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VITAL SIGNS (intro) - Printable Version

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VITAL SIGNS (intro) - ADARA - 11-13-2018

female the typhoon venandi pack
//retro to territory burning
A brightly-colored head lifted, wings ruffling as Adara took a few steps forward, venturing out without her siblings or mother by her side, a rare sight to see, and somewhat of a shock for the young raptor as well, though from the confidence she was exuding, it was hard to tell she was bothered by this fact. The only signs of it was the cautiousness she displayed, present in the form of an outstretched neck and erect crest, as if she was struggling to see above the taller foliage, beady eyes darting back and forth for any threats.

Like the rest of her siblings, she had held little to no affection towards the Typhooners, or the other ferals inhabiting what she strongly considered her and her siblings' territory, except maybe mother. Mother was the exception. Mother fed them and watched out for them, from the moment that they hatched. In Adara's eyes, outside of the pack, Mother was the only one worth protecting. Whether she considered Lucifer an official member of the pack was a bit unclear, even to her, her bond stronger with the creatures she could communicate easily with.

Sickle claws tapped as she made her way closer and closer to the camp, the bright coloring of her feathers actually helping her achieve this rather than acting as a handicap. From a very young age, Adara was quick to realize that the bright colorings were better than something such as dusty colored feathers, which stuck out like a sore thumb here. Much like a tiger would use their bright stripes to their advantage, Adara did the same, using it as a way to taunt her targets, a flash of bright color more than enough to send fear into the hearts of their prey, prompting them to run in the other direction, herded like oblivious sheep to the slaughter. And she relished that feeling more than anything.

For now, a soft chitter could be heard as she crept closer, trying to get a better look to scope out anything that could be eaten by the turkey-sized raptor, claws flexing in anticipation as she did so, craning her neck to get a better look.
© madi

Re: VITAL SIGNS (intro) - FELIKS - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]He never had been able to finish off his rabbit after Caesar caused a disturbance. The gryphon was settled in camp, talons pinned over the mauled prey once left abandoned as his tail lashed. A black beak was still tipped with a dried, reddish stain from the meal, yet as others walked past him, he couldn't stomach consuming another bite. Thinning forms should've never turned down easy food, especially when it wasn't certain when it'd come next, the Privateer was tiring of having strangers catch such things for him though. One day some mean old bastard would realise he never hunted and poison the meal that was brought to him, near-immortality through reincarnation wasn't enough for the male to feel comfortable with being content.

The faintest of noises dragged him away from his thoughts, emerald eyes removing their gaze into the abyss and back into reality. Slowly Feliks looked up, claws tapping against the ground one by one as bright feathers came into view. With the threat of 'naked' raptors around 24/7, it was easy to forget that Lucifer was raising some of his own, and whilst the male had been taking silent note of their patterns and size, this dinosaur wasn't as familiar to him. Just how many feral prehistoric chickens is this group willing to raise? If they weren't ancient relatives, not by blood but by species, the high position would've certainly had more to say about the risks of letting savages roam freely like this.

Loyalty wasn't what they needed to make him feel comfortable, it was sense. Many couldn't be trusted to leave their knives away from your backs, but those same creatures wouldn't bite unless given reason. The pack had reason of course, food, innocents were the best way to hunt since they were about as likely to run as Dodos... didn't mean it justified long forgotten animal behaviour though. "Oi," he called bluntly to the young beast, presuming it hadn't already been attracted by the smell of death. He removed his grip from the rodent quickly, picking it up and tossing it towards the raptor. If he couldn't eat it then fuck, might as well give it to someone who didn't care about the mauled presentation of the dead creature.

Re: VITAL SIGNS (intro) - Luciferr - 11-14-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
welll considering Lucifer had all the time in the world, he would have said - had Felik's word's been vocal - that he'd raise as many as he could deign, Lucifer was nothing if not an all around parent - whether they called him mom or dad not really mattering to him considering.

still he shifts from the edge of the shadows with an amused hum as he watches another of his group chitter around - and some small luck that he could talk to them but given his age in relevance to the planet he walked on, well he knew a great many languages, feral or nay, forgotten or not.

"Found another of my children Feliks?" he hums quietly.

/everyone continually baffled by luci's fam of raptors always amuses.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: VITAL SIGNS (intro) - ADARA - 11-14-2018

female the typhoon venandi pack

Adara turned her head in time to see the mangled rat heading her way, sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight moments before she jumped, strong legs propelling her upwards with ease, a few droplets of blood staining the yellow feathers around her beak as she snatched the rat out of the air, beady black eyes still filled with suspicion as they bore into Feliks, but she dug in nonetheless, meat, fur, and bones making their way down her gullet.

Of course, Adara's stomach could handle such hard-to-digest substances. Her jaws were built for snapping bones, and the delicate ones in this rat were made quick work of, still eyeing the griffin warily the whole time, until a familiar voice was heard.

"Mother." A purring could be heard from Adara, who quickly trotted up to Lucifer, the scraps that had been left hanging in her mouth, an offering to mother, though, it might not feed her much. It was like a cat who offered their owner dead creatures, in a sense, except it was because she respected Lucifer, not because she felt that he was useless and couldn't hunt for himself.
© madi

Re: VITAL SIGNS (intro) - FELIKS - 11-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]A snort of satisfaction escaped from flared nostrils as Adara took his offering, at least grateful that he'd be free from being lizard food for another day. It would always be difficult for a towering creature to fear something so little (lest he was an elephant and the other was a mouse), but Feliks had seem how vicious they could be in packs first hand. Whilst he may not have been shaken right to his core, the mutual caution shared between sentient and non-sentient was enough to make him realise that the good deed wouldn't be appreciated. Loki was a loyal bird, often bringing little gifts to symbolise a friendship forged on trust... no such thing would happen here. "Your welcome," he mumbled to himself, bemused as the prey became further unrecognisable with every tear of its flesh.

Lucifer's voice caused his fixated gaze to waver, flickering towards the black dragon and proclaimed 'mother' of the raptors. "Remind me never to get married to you," he joked hoarsely, trying to keep track in his head of how many he'd seen now. "It'd be the worst family gathering I'd ever attend. Can't even communicate with the in-laws, a blessing in many situations, but a curse here. Couldn't imagine what I'd have to say to make these folk share the food around in a civil matter," he rattled on, smirk only partially covered by dipping his cranium between his paws. "What's this one's name then?". Might as well make conversation with Luci, since barking profanities at Adara was out of the question.