard to keep her fur clean. regardless, the pure white she-cat was here and approached the two children whenever she spotted them. "seems like she's drawing something." aphra observed with one of her large ears flicking. "what are you drawing?" her question was, of course, directed at prisicilla.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: MAKING MAMA SO PROUD / drawing - elijah - 11-16-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]Elijah enjoys themes of fantasy and adventure. They are an escape. They let him forget that he is fragile and vulnerable, that he has a condition that makes his heart weaker than most. In his imagination he is a warlock, a powerful entity who can protect his family, do powerful spells. He too likes picture books and stories. He's gotten to a point where he won't even read them, merely looking at the words and continuing the story on his own accord. Sometimes he will set up a small town made of pillows and blankets, cushions to secure the foundations as he carefully plants all his toys. He'll sit inside peeping his head out, pretending he's on look-out or is in a castle addressing the king or queen to receive a quest. And yet it is his imagination that makes him alone because his entire world revolves around what his blue eyes choose to see, what is soft ears choose to hear. Nothing exists if he doesn't want them too. He'd like to think he is entirely in control but bubbling beneath the surface are his confused emotions, feelings that know he feels alone. Well, he doesn't feel so alone now. His friend, Thirteen, follows him wherever he goes. It backs him up and he does the same - he does the same with all his rats. When he goes home, they even play his little games with him. He was just a boy with his rats.

He sniffles, seeing the sight of his two sisters and Aphra approaching them. He was aware of Priscilla's love for books and creating stories or pictures but he knows that their worlds cannot share, cannot combine. At the same time, he had also been too sickly to play with his siblings during their earlier months of development. He was always resting because of his heart. "Thirteen says he wants to be included too," Elijah mews, wriggling his toes and he approaches. They all faintly resemble them, their family. His eyes drift from each sibling to each sibling - Kaisa, Stella, Eris, Priscilla, himself... then his gaze moves towards his parents, the three of them. They are a family of eight, he realises. He picks up a dark grey crayon, lifting it in the air: "can you draw him on top of my head - satis placeeeet?" Elijah wouldn't feel too fussed if Sil refused to draw his rat but he was sure Thirteen would take offence to it.

Re: MAKING MAMA SO PROUD / drawing - Keona. - 11-16-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Keona loved a different sort of story: she loved music. She loved to listen with rapt attention to old songs her father sang.  There'd always be a song in the days on his ship.  His crew.  Many were old songs, in Gaelic not English and she knew them all.  Love songs.  Songs of war.  Songs of rebellious children.  Working songs.  She knew the songs of her mother's language too, though she rarely sang them.  She loved the music.

The tiny faerie wanted adventure.  Not old stories.  She wanted to discover strange new wonders and carve her own tale. Prove she could.  In the end of it all, she hopes she's happy but above all that she'd done something worth singing about.  Something grand or brave or impressive somehow someway.  Prove she's more than a blind girl, born into an old and proud family.  A good pirate worth mentioning.

The bay was where it all began.  The sunbaked sand was the first ground she'd ever touched.  Born on the boat of her father's crew.  The shore called her.  The steady rythmn of the waves.  The rush of a salt breeze.

There alert ears picked up conversation. The other youth of the crew.  Quietly, petite paws carried her.  Her pale seagreen hues danced from voice to voice, scent to scent.  The many siblings, she noticed.  She wondered for a moment, what a sibling would be like.  An interesting concept.  She flicked her ear, brows creasing for a brief second.  Keona decides she probably wouldn't want one. Looking at her family -- twin fathers and an uncle constantly glancing over his shoulder -- a sibling didn't seem very exciting.

Silently, the striker took a nearby seat, head tilted lightly towards the group.  Art.  Not something she could enjoy looking at, though she had tried her paws at making it once or twice.  Not a lot of satisfaction in that.

The child smiled lightly at Elijah's plea, realizing he had a companion.  Her cousin Suvi had obtained one recently herself, a michievous young raven called Fiachra.  Said bird had actually been tailing her today, though she showed no signs of awknowledging him. He was much too large a creature to rest on her back, or head, so he had to walk or fly himself.  When he realized she'd seated herself near the other children, he descended to her side with a flutter of clumsy wings.  Since he recognized Aphra, he greeted the feline with a tremendously loud CAW, making Keona flinch in surprise, before he turned his sharp eyes on the others.

The Fae knew he'd probably never seen someone draw before, so she didn't call him back when he inched a little closer, seeking a better look, curious.

[ Mobile ]
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯

Re: MAKING MAMA SO PROUD / drawing - ... - 11-17-2018

[div style="background: url(; background-size: cover; height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 3px solid #000; float: left; margin-right: 10px"]
[div style="width: 60px; font-size: 11px; font-family: nyala; text-align: justify; color: #fff"]HP: 96%
[div style="background: #34bf3f; border-radius: 2px 2px 2px 2px; height: 6px; width: 96px; margin-top: 1px"]
EXP: 10%
NAME: ... ¦ GENDER: ? ¦ LEVEL: 2 ¦ : 1
STR: 1 ¦ DEF: 1 ¦ CON: 1 ¦ DEX: 1 ¦ INT: 1
PER: 2 ¦ CHR: 1 ¦ AGL: 1 ¦ WIL: 1 ¦ LCK: 1
Various of colours showers Their world soft and pale, as Their puny paws carries Them through Beauty. Though, heavy from the pain that yet latches onto fragile flesh, strength shines across mismatched eyes, as motivation for finding at the end of wonder runs wild in celestial body, born from curiosity set aflame within.

Eventually, They spots a group of pirates settling by the shores. Ears prickles, head raises, They quickens Their pace. System trembling, movements near at the edges before falling, nevertheless, They manages to set Their still position about perfectly with the others, specifically between Elijah and the lilac point whose heart sings of gold tender.

All attention on them first, They brushes Their cheek against Elijah's shoulder and then the lilac point's, a purr rises in throat before sweet smile. A silent greeting that was coated in fondness for the two kits. Eyes now on the other pirates whose presences shimmers unfamiliarity, They waves at Them before Their gentle gaze finally lands on someone who appears to be...

"Seems like she's drawing something."

Their head tilts, curiosity rolls across mind. They stares at every movements the female kit is pulling with such strange objects. Creativity spreads out the white sheet beneath her very paws, images and colours appears right in front of them all after each little motion. They realizes it must be about her family—given the appearances of a few drawn figures akin to Their new friends.

Eyes wide, maw slightly lowers, They marvels at her skill before They pokes at both Elijah's and Kaisa's sides and squeals, then pointing at the drawing. Excitement burns within frantic gestures, as They says to them, "Lu! Lu! It's youuu!" Amazement seeps into high-pitched tone. It hangs in the air before it gets replaced with Their giggle.

They returns Their focus on to the artist and claps Their forepaws. "Dewah..." Their comment quickly dies down. They squints at Themself and hums, shaking Their head, a knock for a time given when They heard her saying a word to the ebony lion that would fit to this situation. "Pehh...pehwaugh!" At last, They finishes Their sentence with another giggle of joy.