Beasts of Beyond
EVERY SCAR WILL BUILD MY THRONE // joining - Printable Version

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Oh, how Caesar was pissed. The demon made his way towards The Pitt with a scowl on his face, claws digging into the sand as he walked. Black blood occasionally dripped from the deep wound on his chest, though he didn't seem to realize it was there. But oh, he knew. Pincher had attacked him and caused him to black out and promptly exiled him from The Typhoon. Fine. The former Head Officer growled to himself. I know a place where I will truly be accepted. The Pitt was ruthless, living a life where there were no rules. A place where Caesar would be happy.

The savannah stopped at the border, his tail tip flicking as he waited for somebody to approach him. Perhaps he should have hid the scent of The Typhoon on him but he figured he could just explain why he was here. To which he did, "Before you try to attack me." He cleared his throat, hoping to catch the attention of someone. "I was exiled from The Typhoon. I'm here to join."

Re: EVERY SCAR WILL BUILD MY THRONE // joining - Stryker - 11-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Stryker heard the rumors floating around of the Typhoon getting their own panties in a twist, but truly did not hear what was going on there. The Typhoon, as per usual, was a mess. Goldenluxury was having mommy issues, Pincher was being an emotionless grunt, and the rest were all hoping to get their attention while they had a stick up their ass. They had no purpose. Those faulty pirates held no fantastic flare, only flaws caused by their own problems. Seeing that they recently fought against the fools, the ardent knew that was very much true. After the tavern was set aflame, something had risen in their hearts and they finally decided to take actions instead of sitting on their ass. To him, it was funny. Unknowing to him, the problems within their own midst relied on Caeser. If the lion knew what the former higher position did, he would be welcomed with open arms and with no argument... but he didn't know.

Sand brushed annoyingly against his pads as he wandered over. A small snort left him. "You haven't even said your name," came his cocky call. "Just give me that and you're in, Savvy." Savannah cat jokes... "You must tell me why you were exiled too, as it is my business to know." They couldn't give habitat to someone that would endanger them.


Ah, the leader himself. Caesar's large ears flicked whenever Stryker approached and spoke. "I would have thought you'd know my name." He mused, shrugging a bit at the Ardent's question. Although lying was something he did often, The Pitt was a ruthless clan and the demon was no reason to lie. "Name's Caesar Cipher." He went on. "I was exiled for attempting to kill Bakugou and Pincher." Perhaps that was a little bit of an overstatement, though he truly did want to kill the leader and one of his deputies.



Re: EVERY SCAR WILL BUILD MY THRONE // joining - Grey - 11-19-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]/ fingerguns i got u

She doesn't like feeling angry. It stops her from seeing things clearly, stepping back and observing. Most of the time, when she is in a conversation, she only ever thinks of the best comebacks once it is already too late. It also doesn't help that when she is infuriated, all her feelings of rage will turn into sadness, causing the girl to hiccup and cry because she was so upset. Maybe it is because she lacks direction and confidence in herself. She doesn't understand why tears always threaten from simply being too angry. All she knows was that it wasn't a nice feeling and she doesn't like being overwhelmed. She is most defenceless when she is emotional, never sure how to deal or cope with them that she simply collapses like a castle of cards, toppling into a mess and leaving memories to haunt her for months to come. She swallows dryly as she drags herself through the desert, hating her decisions to move to The Pitt in the first place but too lazy to quit and leave. She doesn't understand why she hadn't really factored in the group's weather when it came to deciding to join but, considering all the trouble it took, she may as well keep patrolling about the border and look for something to do.

It was then that she notices a yellow figure up ahead, body dappled with black patterns before noticing that he was a Savannah and the same lion had approached. He was the one who didn't say anything upon her joining so her feelings towards him were neutral. The only one she was glad for was the one who had spoken up about some Pittian's three-second rule, the fem smiling briefly at the thought, grateful for his input. She is getting closer to the pair now, flicking an ear when she arrives just in time to hear the male speak, noticing the thick smell of sea salt. The ocean. She would have loved to live near the ocean. Even if there was sand on a beach, it was far better than sand dune after sand dune. If she had heard correctly, they were a bigger group too but she wasn't sure if she would rather side with enslavers or pirates - they were both awful. Caesar Cipher. The name doesn't ring a bell but it's likely because she avoids group news unless she is traveling close to their territory. She does, however, twitch her tail when she hears that the male had attempted to assassinate two members. Pincher was The Typhoon's captain, was he not?

The names mean hardly anything to her when the dark serval speaks up, an alabaster breath escaping her lips. "Welcome to The Pitt then," she says seeing that Stryker had only demanded for the joiner's name. Then was his explanation for why he was exiled, unsure how to address it but acknowledging the other's words. "We don't take killing members lightly though..." she decides to add, but isn't quite sure about 'attempted' murder. Maybe one would be restrained instead - shackled, chained and humiliated. She isn't quite so sure about the rules of this place because she has only been here for about a day. As far as Pan is concerned, all of her inside knowledge of The Pitt stemmed from rumours and hearing conversations such as a frog-hybrid killing a Pittian and running off. "Do you need anything else?" Turning around and continuing on her own accord feels awkward to initiate.


//thank youu

Anger was almost second nature for Caesar. It came easy for him, and he acted out on it very often. Hence why he even attempted on murdering the Captain and one of the deputies he had just promoted only mere moments before. Caesar's gaze flickered over to Pan as she came over, quietly studying her as she spoke to him. "I felt no loyalty to The Typhoon in the first place." He admitted with a nonchalant shrug. "The Typhoon has always disappointing from the very start. The Pitt, however," He looked over at Stryker with a smile. "Has proven to be ruthless and merciless. A group I would truly devote my loyalty to." But usually words were not enough, were they? "I will do anything to prove my loyalty if that is required."

Re: EVERY SCAR WILL BUILD MY THRONE // joining - Grey - 11-21-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Loyalty. There's a reason she finds it hard to trust others. It is hearing words such as this that unravels her discomforts. While she appreciates the honesty, there is a cold air that leaves her skin, expression unreadable. Ruthless, merciless. She doubts The Pitt can be those two qualities all the time. They were rather forgiving of her trespassing, not particularly barbaric so far. Maybe it is Pan who is misinformed. "I trust you," she says without a second thought, not daring to glance at Stryker for his reaction. To be honest, she wonders if he is the type to humiliate her for her words. She wouldn't like that. It would make her ears grow hot and cause her to wish she'd perish on the spot, melt and seep into the sands from embarrassment. The serval, however, knows that she is only being polite to the newly joined male - she doesn't trust him at all. She trusts him as much as she trusts another Pittian. "My name's Pan," the girl then adds, squinting a little in amusement, "Like a frying pan except I don't fry things." She does the opposite, actually.

Re: EVERY SCAR WILL BUILD MY THRONE // joining - Stryker - 11-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Stryker had a feeling he was just saying that to impress those that had gathered, but the lion kept his mouth shut and smiled profusely as if nothing was wrong. Pan seemed to trust them. The ardent wasn't going to protest against her words, but instead tried to sway the perspective so he could see through her own eyes... No, he still seemed suspicious. Still, he went with the flow. "If you say so," the lion enthused. His words were drawn out and loose, as if he was displaying confidence. "Welcome to the Pitt, Caeser." As Pan continued to speak, he let out a snicker. Frying pan... He'd definitely bully her about that in the future. She'd definitely be roasted... Jokes... Hah.... Never said he was a comedian. "And I'm Stryker, the ardent here."