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i’ve learned to lose you can’t afford to / joining - Printable Version

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i’ve learned to lose you can’t afford to / joining - coriander. - 11-13-2018

The long stretch of river seemed to go on for miles, which could be doubled in length considering his small size. Every wobbling step he took barely appeared to bring him any closer to his destination — if there was a destination to begin with.  The estuary didn’t seem to have a beginning nor an end, so his journey could be either meaningless or rewarding. After all, Mama always said that if a waterway has a beginning it has an end — where it ends is where he’ll find a stable shelter. Whatever ‘stable’ means. This wasn’t his home. The surrounding area looked absolutely nothing like what he’s familiar with. Every visible inch of the grasslands there were smells, new sounds, a new emotion. What was it? It was a heavy feeling that weighed down in his chest, climbing up in his throat and strangling him. His short legs stumbled to a halt, his small head turning as his eyes observed the spacious area. Where was his mommy? He’d been searching for her ever since he wandered too far from the nest which was... Two sundowns ago. His lower lip trembled, a clear sheet of tears forming over his bright blue eyes. He had no one to protect him or keep him warm. No one to tell him bedtime stories or comfort him when he woke up from a nightmare. Coriander’s legs ached, his stomach empty and grumbling ferociously. This — all of this was so new to him. The lilac point’s head lowered, clenching his eyes closed as a sob shook his tiny frame. ”I want mommy...” he whimpered softly, lowering his belly to the ground with his tail curling around his paws.

Re: i’ve learned to lose you can’t afford to / joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 11-13-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
Atbash had to get used to her new clan's territory, especially considering how with only one eye, navigating around would be hard. Back in Snowbound, things were easier since she memorized the territory before Stryker took out her eye, but unfortunately, that was not the case with The Ascendants. The sound of tears in the distance made Atbash halt in her steps, ears pricked as she tried to follow the sound.

"Hey," Atbash called out gently to Coriander (whose name she didn't know, of course), and slowly tried to approach the young child. The savannah's steps were placed down carefully as she walked, lowering her head to try and convey that she wasn't going to hurt him. "Do you know your mother's name?" Hopefully she was somebody in The Ascendants and they could find her, though Coriander didn't seem to hold the scent of the clan. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." She added in a soft tone, now trying to curl herself around Coriander.
bio | female | observer of the ascendants
© madi

Re: i’ve learned to lose you can’t afford to / joining - coriander. - 11-13-2018

Coriander’s first few weeks of life were fairly static. His mother never moved him from their warm nest not a single time, only traveling just enough that she could hear his call at a reasonable distance. His attention had shifted to a beetle crawling across the grass to a butterfly, chasing it while his mama’s back was turned. The colorful insect took him so far from his home that he couldn’t even retrace his steps. His eyes were still adjusting so most things were blurry, and his other senses weren’t yet reliable. ”Hey,” The sudden voice caused his muscles to tense up, head inclining to meet his blurred vision with whoever found him. A... Very tall cat. She looked weird. Not like any cat he’s ever seen. He sniffled, swallowing thickly to rid of the lump trapped in his throat. His mother’s name? That’s a strange question. ”It’s-it’s mother. That’s her name.” She had no other name besides for mother, mama, or mommy.

Re: i’ve learned to lose you can’t afford to / joining - ATTICUS - 11-14-2018

▹▹▹▹ What was this? Atticus had been out patrolling the borders when it was Atbash's voice that had caught his attention first in the distance. Mother's name? Hurt who? It was curiosity alone that made the large jaguar paw's turn as he followed the trail of voices into the distance, his gaze alert as he wasn't quite sure what he would find when he got there. A child, likely, given the nature of the conversation; but on the other hand, that greeting could have involved a heavy dose of sarcasm to some unruly joiner, too. It wasn't long until his first, and most realistic, expectation came true. His paws came to a gentle stop some feet away from the small kitten, and Atbash, who had taken to trying to comfort the child. He took a slow breath in, for a moment seeming as if he might just walk away given the way his sharp, golden-eyed gaze pulled away from the young child, but instead, he too sunk low to the ground, trying to make himself look less imposing somehow. It's mother, that's her name.

It was one thing Atticus did not need to make clear to anyone that this child was both lucky to be alive, and far too young to be out here on their own. "And what's your name?" he asked carefully, his voice soft, albeit a low rumble as his gaze softly turned to the scrap of fur that was the kitten. "Are you hungry?"


Re: i’ve learned to lose you can’t afford to / joining - agathe. - 11-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]Agathe knew that she should have heard the voices, analyzed the situation from which they rose, and then turned to head in the exact opposite direction of them. It didn't take a lot of self-awareness to understand that she was not a charming individual, much less in the eyes of a child, and she did not doubt her ability to make an issue ten times worse by simply extending a more... brutal alternative to her clanmates' words. And yet, she strayed closer nevertheless, nothing but muted curiosity dancing in vivid golden eyes. Another stranded kitten looking for their mother? How many of these things were they going to take in? She was already on edge following Titan's sudden disappearance and loathed the idea of handling this clan alone. She was not fit to be here, but she could not leave.

So she merely fixated her attention upon Atticus, cold expression not once wavering. Agathe did not offer sympathy or compassion to anyone let alone a kitten in dire need of its mother. As much as she desired the respect of her people, the Astral Seraph was not willing to sacrifice that much of her personality. Not yet. Maybe not ever. "Can you take care of it?" She inquired bluntly, a single brow arching up, "Somebody is going to have to." The snow leopardess did not believe for one moment that Coriander's mother would return for him. Rodion's hadn't- why should she expect anything different? Heaving a sigh, the cloaked girl would turn a sharp gaze upon Cori, contemplating her next words very carefully. "I'm Agathe," She finally settled with, looking especially grim as she rolled her shoulders, "We'll take care of you."

Re: i’ve learned to lose you can’t afford to / joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 11-14-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
"I'll take care of them," Atbash quickly offered upon hearing Agathe's question. The savannah she-cat stared down at Coriander with concern on her face. Poor thing, She thought. It made sense he didn't know his mother's name; he was young. Perhaps it was stupid of her to ask such a question. "We're a group called The Ascendants," Atbash explained, hoping that the information wasn't too much for the child to keep track of. Everyone was referring to 'here' - herself included - and Coriander probably didn't know what 'here' was. "My name is Atbash."
bio | female | observer of the ascendants
© madi

Re: i’ve learned to lose you can’t afford to / joining - ONISION. - 11-15-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
12 months old

physically hard
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius
possession & mental manip.

"Not a very empathetic person, are you, Agathe?" Onision mumbled from behind the Seraph, his tail lashing behind him as he walked over to see what the Hell was going on. It seemed they were kid magnets- did people always leave kids at the borders? It annoyed him, honestly.

Still, Onision had came to stand beside Atbash, multi-colored gaze warm as he tried to use mental manipulation to offer a sense of calm to the child. Fear wasn't good, but Onision knew the child would think better when they were calmer- it'd be easier to get the child inside that way, anyways.

Offering a calm nod towards Atbash, Onision stepped back and away from the duo, lowering his head to smile a bit at the kid. Damn his love for kids.

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: i’ve learned to lose you can’t afford to / joining - BILLIE - 11-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; font-family: raleway; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]kids, billie learned long ago, seemed to like her. not all of them, but certainly many of the ones she'd met. they'd crawl over her and swat at her tail, paw her earrings until the silver loops made sounds.  the only real problem was that billie didn't really like them.

she didn't overtly dislike children. still, she didn't quite enjoy her hair getting pulled on or being used as a jungle gym. she always figured that she'd like her own children, or a more mild mannered children, but she'd never had the opportunity to interact with any that fit the category.

she she naturally felt out of her element as she approached, gaze shifting from the small child to atbash, wondering exactly how he ended up inside of their borders, motherless. still, she decided not to speak, figuring she'd somehow make this painful situation worse.

Re: i’ve learned to lose you can’t afford to / joining - coriander. - 11-16-2018

It wasn’t sarcasm but a simple fact — or rather a distorted truth. To Coriander, his mother’s name was nothing besides for what she had told him and it wasn’t much to begin with. His developing mind couldn’t comprehend another identity. Soft, but heavy pawsteps caught his attention, ears twitching and swiveling centimeters to the left. Who was that? Did he just imagine it? As soon as he focused on the sound, it stopped, so after seconds of waiting he pressed himself closer to the ground. More tears flowed down his cheeks, that unfamiliar, unsettling feeling only swelled in his chest. Oh, oh. That was a very big cat. Was it even a cat? He had dark splotches and piercing eyes that were so scary. However, his low voice asked him a simple question, appearing to not be of much harm but he couldn’t be too sure. His mama always told him not to speak to strangers but… What if he couldn’t find her and strangers were all he could speak to? ”M-my name, um, is Cor-Coriander and yes I am, mister…” he murmured, his words followed by a low growl emitting from his stomach. He sniffled, the sound a disgusting slurp as he turned to rub his runny nose on his own tail.

While Agathe lacked warmth and sympathy, he was her exact opposite. He expressed warmth to any living creature he’d come across. Whether it be an insect or a mouse, he thought about its precious life and wanted to treasure it. Maybe he was a bit too empathetic, but he was a child. Would you expect any less from someone as young as him? Mind filled with unwavering optimism and eyes overflowing with wonder. As another large cat — that didn’t look anything like a cat, save for whiskers and a tail — approached, Coriander appeared to relax his tense muscles just a tad, thinking that maybe if the first splotched creature was nice, the next would be. ”Can you take care of it?” A voice, cold and equipped with barbs stabbed his ears, folding them back to press against his head. Did she not like him? Did he do something wrong? Mommy, mommy. I want mommy. The intimidating huntress introduced herself, putting a name to a stoic face.  ”He-hello, miss Agathe. I’m Coriander,” Well, he couldn’t be rude, now could he?

The first odd-looking feline offered to care for him in place of his lost mother. His eyes blinked slowly, watching the female closely with his eyes widening and eyebrows lifting. ”Really?” Slowly, he rose from his lowered position, ears erecting. The Ass-endints? That’s a weird word… Was it even a word? His face scrunched up a little, realizing the first syllable was a swear word and those were bad. Very, very bad. ”That’s a bad word,” He mused aloud, whiskers twitching, ”It’s nice to meet you, miss Attabash.” he whispered, unknowingly butchering her name. It was catchier, anyway. A wave of serenity passed over him that wasn’t his own, banishing the weighted sensation in his chest and finally allowing him to relax. It seemed to appear around the same time a massive… Creature arrived. What was he? He wasn’t as big as the other cats, but… This was definitely not a cat. Surprisingly, his presence didn’t bring up that horrid emotion again, in fact he felt safer around him. The not-cat even smiled at him, so he grinned right back at him, taking an unsteady step toward him to extend his neck out and give his paws a sniff before attempting to brush the top of his head against his arm. The arrival of another member didn’t phase him, in fact he turned a little and lifted a paw to wave at Billie since she didn’t speak.

Re: i’ve learned to lose you can’t afford to / joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 11-16-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
Agathe's comment was a bit rude, though Atbash didn't mind it too much. Everybody had their different opinion and feelings on children and some happen to just not like them; and she respected that. Atbash let out a little purr on amusement at Coriander's comment regarding The Ascendant's name, as well as his mispronunciation of her own. "No, no. Think of it like az-send-ants. It's not a bad word, see?"
bio | female | observer of the ascendants
© madi