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DANGER ZONE | BIO - Printable Version

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DANGER ZONE | BIO - ADARA - 11-13-2018

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[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: gray; margin-top: -16px;"]ADARA !
full name. Adara
nicknames. answer

sex. answer
gender. answer

physical age. answer
mental age. answer
spiritual age. answer

group. typhoon
rank. answer
titles. answer

species. utahraptor
appearance. Adara is much more colorful than some of her siblings, sticking out like a sore thumb. Most of her body is a bright teal, the underside of her body and most of her tail sports this unusual coloring, and reddish-brown feathers make up her head, neck, and back, with olive green feathers lining her forearms, hiding deadly claws beneath this appearance. Bright yellow is stained on the feathers around her black maw, which is perfect for hiding the blood after a particularly messy meal.
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. answer

deep inside.
positive traits. trait. trait. trait.
neutral traits. trait. trait. trait.
negative traits. trait. trait. trait.
personality description. Among her siblings, she could be called the least aggressive, at least, by those outside the pack. In reality, she is just as brutal as the rest, just is aware of her own limits, and accepts them, preferring to fight another day than to die trying to prove a point. She's much more cautious, essentially, but if she is threatened, she will not hold back.

Adara is not leadership material, and knows this, making less of an attempt to establish herself as leader as some of her other siblings, and is quite fine, as long as she doesn't end up on the bottom. She will back up those she believes is in the right, or those that she feel are strong leaders.

In Adara's mind, the pack comes first, no exceptions. She holds no loyalty to anybody in the Typhoon outside of her pack, except maybe Lucifer, and even then, the bond is stronger between her and her siblings than between her and Lucifer, and she's willing to abandon him if the pack as a whole deems it necessary, even if he raised them. If you see one of her siblings, it's highly likely she will be trailing closely behind, protective as always. She shows no mercy to anybody she deems a threat, or food.

One thing Adara does not accept, though, is sudden or extreme changes. She does not do well with change, and this will extend to strangers or newcomers. It's simple: if she doesn't accept you when she first meets you, it's highly unlikely she ever will.

Cleaniness is a must for her. After every meal, particularly messy ones, you can always find her preening, and she will spend most of her free time doing so, inspecting every feather for any trace of dirt.

Adara is also quite greedy, not just with food or attention, but with territory and power, not just for herself, but for the pack. For now, her goals will remain small, but as she grows, so will her ambition. She views the Typhooners and other packs as competition, obstacles that must be removed.
mental disorders. answer
emotional disorders. answer
quirks. answer

goals/dreams. answer
fears. answer

history. answer.

generation. 1
parents. NPC x NPC, adopted by Lucifer
siblings. Virgo, Exodus, Ament

romantic orientation. answer
sexual orientation. answer
crushes. answer
love interests. answer

romantic partner. answer
children. answer
best friend. answer
mentor. answer
apprentice. answer
enemies. answer
