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The hunt - gator hunting event - Printable Version

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The hunt - gator hunting event - Morgan - 11-13-2018

Morgan had been preparing for days to get things ready for the first event in a long while. Tanglewood, though rich in random junk-based resources, had little to offer in the way of weaponry. However, he did find a few things, which he had left in a rusted metal bucket to his left. To his right lied some scattered pieces of clothing - potential camouflage.

Climbing up onto the town square's statue, the General howled out to call over any interested Tanglers.
"Tanglers, it's time to hunt! It's time to get ourselves the food we need to survive!"

Once a few others joined him, he continued,
"I brought some weapons with me: a few knives, a little hammer, and a machete. Take whatever you think you'll need. I've also got us some things to wear if you want to blend in with the forest or swamp, so wear what you can. We'll be going gator hunting."
The samoyed turned toward the nearest entrance to the swamp.
"This won't be easy. If you've not fought one of our gators before, just know they can snap your bones apart in a single bite if they wanted to. They've got tough hides, too, but if you try aiming for their necks and bellies, you should be alright."

As he spoke, Morgan shifted some water around himself to form the front half of an armor set as well as a long icy spear.
"Don't expect to get out without being hurt. I'm hoping we'll be alright, but I don't want to make any promises I can't follow through with."
Indeed, after the ordeal during the previous month, he found himself feeling less and less omnipotent. His friends could get hurt, and he couldn't necessarily do something to prevent it from happening every time. Sometimes he just had to let them do what they thought was best.

"Anyway, if you're ready, let me know, or ask me any last questions you might have. I won't blame any of you for turning back now, but just know that the bigger our fighting force is, the better chances we have of getting a good haul today. I'm counting on all of you."

Re: The hunt - gator hunting event - DELILAH. - 11-13-2018

Tracking! Will reply when I get home from work!

Re: The hunt - gator hunting event - HAMMOND - 11-15-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]A growling stomach was the first reminder that Axle had yet to consume a meal this week, Morgan's call was the second but a more prominent reason for the Heeler to escape his self-made isolation. Slowly the canine approached, only coming to a standstill when their prey of choice was revealed. Gators. Tough meat and tough animals to kill, had the tri-coloured male been naive enough not to keep an eye out on the levels of other prey animals in the area? Frogs, lizards, snakes, creatures that weren't particularly tasty but edible none the less, what had happened to leave the Captain resorting to something dangerous? High risk high reward, the Guardsman supposed, the temptation to eat well later on at least made him less skeptical of the idea.

One crocodile could probably feed a couple of clan members, whereas aforementioned cold-bloods would barely provide a snack for them. He had to remind himself he wasn't alone here, that it'd be a pain for everyone if all the little things were hunted to extinction here. Teeth gritted behind a serious frown, Axle started thinking of ways to catch the gators off guard. He couldn't pretend that he hadn't interacted with them before, neither could he admit to having vast knowledge on them. Many of the guard dogs, him included, had enough sense to leave the larger creatures alone. "We should..." he paused, trying to think of a way to say his advice. What words went where?

"Careful of water,". Dragging a gator away from the water would be good, but being dragged into it by an equally hungry menace would paint the grimy swamps red. Though it'd be his clanmate's own fault if they didn't handle the task correctly, he figured a warning would at least serve them well as a reminder not to be cocky.

Re: The hunt - gator hunting event - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-21-2018

hmm food that would be nice..."I'm in" *he said with a decent amount of gusto as he looped his head through a knifes sheath strap, securing it so he had quick access if he needed."what does gator even taste like if I may ask?" He was very curious and very excited to be usefull and not just a useless husI with no identity.

Re: The hunt - gator hunting event - spacexual - 11-23-2018

Whatever this male is yelling out, it does not matter. All is irrelevant once the large Siberian tiger hears the words "hunt", "food", and "gators". The idea was received from those few words and he needn't listen to anything else. He lets out a low rumble, keeping a distance from each individual and simply huffing to himself. "Frrrood," he grumbles, his front paws hitting the ground impatiently. Why bother waiting for these creatures to hunt? It is in his nature to do so alone, after all. Well, he feels as if there would be a greater chance of a successful hunt if he were to wait. The prey would be more distracted with more targets. He could surely take one down himself, given the right moment. Even the beast knew better than to leap into a pile of gators.

Re: The hunt - gator hunting event - arcy - 11-26-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Jim never really messed with the gators. They were perfectly capable of killing him when he was like this, unfortunately, because Jim was kind of bad at fighting. He'd gotten his ass kicked more times than he'd liked. More times than he was used to, even -- Jim was the king of bar fights. .. Until he wasn't, of course.
This being said, Jim is one part wary, three parts delighted by this new event, here. Jim isn't dumb, though, despite his glee. He'll probably get hurt -- he just had that sort of luck. Hopefully not killed. It'd suck to die again, but this time to a gator. At least his first death was honorable. Anyways -- Jim was an adrenaline junkie. Fighting gators? Just his thing.
He tries to push down that glee for the moment, though, listening to Morgan explain. Did these people just eat gators? Hopefully not raw. He'd been doing his best to limit himself to cooked food, but he'd have to give eventually. Jim shakes his head. Now's not the time. For now -- Jim trots over to the items Morgan has tucked away. Clothing was strange to slip on as a dog, but it was familiar. He shuffles a few times, getting comfortable in his limited clothing items, and considers asking to partner with somebody. .. He glances around. Jim is not particularly enthused to try and bond with any of these people. So, instead, he scoops up a machete. He'd had one of these back on -- offplanet. It'd been useful. Not that Jim had a sliver of a clue how to fuck to use it with paws. Was he supposed to hold it in his mouth? Either way, he didn't have grip. Jim considers this warily as he regards the machete he'd pulled out. Jesus. Well, it's not like he could bite through a gator's hide with his teeth, he sighs. Challenging this idea would probably not be a good idea, no matter how much he wanted to.
"Think I'm ready," He tells Morgan, lifting the machete with his teeth contemplatively. Not as secure as he'd like it but .. decent. Hopefully 'decent' would be enough. While Jim, according to Bones, had the worst luck with injuries, he tended to get out of the most hopeless situations with his life intact, and that had to count for something, at least.


Re: The hunt - gator hunting event - Ignis ex Luna - 11-28-2018

hmm ignis liked this new dog he looked honorable and maybe he could be a friend "I uh... I could trade with you if you want it might be easier for you to use cause its lighter" he pulls of the dagger strapped to his back offering it to Jim.

Re: The hunt - gator hunting event - Morgan - 11-30-2018

"Alright then, looks like we've finally got enough of you here. Get any preparations done while you still can, because we'll be heading out in just a few minutes now."
Morgan was more than ready to finally go and hunt, as it felt like he had been waiting for weeks on end to begin.


Getting to the swamp took only a short time for the small group; upon finding a decently large pond of sorts, Morgan stopped in his tracks.
"Everyone, wait a bit - I'll make some choke points."
Breathing in and out in a consistent rhythm, he formed spiky walls of ice that turned inward from the water's edge. The walls had two openings on its ends to allow for a pair of bottlenecks.
"The gators won't really have a choice but to come out of those two spots, so watch them closely. About half of the group should be on each end, so split up however you want."

Creeping closer to the hole farthest whence he came, the General waited a moment for the others to get into their positions.
"Be ready for my signal. They're fast, the gators."
The canine floated a little ball of water just above his head. After waiting just a little longer, he nodded and took a sharp breath. The sphere burst out as a signal just as the murky water's surface rippled rapidly in many directions. The samoyed had created brief, fast currents to agitate and disorient the pond's residents, hoping to draw them out. As expected, the alligators began to crawl out of their hiding spots, with two approaching the split group through each of the bottlenecks. Without another word, Morgan stepped back to ready himself for an attack.

Re: The hunt - gator hunting event - Ignis ex Luna - 11-30-2018

[color=orange]Ignis had been ready for a decent while stomach rumbling a bit. he had followed morgan to one of the bottlenecks and crouched low preparing to attack dagger in one of him apelike paws and looked to the general nodding that he was ready. This was going to be a fun hunt, he just hoped he didnt get hurt too bad that would really suck.

Re: The hunt - gator hunting event - arcy - 12-01-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Jim regards the stranger. Machetes were cool. He used to have one. .. It's kind of difficult for him to acknowledge things are different now. He just wanted a damn machete again, for old time's sake. (granted, he had just been a kid hellbent on ruining his own life back then.)
"... Yeah, sure," Jim gives, dropping the machete with a clatter, grinning. Damn. His teeth hurt. An exchange is a good idea. This being said, Jim hobbles awkwardly so that he can nudge the machete closer to Ignis with a paw. "Looks like machetes aren't my thing anymore. Thanks," Ugh, lighter. As much as Jim's ego opposes this, Jim isn't keen on getting killed trying to hunt gators because he wanted to be smug with a machete. He's .. not going to lie, that's a thing he probably would have done in the past.
As Jim accepts the knife, Morgan's call sounds. Jim's ears prick as he spins to regard the other canine. Okay, soon. .. Enough time to figure out how to use a dagger, at least. Jim hasn't used anything but a phaser in so long, it's .. weird. Not like he'd be able to use one like this, anyways. Seriously, paws.
This wasn't turning out quite how he anticipated, but it's not a big deal. Jim wasn't sure what he expected anyways -- I mean, this place's customs were far from what he was used to. He's in the same group as the guy who'd given him the knife, but it's not like Jim particularly cared, anyways. He wasn't particularly fond of any of the people here, though they seemed fine.
.. Aw fuck. What was the signal? The water ball the canine, Morgan, had? He'd guess so -- Jim wasn't really paying attention, earlier. But .. well. It wouldn't really matter anyways. Jim would make a move now anyways, with the damn alligator. The canine scrabbles back, scarcely avoiding the jaws of one of the reptiles. Jim, at this moment, decides he despises alligators. He didn't like them to begin with anyways.
.. It hurts, using the knife in his teeth. The canine winces, having scrabbled past said alligator to stab the reptile in the back. It .. doesn't go terribly well, piercing past the hide, but it doesn't make a deep mark before he has to withdraw. And his teeth fucking hurt. He was probably holding it wrong.
