Beasts of Beyond
TAKE MY HAND && raiden! [private] - Printable Version

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TAKE MY HAND && raiden! [private] - miss ririchiyo - 11-14-2018

aburame yukiji, f, 16.:
haruaki ryuu, m, 16.:
Aizawa, to be completely honest, was sick and fuckin' tired. Tired, as in he literally just wanted to get these introductions done so he could sleep. Fuck a lesson, he was going to conk the fuck out and sleep right there on his desk, and these students weren't going to fuckin' say shit about it. After all, free time was a safe haven for the students in Class 1-A, a time to study and do homework. Lord knows Kaminari and Mina need it.

Behind the raven haired teacher stood four students, two of which were known as good childhood friends, having been raised in the same adoption agency from the moment they were dropped off at heroes doorsteps. The taller one, a slim male with kink-filled, wavy baby blue hair that reached to his mid-back in length, had been staring at the teacher with wide eyes, as if waiting for something to be said.

The other, a girl whom was more mutated than normal, seemed to jump in place eagerly at the idea of even having a class to participate with in the first place. She had never been to school- a public one, that is. She was home schooled as a kid, so the whole 'socialize nicely' thing wasn't particular her experience. She just wanted to make friends, after all.

Glancing over at a sudden tap on her shoulder, the blue-haired boy lifted up a white board to her face, making the succubus squint at the Japanese written out for her.
Are we going in?

Yukiji lifted her gaze and nodded her head, grinning ear to ear. "You two ready back there? I'm so fuckin' ready to meet these assholes that are all over the news." Yuu cheered, a happy grin on her face despite her friends obvious nervousness over this whole thing.

Re: TAKE MY HAND && raiden! [private] - raiden - 11-15-2018

Re: TAKE MY HAND && raiden! [private] - miss ririchiyo - 11-15-2018

Ryuu seemed to not notice the soft spoken student's whisper, still grinning up at Yukiji- as if he was waiting for her to say more. She held his attention almost always- he knew she always had something to say regarding a situation, and such was proved when Yukiji, in fact, heard what was whispered. "Sorry, sorry. Sailor mouth." Yukiji apologized, grinning sheepishly at the other. Really, she couldn't control her own mouth sometimes, but Ryuu didn't seem to mind as Aizawa nodded towards him, sliding the door open to reveal the classroom- Thirty desks sat in rows of six, and Yukiji had to squint to look at the students as she walked in first, toxic green and black hair flipped over her shoulder sassily. She seemed to walk with an abnormal amount of confidence, her usual shit-eating smirk on her face despite the anxiety bubbling inside of her.

The class was loud, rambunctious, and it made Yukiji snicker when she heard an explosion go off somewhere. Once all four new transfer students stood side to side in the front of the classroom, Aizawa let out a loud grunt- the air around him just yelled 'shut up and listen', and it made Yukiji herself squirm in anticipation. It didn't take longer than a few seconds for the class to shut up as demanded, and Yuu nearly died laughing from this. Was Aizawa-sensei so terrifying? She had heard some rumors about him, but she never put too much effort into getting to know him.
"From this day on, these four students will be transferring into our class. Introduce yourselves and pick a seat that's open." Aizawa's sleepy voice was grumpy, groggy from lack of sleep. Could it be the night hero work and day teaching job? How did one even do something like that- let alone live without sleeping for this long?

Yukiji shrugged her shoulders, standing up straight with a cheerful smile. She could hear whispers amongst the crowd, and it made her whip-like tail lash behind her in slight annoyance. Rumors- shit talkers? She couldn't even tell at this point. Raising her voice a bit, she made sure to demand attention to her presence, her only visible eye slitting in excitement. "My name is Aburame Yukiji, my Hero Name is Succubi. My quirk.. You'll find it out eventually, it's not fun to spoil secrets!" She sang out, sticking her tongue out, the green appendage making a disturbed cough leave Yaomomo's mouth. Was it unusual? Probably. Some people considered her existence more of a result of a dual quirk, which it was, but whatever- she didn't care.

Moving her hand over to tap on the blue-haired boy's shoulder, the petite boy moved to stand forward, readying his hands to begin signing for the class. Yukiji watched his hands idly, before interpreting what the boy was signing to the class aloud.

"My name is Haruaki Ryuu, Feel free to call me anything you'd like! My hero name is Raijin, my quirk deals with weather!" Yukiji's voice seemed chipper, mirroring the boy's shy enthusiasm that she couldn't seem to copy herself. Fuck it, she'd even raise her voice to sound like his own. "I'm deaf, but please don't burden yourself with me. If you need my attention, just tap on my shoulder or something! Ah-" He was distracted a bit by a nudging feeling on his thigh, and his smile widened as he motioned for a golden retriever to step forward, which the canine did proudly, barking in greeting. "This is Frito, he's my service dog. During trainings he will be on the sidelines watching, so don't worry!" He rambled on, interrupted once more by the canine nudging him, as if telling him to stop rambling from his rising anxiety. Nodding silently, Ryuu stood off to the side, nodding his head to Tamoya to go next.

"Isn't that girl a babe?"
"Mineta, that isn't behavior you should display in front of new students!"
"Killjoy class representative."
"Shouldn't we be worried about how her hero name is literally Succubi?"
"Yours is literally Alien Queen, acidbitch."


Re: TAKE MY HAND && raiden! [private] - raiden - 11-17-2018

Re: TAKE MY HAND && raiden! [private] - miss ririchiyo - 11-18-2018

A plant that had its own personality? It was oddly similar to Tokoyami Fumikage's quirk, Dark Shadow. How unusual. Ryuu found himself staring at a certain blonde who seemed way too unhappy about this whole situation. Was it really that unusual to have transfer students at the near end of the year? "If you're all done, pick a seat. If you wake me up, I'll tie you to a flagpole or something." Aizawa finally grumbled, to which Ryuu eagerly nodded along to, reading his lips. He supposed it was only right to take a seat next to that blonde since the seat was open, seeing a red headed male behind him with a grin on his face. "Hi!" Ryuu's voice came out more robotic and monotone than he thought it did, but Bakugou visibly flinched at it.
"Don't yell like that, idiot." He unsteadily signed, his face red under the glare of his classmates. What- shocked he knew the language as well?

Yukiji, on the other hand, was already racing towards the purplenette, a grin on her face. "You're Shinsou Hitoshi, right? I heard about how you fought at the sports festival. Brainwashing, huh? We're the perfect partners, don't you think?" She chimed, laughing when Hitoshi buried his hands in his hair, scratching in obvious annoyance? Was that annoyance, or..? She couldn't really tell. "Tsukiyagi-san! Come sit in the chair next to me!" Yukiji whined, sitting in the back of the room, behind Hitoshi to stare. And stare some more. Maybe she was being creepy? She didn't really know.

The spot to her right was filled by Todoroki, but to her left it was empty, and she gestured for the plant-based quirk user to come sit by her. She'd be damned if she didn't let Ryuu socialize with other people.

Re: TAKE MY HAND && raiden! [private] - raiden - 11-23-2018