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a raven [★] CHASE THE WIND - Printable Version

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a raven [★] CHASE THE WIND - suvi. - 11-13-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
Few possibilties ran across the mind to give reason for a lack of a certain pup's enthuastic and energetic appearance.  Indeed, the young faerie had been quite absent for a few days, prone to disappearing for hours on end within the confines of her father's treehouse.  Occasonally, a loud, laugh-like caw-caw resonated from the building, but throughout the days, quiet reigned strongly.

Until a bright morning, the pup decended from the trees, a figure of dark feathers resting on her golden-furred back.  A friend, evidentally, found by chance.  What the child lacked in hunter instincts, she seemed to make up for with empathy and compassion.  The youthful bird -- a raven, marked by luxurious dark plumage and sharp eyes -- had found himself in a spot of bother, tangled up in vines.  A landing mishap, the pup figures.  Or something.

Now that he was fully recovered, Suvi excitedly brought him out into the sun, eager to show him around.  Since he seemed to have decided to stick by her side despite his recovered health, he ought to know the island she called home.  Maybe one day, he can see my actual home.  She loved the island, but the sea frightened her at times since her shipwrecked arrival, and she missed the green, open meadows where her siblings lived.  Well.  She quite liked living with her father, at least, since they'd been separated for so long.  Maybe through her friend -- Fiachra the mute girl called him -- she could reach her siblings somehow.

For now, she felt quite content in her place here.  A warm yellow glow radiated off her fur as she dropped into a playful crouch as Fiachra hopped onto the sand.  He seemed more incline to exploring than playing for the moment though, and soon the minnow began tailing him around the bay, tail wagging happily behind her.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: a raven [★] CHASE THE WIND - APHRA CIPHER . - 11-13-2018

it was funny to think that aphra lived here in the typhoon, considering how she hated the way the sand stuck to her fur. it was why she didn't like going into the ocean at all, or getting wet period, since the sand would cling to her white fur much more, dirtying it in the process. despite that, aphra did enjoy the beach and was sunbathing whenever she heard the sound of a loud caw-caw, making her open her eyes and raise her head. it took a few seconds for her to be able to focus, but eventually aphra noticed a pup trailing after a bird.

slowly, aphra rose to her paws and stretched, making her way towards suvi. she didn't bat an eye towards the raven however, thinking that it just might fly off as she approached. "are you enjoying yourself, little one?" she hummed, smiling down at suvi.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: a raven [★] CHASE THE WIND - Grey - 11-14-2018

He told himself that he didn't want to ever approach this family again. He hated their stupid language, he hated the fact that they were so closed off. Bakugou didn't like to share how he felt with others too but to make such a display of it in front of those around them made him furious. He at least had the decency to check up on them. He could very much ignore them, let them fade into the backdrop, stop caring about their lives. He felt even more bitter after having saved Keona from the fire, remembering the awful heavy smell of the the burning Capricorn. How was repairing it even going to go down? They would have to gather wood, nail things down. While Bakugou had Earth elementals, there is a limit to how much he can hold, how much he can carry. It was better to leave the heavy lifting to those who were bigger, those who were like Luciferus or - as much as he hates to admit it - Owen. The ragdoll holds back a growl from the thought, displeased at the idea that he will have to surrender his usefulness to the likes of others. He hates it even more when he remembers the memory of Goldenluxury trying so hard to protect him from Caesar, going so far as to project multiple images of himself. He didn't want to be protected. He didn't want to be viewed as vulnerable. And yet the only thing vulnerable was his sense of pride, breaking and rippling.

Not knowing that the child is mute, he quietly decides that he still doesn't feel like talking to those belonging to her family. It includes the girl, the male still bitter over the situation because he was petty. It's easy for him to be caught up and hold grudges against others, even those who weren't at fault. "Are children supposed to glow like that?" he can't help but ask in a soft grumble, irritably twitching an ear whilst he speaks to no one in particular. He draws his eyes away. Bakugou knows that there are plenty of strange powers and mutations that exist within this world, by now he should be used to the peculiar occurrences but he still finds himself questioning them time and time again. The ragdoll feels himself sigh before sitting along the beach, Suvi and Aphra still visible in his peripherals. He isn't watching them but he will likely notice or hear anything strange if it so happens to come up. Normally it is Bakugou who will shout at pirates for lounging around, not doing any work, but for once he can see why they might do it. It's easier to unwind the tension in his shoulders, the stiffness that sits on his back. The salty smell of the sea seems calmer when he's not moving or doing work.

Re: a raven [★] CHASE THE WIND - Luciferr - 11-14-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"Found yourself a friend I see Suvi" a quiet rumble came from behind Bakugou as the dragon, currently a hellion, idled up to the group - quietly eying Aphra for a moment, so cold to her own but so seemingly caring for other children - before his attention redirects back to Suvi having seen her, keona and kian around before - the little fae family an oddity perhaps but they fit in with the other stranger things of the typhoon.

he is likely off later to attempt to help with the rebuild quicker - and he thinks the fond memories of the old tavern will have to be rebuilt as much in the new repaired one - he hopes the prior inhabitants aren't jaded toward staying there again but he wouldn't blame them if they were.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: a raven [★] CHASE THE WIND - raziel - 11-14-2018

Ah that bird.  The dire wolf huffed quietly as he trotted over, having spotted his darling girl from the palm he'd been reading under. He'd been avoiding her feathered friend, having quickly learned of his michievous nature.  Still, Raziel looked at his pup with a fond smile, knowing the bird was already displaying signs of a loyal friend.

"Fiachra," the faerie announced, flicking an ear.  It'd taken some effort to learn her chosen name for the raven, but Raziel was nothing if not patient and determined.  "Good to see him up and about, a leanbh."

To Bakugou he smiled with some amusement.  Truthfully... He didn't know why Suvi glowed but she did, and he'd noticed quickly the color oft meant something.  "She's always done that..." His shoulders rolled back in a lose shrug.  Her golden fur, illuminating yellow... She was happy, and for that he beamed as well.

"Makes communication a lot easier," he added in soft voice.  "I always know how she's feeling at least." That's the reason, he thinks, that her body glows... "That, and children are supposed to be the light of their parents' lives," he offered more brightly, chuckling.  His light, Suvi certainly was.

// Mobile post ++ translation
A leanbh = my child

Re: a raven [★] CHASE THE WIND - APHRA CIPHER . - 11-14-2018

aphra shrugged at bakugou's question. "powers are a thing, are they not?" she responded, barely looking over at lucifer as the large dragon came over and spoke to suvi. soon, suvi's father came over and aphra looked him up and down, her tail tip flicking thoughtfully. "communication?" she asked, raising an invisible eyebrow at raziel. "she uses the light to communicate?"
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: a raven [★] CHASE THE WIND - suvi. - 11-15-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
The pup smiled happily towards the friendly voice, her deep brown eyes gleaming as she regarded Aphra.  Her head bopped up and down in a quick nod -- following Fiachra was rather entertaining -- while her feathered friend puffed up his feathers.  A defensive young avian, and soon Fiachra had refound his perch on her back, letting lose a loud CAW.  It was about as intimidating as the pup's howling attempts.  Her ear flicked, sheepish but amused.

Lucifer required more effort to make eye contact with.  Suvi blinked, then raised her head, tail swooshing to and fro.  She'd tailed the dragon once or twice, on the border.  Fiachra spread out his wings, in an attempt to look just a little bigger.  Suvi was glad he didn't fly off, considering Lucifer could be scary to those who didn't know him.  She aimed a playful nip at the bird in rebuke, who bounced back onto the sand.

She glanced at Bakugou curiously, emitting a soft blue shine.  The minnow thought little of her strange ability.  She'd been glowing since she'd been born, or at least long enough for her family to be used to it and the family she'd reunited with here to soon feel the same.  Her father was a perfect example of that, and she bounced over to his side, conscious of his quieter voice.

She let out a inquisitive whine, before smirking at Fiachra.  The raven regarded Raziel coldly, eyes narrowed.  No doubt an evil plot was being hatched in his mind.  He really was a michievous bird, but he especially seemed fond of making life difficult for her father.  She wasn't sure why.

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[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn